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May 16, 2016 Source

Dear Editor;
Minister Ramjatttan, this is an open letter to you.  A few career criminals are on the loose. Why do they have to kill their victims? All societies – rich and poor – have these bandits.Bandits in some societies, however, have an HONOR CODE – they will take your money – but would not kill. Guyanese bandits do not hesitate to torture and kill their victims.
Even when there is no need to kill, they kill. (Wakenaam businessman is a case in point; Perry Mars is another). I happen to know Perry Mars personally. He is a true patriot. He chose to retire in his native country. He did not deserve to be killed by bandits – a scourge that is sweeping this nation – and the govt. does nothing about it. I ask that you develop a Carrot and Stick strategy to deal with this National problem.
(1) THE CARROT. Promote an Honor Code that simply teaches criminals Not to Torture and Kill their victims. Develop a handbook to teach this concept. Send your Social Workers into the prisons to teach the Honor Code. Recruit reformed and former bandits to teach in the program.
(2) THE STICK. Pass a law with the following elements:
(a) Swift Justice: If a bandit who has just killed his victim is caught within a few hours, have him tried by a military tribunal. If he is found guilty, have him executed by firing squad – all within 5-days.
(b) Set the law to expire at the end of 12-months. The idea is to send a “Shock and Awe” message to all would-be criminals. If this category of “torture and kill” crimes is not reduced by 90% in 12-months, the parliament can debate whether to extend the law for another12-months.
As Minister responsible for public safety, you do not have the option to do nothing while this “torture and kill” category of homicides escalates. Many leaders around the world, including Jagdeo, became enamored of Mayor Giuliani who was very successful in reducing the crime rate in NYC. (in the 1980’s the annual homicide rate was 2600; today it is less than 400).
The truth about Giuliani is that he did not hesitate to take draconian measures to deal with tough situations. You may or may not choose to emulate Giuliani; however, you should take note that these types of killings that are taking place in Guyana in recent weeks are not your regular run-of-the-mill homicides.
And, therefore, Govt. needs to gear up to deal with this new challenge. You need a tougher Shock and Awe law that carries a heavy dose of deterrence. It is time for you to act. Build a reputation for yourself (as Giuliani did for himself) – and save this country at the same time.
Mike Persaud

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