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OP pays $300K per month to Freedom House operative

July 26, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

 ….Kwame Mc Coy rakes in $335,000 per month
A request by A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Joseph Harmon, as it relates to the names and designations of persons terminated as a result of the 2012 Budgetary Cuts, has revealed that at least one Freedom House operative, Mahendra Roopnarine, earns $395,000 per month. And the salary is paid by Office of the President.

Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh, yesterday presented a list to the National Assembly representing the list of persons unable to access their salaries.
Among those persons unable to access their salaries, according to Dr Singh’s information, is “Press Undersecretary, OPL” Mahendra Roopnarine whose salary payable at the end of last month was $395,000.

Roopnarine currently hosts the weekly programme “Getting it Right,” which used to be undertaken by the then Junior Health Minister Bheri Ramsaran.

Roopnarine was also a staple on pro-government television channels during the 2011 Election Campaign.

Controversial Office of the President figure, in the person of the President’s Information Liaison Officer, Kwame McCoy is being paid $334,850 per month. McCoy’s designation is listed as a ‘Communications Coordinator.’

It was also revealed that Government Information Agency (GINA) which had its Budget reduced to $1, pays its Director Neaz Subhan $295, 530, while GINA’s Editor-in-Chief Shanta Goberdan earns $295,460 per month.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon, is listed as being paid by Office of the President, a salary of $895,326 while his Deputy, Hydar Ally is paid $550,064.

Office of the President also pays the son of Former Attorney General, Charles Ramson, $430,196 for the position of Technical Legal Director.

Major General (ret’d) Joseph G Singh who has been retained by Office of the President as a Special Assistant to the President is paid some $667,440 for his services while OP’s Protocol Advisor Eshwar Persaud is paid $268,000.

A Cabinet Monitor Officer named Leroy Cort also earns from Office of the President some $155,628.

“Presidential Pol. Liaison Officer” Chitraykha Dass earns $255,000 for his services while Parliamentarian Reverend Kwame Gilbert also receives $294, 585 for his services as a ‘Community Develop. (Social Policy Officer).’

Cheddi Jagan 11, the Attorney-at-Law earns from Office of the President $489,666.

Desmond Kissoon, the Presidential Political Liasion Officer Region Nine, earns some $280,000 while Clive Lloyd, the President’s Advisor on Sports earns $721,000 in this capacity.

Reepu Daman Persaud the ailing Pandit is listed on the June payroll for Office of the President to receive $412,320 for his services as an Advisor to the President while former Regional Chairman for Region Six, Zulfikar Mustapha earns for himself as Head, Community Relations Liasion Officer some $307,600.

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity.

The entire Ethnic Relations Commission has listed $372,434 to be paid to its Chief

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That's the opposition job to expose government operative's salary when it seems objectionable. We would also like to see the salary rate for operatives in the oppositions to make a comparison and find if any law is broken by over paying government personnel.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity.


Hope she is worth every penny.

Oh GOD she deserves every Penny.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity.


Hope she is worth every penny.

Oh GOD she deserves every Penny.

Ah hope she saving some of it. Some day, all that goan end and even a penny she will come to treasure. Ill gotten money is never blessed, especially when so many Guyanese are having a hard time feeding themselves.


The Jagans knew how to recruit liabilities to the State.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira, earns for herself $967,985 from Office of the President in that capacity.


Hope she is worth every penny.

I am confident she earns every penny. I would like to see similar salary of opposition personnel as I requested to make a fair assessment. I think it's a reasonable request since OP personnel's salary is in dispute with the oppositions.


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