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April 5 2019

By GHK Lall

I came across something that I just had to share with any section of Guyana that cares enough to desire fervently something different, and then to be willing to work tirelessly to contribute to making that difference a reality.

In view of the stormy history and even more combustible undertones of current elections struggles, I risk sanction for perilously stretching the edge of copyright violation, as I quote at length from the inimitable Theodore H. White in his masterpiece titled, Breach of faith: the fall of Richard Nixon. I simply felt that it is worth sharing the handiwork of an illustrious past countryman with current raging ones. It is an instructive cautionary note that Mr. White’s book is about power at all costs, maintenance of power, and misuse of power.

To extrapolate from Mr. White, America is neither Russia nor France nor England. For when all is said and done, and after all has receded into muted echoes, Russians will continue to be Russians, Frenchmen stay irreversibly as Frenchmen, and Englishmen immutably as Englishmen. I agree with that, and think it is undeniable.

What stopped me and left a profound impression is this extensive extract, which I quote in full from this book for the edification of my fellow Guyanese:

But America is different. It is the only peaceful multi-racial civilization in the world. Its people come of such diverse heritages of religion, tongue, habit, fatherhood, color and folk song that if America did not exist it would be impossible to imagine that such a gathering of alien strains could ever behave like a nation. Such a stewpot civilization might be possible for city-states—a Tangier, a Singapore, a Trieste. But for so mixed a society to extend over a continent, to master the most complicated industrial structure the world has ever known to create a state that has spread its power all over the globe—that would be impossible unless its people were bound by a common faith. Take away that faith and America would be a sad geographical expression where white killed blacks, and blacks killed whites; where Protestants, Catholics, Jews, made of their cities a constellation of Belfasts; where each community within the whole harden into jangling, clashing contentions of prejudices and interests that could be governed only by police.

I am tempted to offer my two-bit interpretations, but on this one occasion will stand aside and let the magnitude of this register with locals. I have an advantage: having lived in America for decades, I can attest to the stirring truths articulated by author White, inclusive of the idea and ideal that is America, flawed to be sure and still magnificently imperfect and incomplete. And having returned thus armed, and lived here long enough, I can further say with much conviction how distant men and mentalities are from that ideal, how resistant that we, Guyanese all, are towards expending a single sinew to drawing anywhere close to that “common faith.” We think of it, like it, want it, but are not moved to make it happen. To make the reciprocal sacrifices that are the hallmarks of greatness; or at bottom representative of the beginnings of something resembling an entity, any kind of entity besides boundary lines on a map drawn by others. For we see ourselves as Indian or Black first, and Guyanese last. Just ask.

Now I seek indulgence to continue with Ted White:

Politics in America is the binding secular religion; and that religion begins with the founding faith of the Declaration of Independence. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There is much to agree with; that has been possible for me. There is much with which to disagree; and which evidences a slow, tortured, work-in-progress. But it is a work of art and as agonizing as Michelangelo and his struggles with the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. That, too, is an integral aspect of the faith that binds. Ask the downtrodden and discriminated against and those who still have not made it, not had their slices from the banquet of Homer (Aeschylus), which is a longed-for infinitesimal fragment of the American Dream, and there is nowhere else where they would want to be, but America. Ever.

It is time to close on a high note. “Such language was almost incomprehensible to the non-English speaking peoples who were drawn to America in ever growing numbers seeking the promise. But the ideas were compelling and still compel.” And, “Though the millions of strangers who came here to become Americans could not read the notes, the melody of the phrases gripped them.” They did for me and still do.

This is the faraway standard to which I do not foresee that Guyanese can get to in several lifetimes from today. Perhaps never, once there is persistence with what has devastated. There is joy and pride in that which does not bind but brutalizes, in that which reduces to weeping and on knees before all watchers and almsgivers. I think that the men and women in this country are few and far apart, who aspire to great heights, and then configure will to make possible. Just not there. There is only the ugliness of the spiritually destitute, the morally depraved, and the nationally unsalvageable. We continue blindly, uncaringly, as Black or Indian first, and Guyanese second. Perhaps last, or maybe, even not at all anymore.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"We Guyanese locals don't want no advice from that overbearing highfalutin comebackee GHK Larr. He say he live in America for decades. He quote a Theodore White whitewashing all the real-life violence and poverty and racial profiling in America while praising the so-called binding quality of American politics. Why then did GHK Larr not stay in America? He come back here and insulting we about being spiritually destitute, morally depraved and nationally unsalvageable. We all that bad yet we appoint him to head we Gold Board. Well, Mr Larr, if you don't like how we living here, pack up your Theodore H White book in your suitcase and fly back pronto to America. We don't want no dual citizen lecturing us."

