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Former Member

Dear Amral,

As a member of GNI, I have seen many members express their opposition as DJ as the new owner of GNI.

As you are aware, this forum is probably the only Guyanese forum in the world where Guyanese can truly express their opinions freely.

Based on what I read, the founders intent was to give Guyanese an independent voice. 

DJ has openly and shamelessly defended the PNC actions despite the openly and strong  condemnation from the international community including the highest level of US government officials. 

DJ resorted to deleting and threaten members to continue deleting their open condemnation with a pro PNC bias during this time to combat electoral fraud. 

This does not bode well for the future of GNI. I understand that you cannot change your decision is there was a financial transaction involved but if it was not then, I appeal for you to reconsider this decision in the name of free speech.

If transition is purely to cover the cost of paying for the hosting of the website that that shouldn’t be a problem for anyone else to afford. 

I appeal for other members who have expressed objection to DJ to lead GNI forward while he continues to act like a PNC official to express their voice in this thread.

Amral, you a fair man and please don’t penalize me for expressing this concern.


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Princess Ksazma has been quitting for over a year now. Last mention was about leaving end of 2019. Still here. Not going anywhere. What is he going to do from 5 am to midnight if he is not posting lengthy diatribes and shitty analysis on a GUYANESE forum, in spite of his many proclamations that he cares nothing about Guyana? How fked up is that? LMFAO!


If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. GNI is still the only Guyanese forum where freedom of speech counts for a lot. It's also the most reliable for political information from people on the ground in Guyana, no matter who has run it over the years. But Amral is a reasonable man. He knows the colour of money. So make him an offer he can't refuse if you think you can do a better job.

Classic open letter by the newbie , quite interesting , in my late twenties i was back-stabbed by an affiliated PPP labor organization .I moved on the same same day ,it was revealed and standing today a better person. Still support the PPP ,assist in the 1992 Elections to elect the PPP. The party have taken a turn ,that i  am in disagreement  ,for some i became an outsider.
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Last edited by Django

I promised that I will get back to you guys on my decision. 

I have given this a lot of consideration and eventually felt the time was right to move away.

This forum has been in existence for almost 25 years.

I was lucky to be at the helm for  23 of those years.

And the forum went though many changes and upgrades in those years. (D2 can attest to that)

Over time, I have seen many other Guyanese Forums come and go.

Yet GNI Forum continued to survive. Think about it, we were here before YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and others 

We survived, because of you the members, you hung around. Though many left and some even returned after awhile.

But this place served as playground for many of us, to hang out every day and late in the nights. We fought, cursed, ridiculed, share our joys and sorrows and comfort each other in time of need.

I remember the passing of my mother and then the sudden passing of my wife all in the space of 10 months. You were all here for me. 

I have always said that I rather be here hanging out, than going to a bar to hang out.

I want to take some free time to enjoy my grandkids and do a few other things on the side rather than posting and hanging out here everyday. 

I leave the forum in good hands with Django. He may be rough around the edges but give him time, he will be fine.

Come June, I will hang up my status of Administrator, and will only be here to offer any tech support that Django might need. 

At that time also all emails, and all reports will be directed to him, instead of coming to my email.

What the future for the forum holds, I really do not know. But I hope it survive for a few more years. The next generation of Guyanese are not interested in coming here, only us the old timers still come and go.

As each one of us leave this world it will slowly fade.

But until then lets all try to keep the spark.

The GNI main webpage will always be under my control.


Wonderfully said, Amral. But do not despair, there are new members such as myself who intend to stay and contribute to the success of GNI. This include lending financial support when and if needed.

I am confident in @Django's ability to lead this forum and website. I hope to still see you around @Amral

Do you think it is money that kept this site going or that Amral lacked support from us?  You and Django can stay. D2 is gone this is stormborn signing off. I cannot tolerate frauds. I hope Amral give a courtesy call to Safraz and tell  him his site is ending up with the new dictatorship I was here since this site was a BBS...22 years...I leave now in protest.

Last edited by Former Member

I have decided to join D2 in protest and  as such I am departing GNI's emerging dictatorship which will soon be in the hands of DJ. D2 can never be replaced, his departure is like as Kaz says shutting off an individuals accident.

To Ray, you are a decent and respectable person.

To Amral, thanks for giving us place to express our opinions freely, it will soon come to an end when DJ takes over.

To those who remain, All the best.


I have been on this site as long as D2. Over the decades the man has pissed off so many posters, dey all buised him down and he likewise to dem. Leslie definitely was the first on here with anti-indo sentiments. I doan see no oxygen in dat, he sided with almost every negro that came on here against cooolie ppl. He feels that all indians are from dalits.

My views on his parting company with GNI.


That Siggy is because you were not able to grasp his true nature. D2 probably cussed me out more than he cussed out anyone because I used to have very strong views about everything and was unwavering. I am still very unwavering about evil and that is why I oppose the PNC so much. But D2 took the role of teaching everyone he communicates with that it does not have to be their way or the highway and I believe that in most cases he succeeded in doing so. Indians should not be exempted from criticism. That is my problem with blacks and their apologists. They want to behave badly and when you criticize them they immediately clutch on their race straws rather than recognize their behavior and make necessary corrections.


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