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Former Member

Open letter to President Granger
May 4, 2016

Dear Mr. President,
FOR at least the past two months, there hasn’t been a day when the crime situation in Guyana has not dominated the headlines of the more popular dailies.
One has to be real naive not to observe that violent crime is on the rise, and that there is no evident macro plan to counter this.
The noticeable absence of any type of proactive approach seems to be a motivation for anyone with a gun to get into the business of armed robbery.
I am forced to deduce that this is all happening as a consequence of the lack of visionary leadership at the level of both the Ministry of Public Security and the Guyana Police Force. This situation is further compounded by the tragic conditions prevailing at the Georgetown Prisons, which also falls under the ambit of the Minister of Public Security.
Minister Ramjattan is obviously out of his depth at this Ministry, and his Police Commissioner is like Alice in Wonderland.
While I understand the provisions of the Cummingsburg Accord, Mr. President, I urge you to consider removing both Mr. Ramjattan and the Commissioner of Police from their respective appointments, before the crime situation escalates to a catastrophe and brings your government down.
While Mr. Ramjattan may be a clever lawyer, Public Security is definitely not his forte. He is a round peg in a square hole at the Public Security Ministry. He is unable to fill the requirements of his portfolio, and should be reshuffled to a ministry for which his qualifications make him suitable.
This is my humble advice as a concerned citizen.
Lieutenant Colonel (retired)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is a possibility that some of the crime wave is allowed and even sponsored against Indians as a way to initiate self imposed cleansing and a way to go after Ramjattan and get that position under one of the PNC ex-GDF dead-enders!  Some of this seems orchestrated!


Quote by: Gilbakka

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. 

Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. 

This is more his wish than his prediction!!!

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

There is a possibility that some of the crime wave is allowed and even sponsored against Indians as a way to initiate self imposed cleansing and a way to go after Ramjattan and get that position under one of the PNC ex-GDF dead-enders!  Some of this seems orchestrated!

Base, this could very well be the case. But the clown Rumjattan likes being taken for a ride by the PNC and is scared shyte of Horman and Granger.

They treat him like a stray dog.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The State Controlled Chronicle boasted crime decreased by 19%.. It's like the press in Pyongyang.


It is called Jumbie stats from the AFC/PNC clowns.

yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The State Controlled Chronicle boasted crime decreased by 19%.. It's like the press in Pyongyang.

It is called Jumbie stats from the AFC/PNC clowns.

It's Burnhamism again.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
yuji22 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The State Controlled Chronicle boasted crime decreased by 19%.. It's like the press in Pyongyang.

It is called Jumbie stats from the AFC/PNC clowns.

It's Burnhamism again.

100 Percent correct. These days are back.

Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. 

That is a statement of FACT substantiated by prior and succeeding events. Plain and simple.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. 

This is more his wish than his prediction!!!

The lady presumes too much about Gilbakka.


Eh Eh Gil,

I see that you are still defending the sheer incompetence of the AFC/PNC clowns.

What is Donkey Man Rumjattan doing ? Is he still asleep at the switch ?

I expect a lot better from a fair minded individual like yourself.


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