The above is a presumed typical Guyanese response to GHK Lall's presumptuous article.


When I lived in Guyana I was in the habit of playing Bollywood songs while in my car. I was also in the habit of giving rides to anyone who asks for a ride. I was never willing to deny me my heritage just because someone else didn’t care for it or had an issue with it. As a result, I had to tell some people that if they didn’t care to hear my music, they are free to exit my car. There are actually people in Guyana who would have the audacity to enter someone’s personal space and insult them. I never allowed anyone to behave in that manner when they were in my space. On the other hand, I had Indian coworkers as well as other acquaintances who enjoy their Bollywood culture but act like they didn’t when around non-Indians. I found that kind of behavior disturbing but I figured they are free to allow themselves to be diminished by others. I see Lall in the category of my coworkers and other acquaintances mentioned above.

VishMahabir posted:

If yall knuckleheads see yourself as Guyanese instead in Indos ans Afros, then the country would not be so divided...

Student, how do you see yourself, Dougla , Indo, Black, Chinese, Putagee GUYANESE? So that's your homework, Knucklehead!!

kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If yall knuckleheads see yourself as Guyanese instead in Indos ans Afros, then the country would not be so divided...

Student, how do you see yourself, Dougla , Indo, Black, Chinese, Putagee GUYANESE? So that's your homework, Knucklehead!!

People of the rainbow...we colorful and beautiful...and we gon soon become the majority in Guyana today...ask Django to show you de census figures. 

Encourage your kids to marry outside their caste, race and religion...the people gon be much happier in Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:

"We Guyanese locals don't want no advice from that overbearing highfalutin comebackee GHK Larr. He say he live in America for decades. He quote a Theodore White whitewashing all the real-life violence and poverty and racial profiling in America while praising the so-called binding quality of American politics. Why then did GHK Larr not stay in America? He come back here and insulting we about being spiritually destitute, morally depraved and nationally unsalvageable. We all that bad yet we appoint him to head we Gold Board. Well, Mr Larr, if you don't like how we living here, pack up your Theodore H White book in your suitcase and fly back pronto to America. We don't want no dual citizen lecturing us."

The above is a presumed typical Guyanese response to GHK Lall's presumptuous article.

typical "Guyanese" response, huh?

sir, the "presumptuousness" is all yours

what exactly is so offensive in GHK Lall's admiration for what Theodore White wrote?

that this piece by an Indo-Guyanese-American is being taken as an 'attack' on Indo-Guyanese says so much more about the depraved instincts of those Indos here lining up with their pitchforks, cutlasses and torches

the man speaks uncomfortable truths about the low-thinking, low-grade, crabdaag ethnic war in Guyana, and y'all vex because he shining a spotlight at the dark sectors of the mindset(s) that y'all dishonest ignars prefer to remain hidden

and yes, i happen to feel the same way as Theodore White about the high-minded, aspirational, evolving nature of the European - yes "European" -  project in North America intellectually midwived by the French Revolution

and yes, the atrocities getting there are jarring and manifest

but EVERY other major civilization in the world is at least 100 years behind!


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

typical "Guyanese" response, huh?

sir, the "presumptuousness" is all yours

what exactly is so offensive in GHK Lall's admiration for what Theodore White wrote?

that this piece by an Indo-Guyanese-American is being taken as an 'attack' on Indo-Guyanese says so much more about the depraved instincts of those Indos here lining up with their pitchforks, cutlasses and torches

the man speaks uncomfortable truths about the low-thinking, low-grade, crabdaag ethnic war in Guyana, and y'all vex because he shining a spotlight at the dark sectors of the mindset(s) that y'all dishonest ignars prefer to remain hidden

and yes, i happen to feel the same way as Theodore White about the high-minded, aspirational, evolving nature of the European - yes "European" -  project in North America intellectually midwived by the French Revolution

and yes, the atrocities getting there are jarring and manifest

but EVERY other major civilization in the world is at least 100 years behind!


Dont expect a response from KP and DrugB...dem still reading and trying to figure out the meaning of "presumptuousness"  ...

VishMahabir posted:
kp posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If yall knuckleheads see yourself as Guyanese instead in Indos ans Afros, then the country would not be so divided...

Student, how do you see yourself, Dougla , Indo, Black, Chinese, Putagee GUYANESE? So that's your homework, Knucklehead!!

