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I found this on the internet. Should there be an investigation with FBI Cold Case help?The problem is that WPA now working with PNC.


If the PNC deny that they killed Rodney, then why have they tried so hard after his death to bury his legacy? Remember the madness on the day of his funeral? Military helicopters circling overhead and police and soldiers in combat readiness? The many versions of his death put out by the state. The charging of Rodney's brother Donald for Rodney's death. The PNC did not see it fit to honor Rodney in any way or fashion during the twelve years they ruled after his death? Why?

But the PNC are not the only ones guilty of Rodney's murder. The entire Caribbean, especially Guyanese in particular, must take responsibility for that crime. We allowed our Political culture to degenerate to the point where assassination became possible and acceptable. We remained silent after three PPP members were gunned down in 1973 as the PNC ordered the military to seize the ballot boxes during the elections. We turned our backs when Fr. Bernard Darke, a Roman Catholic priest was butchered in the streets of Georgetown by the PNC directed and controlled Rabbi Washington's House of Israel thugs, when Ohene Koarna, a WPA junior leader was gunned down, and when Edward Dublin, a WPA supporter was gunned down. We were indifferent when Vincent Teekah was murdered, thinking he got his due reward for crossing from the PPP to the PNC. By the time Rodney was murdered, murder had become an acceptable part of our Political culture, and we had lost our courage to stand up and be counted. Instead, we have indulged in all sorts of excuses. We engaged in any amount of rationalization to save our skin - "Rodney was a good academic, but a bad politician". "He was playing with mischief", "let the past be the past..."

It is this utter nonsense that has allowed the PNC to maintain its "innocence" over these years. It is time we stop this nonsense. Even our Present government is guilty of this. Every Guyanese and Caribbean Person must know that Cheddi Jagan publicly mocked Walter Rodney in 1980 when he told the faithful that instead of Rodney's Christmas present we got his body on a platter, referring to Rodney's exhortation to his followers that if they struggled hard enough, they might get themselves a Christmas Present, meaning the removal of the PNC dictatorship. We have living evidence that PPP leaders told their members in 1979-1980 not to bother with Rodney and "let the black people fight among themselves, we have been fighting long enough. " Oh, how sick can they get! No wonder they are opposed to an inquiry.

I am a believer in justice. We must not rest until justice is done in this case. I make three calls today. Fist, that we support the WPA's demand for Gregory Smith to be extradited and charged for murder in Guyana. Second, Dr. Jagan must publicly apologize for his 1980 statement about Rodney. Third, I hereby use this column to call for June 13, the day of Walter Rodney's assassination to be designated "Rodney's Day" and made a public holiday in Guyana.

Now that the investigation has begun, at least in the preliminary stages, we must let our voices be heard. If we believe that Walter Rodney must be properly honored in the land of his birth, let us fight for it. If you support you support a Rodney Day in Guyana, then write to the Guyana Embassies or directly to the government or the Caribbean Daylight. In honoring Rodney, we are honoring the best in us. All decent Caribbean people, all freedom loving people must join up in this campaign.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

Dr Walter Rodney was a threat to the PPP as well and Jagan was happy when Burhman got rid of Rodney.

The proof of that is Jagan and the PPP were requested on nemerous occasion to open an inquiery and they did nothing.

Jagan was an evil man.

Rodney was a menace to soceity, burning government building won't get you very far in life. 


why glorify this man, he's dead, life goes on, we have work to do.


Jagan wasn't an evil man, he was a good man. He just didn't play his cards right

Originally Posted by Churchill:

An inquest was conducted on the orders of the late and great President Cheddi Jagan sometime in the mid 1990's. The investigation was stymied after the French authorities refused to extradite the suspected murderer from French Guiana  . He was summoned to appear before the investigation panel .

Actually, a resolution was presented by the PPP/Civic to the National Assembly around the same time condemning the "assassination" of Rodney. The WPA opposed the use of the word "assassination" and demanded by way of an amendment the substitution of the word "killing." This amendment was also supported by the PNC.


Guyanese ought to start focusing on reforming the judiciary and police force since these two institutions are denying justice to the ordinary man on a daily basis. Are we not fed up to hear about the abuses of policemen on citizens and the blatant and shameless acts by magistrates and judges letting  criminals go free who are charged with horrible crimes such as murder and arson? A better society will emerged when people can truly depend on these two institutions dispense justice for everyone on a fair basis.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyanese ought to start focusing on reforming the judiciary and police force since these two institutions are denying justice to the ordinary man on a daily basis. Are we not fed up to hear about the abuses of policemen on citizens and the blatant and shameless acts by magistrates and judges letting  criminals go free who are charged with horrible crimes such as murder and arson? A better society will emerged when people can truly depend on these two institutions dispense justice for everyone on a fair basis.

BRB, what has the PPP done in the past 2 years to reform the judicial system?




Are you saying that if the PPP didn't do anything about what I commented on that makes it alright? If the AFC truly wants to replace the PPP as the main representing party of Indians or all Guyanese then they should support changes for the better of all without asking what the other party did. It is pellucidly clear that the AFC is only interested in partnering with the PNC to remove the PPP from office. This is pure selfishness.

Billy Ram Balgobin


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Are you saying that if the PPP didn't do anything about what I commented on that makes it alright? If the AFC truly wants to replace the PPP as the main representing party of Indians or all Guyanese then they should support changes for the better of all without asking what the other party did. It is pellucidly clear that the AFC is only interested in partnering with the PNC to remove the PPP from office. This is pure selfishness.

You have not answered my question. BTW, read your question slowly and see how insane it is.


BRB, what has the PPP done in the past 2 years to reform the judicial system?


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