People of the rainbow...we colorful and beautiful...and we gon soon become the majority in Guyana today...ask Django to show you de census figures. 

Encourage your kids to marry outside their caste, race and religion...the people gon be much happier in Guyana.

Rainbow is associated with Gay so you are coming out the closet. Don't be shy I will fix you up with Ronan he is looking ayuh two suit.

 You ever see a dog humping a sheep , well that's when you cross breed.  Well you don't care  you are looking for a he man. 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

typical "Guyanese" response, huh?

sir, the "presumptuousness" is all yours

what exactly is so offensive in GHK Lall's admiration for what Theodore White wrote?

that this piece by an Indo-Guyanese-American is being taken as an 'attack' on Indo-Guyanese says so much more about the depraved instincts of those Indos here lining up with their pitchforks, cutlasses and torches

the man speaks uncomfortable truths about the low-thinking, low-grade, crabdaag ethnic war in Guyana, and y'all vex because he shining a spotlight at the dark sectors of the mindset(s) that y'all dishonest ignars prefer to remain hidden

and yes, i happen to feel the same way as Theodore White about the high-minded, aspirational, evolving nature of the European - yes "European" -  project in North America intellectually midwived by the French Revolution

and yes, the atrocities getting there are jarring and manifest

but EVERY other major civilization in the world is at least 100 years behind!


Dont expect a response from KP and DrugB...dem still reading and trying to figure out the meaning of "presumptuousness"  ...

Vish, don’t trust that bugger BT Ronan, he try to hussle Kaz... today he said you soft. 


I am Indo-Guyanese and I am proud of being one. I am a fifth generation Indo-Guyanese. My ancestors came to British Guyana as Indentired Labourers in 1852.  I am Proud of how much they and others have contributed to the developmnt of Guyana and of me.. 

1. Being Guyanese and Being of East Indian heritage are mutually inclusive, despite the claims of some who think otherwise or that we are travelers and interlopers here. 

2. What irks me about the winter and many like him, is that they think that their time abroad makes them better than those who lived in Guyana all their lives. Somehow, living abroad makes them somehow purer, more intelligent, etc. this is debatable. They come back here and think that it is ok to pontificate, to talk down to Guyanese

3. It is indicative of the kind of man the writer is by the fact that his current position is one that resulted from political patronage, not merit or qualification and he fails to see that he is part of the problem. That he is the same as those he seek to denigrate. 

4. Some have argued that the underdeveloped  countries and the developed countries are two sides of the same coin. Some of those who moved to the developed countries then use that development to argue  that what they see around them as somehow making the individuals in those countries better that from those in the under-developed countries. Additionally, they close their eyes to to the fundamental issues related to race, religion, poverty, environment, etc. or seek to offer justification that are congruent with the national and global economic and political project.

And, yes, I am an Indo Guyanese who lived abroad for over 40 years and have returned home for the past 10 years, and inspite of the challenges, love it. No government job or government patronage. 


What’s the point.  In America people say Afro-American, Italian-American, etc.  Are the lesser American!

So what if people of Guyana say Indo-Guyanese, does that make them less Guyanese?

I am Indo-Guyanese!  

In America Indo-American-Guyanese!!

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

"We Guyanese locals don't want no advice from that overbearing highfalutin comebackee GHK Larr. He say he live in America for decades. He quote a Theodore White whitewashing all the real-life violence and poverty and racial profiling in America while praising the so-called binding quality of American politics. Why then did GHK Larr not stay in America? He come back here and insulting we about being spiritually destitute, morally depraved and nationally unsalvageable. We all that bad yet we appoint him to head we Gold Board. Well, Mr Larr, if you don't like how we living here, pack up your Theodore H White book in your suitcase and fly back pronto to America. We don't want no dual citizen lecturing us."

The above is a presumed typical Guyanese response to GHK Lall's presumptuous article.

typical "Guyanese" response, huh?

sir, the "presumptuousness" is all yours

what exactly is so offensive in GHK Lall's admiration for what Theodore White wrote?

that this piece by an Indo-Guyanese-American is being taken as an 'attack' on Indo-Guyanese says so much more about the depraved instincts of those Indos here lining up with their pitchforks, cutlasses and torches

the man speaks uncomfortable truths about the low-thinking, low-grade, crabdaag ethnic war in Guyana, and y'all vex because he shining a spotlight at the dark sectors of the mindset(s) that y'all dishonest ignars prefer to remain hidden

and yes, i happen to feel the same way as Theodore White about the high-minded, aspirational, evolving nature of the European - yes "European" -  project in North America intellectually midwived by the French Revolution inspired by the Reformation in Christian Europe and the ideals of the Enlightement

and yes, the atrocities getting there are jarring and manifest

but EVERY other major civilization in the world is at least 100 years behind!


major correction above just so i don't get crucified by the eagle-eyed

VishMahabir posted:
Dont expect a response from KP and DrugB...dem still reading and trying to figure out the meaning of "presumptuousness"  ...

Phony school bai, why you mention my handle? Like you want a good spray of shyte water pun yuh rass. See how I got snowey and django ducking fuh cover.

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face. You can change your citizenship but you cannot change your heritage. 

Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up


Even migration wasn't really able to change that reality for Guyanese. Consider the situation for Guyanese in New York, the mecca of migrant Guyanese. Guyanese Indians mostly pivot to Queens while Afro Guyanese mostly pivot to Brooklyn.  

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.  He picking up where FK left off!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.  He picking up where FK left off!

Like Freddie, Glen Lall is part of the problem which he seeks to chastise. Glen Lall is like Glen Beck. Both highly pretensive. Freddie is also highly pretensive.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.  He picking up where FK left off!

Laar is just trying to impress the Basil Williams of the PNC that he is very smart and they should listen to him. Look at the man's vocabulary, the ordinary semi-literate Joe who reads the newspaper will be asking "wah dis mean"?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.

read him again or ask somebody fuh explain it to you

you could learn something

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.

read him again or ask somebody fuh explain it to you

you could learn something

You must be a disciple of Basil Williams, Absolute Cummings-Edwards and  Absolute George-Wiltshire

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.

read him again or ask somebody fuh explain it to you

you could learn something

You must be a disciple of Basil Williams, Absolute Cummings-Edwards and  Absolute George-Wiltshire

the scattershot randomness of your 'responses' are amusing and sad all at the same time

but we all have our challenges

dribbling old age without having learned anything proper in life must be a b!tch

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

No.  Exactly what is he addressing still not sure.

read him again or ask somebody fuh explain it to you

you could learn something

You must be a disciple of Basil Williams, Absolute Cummings-Edwards and  Absolute George-Wiltshire

the scattershot randomness of your 'responses' are amusing and sad all at the same time

but we all have our challenges

dribbling old age without having learned anything proper in life must be a b!tch

I am not worried. I first consider the source...a racist serpent.

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

This man lall entitled to he opinion. If you ever lived in Guyana, there is no chance that on a daily basis you would not be reminded of your Indianess or Blackness first and foremost. It is always in your face.

thanks Captain Obvious

that's the reality he is addressing, isn't it?

try to keep up

He is addressing nothing, just pie in the sky. As long as people like you and cribby exist, there is no hope for race unity.  As an example of the hopelessness. When Guyanese move overseas, the blacks and indians make sure to diverge into different communities. Why is this? Water will find its way. Shoving nationalism down people's throats does not work. Even in Africa, you see tribal issues can't be overcome. Dream on. 


In America, racism is prevalent, played out everyday in one form or another. Polarization in America is strickly on race and each race adhere themselves culturally, be it music, literature or things that mold them into a force. It is a survival.

The dominant race is the whites and they enforce the laws  because they are a unique race. They are aware of progress. They do things to better lives and in the process jobs are created. They do things for leisure and the other races copy. It is the white races that are in the big stew(melting) pot though they are of differng languages and physical built. They do all the things as other humans, outwardly. But, they think differently.

In the land of Guyana, the ppl are not capable of independent thinking. Punishment by hardships, eventually suffering does not force the colored minds to reasoning. They will imitate their ethnic leaderships. 

"They will imitate their ethnic leadership", and close to seven decades that has been going on. You think ppl who have functioning brains will get up one morning and ask themselves,"why is it for generations living hand to mouth?"   

Perhaps, they need the middle ground. 

VishMahabir posted:

People of the rainbow...we colorful and beautiful...and we gon soon become the majority in Guyana today...ask Django to show you de census figures. 

Encourage your kids to marry outside their caste, race and religion...the people gon be much happier in Guyana.

Many of the Indo Nazis here see you as a disgusting piece of contamination. The only saving grace in their eyes seems to be (based on your name) that your father is Indo so no "pure Indo girl was defiled".

Look at how Yuji and Skeldon behave when anyone tells them that a female member of their family might marry a black man. Screams about how Afro men running around raping Indo females.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

People of the rainbow...we colorful and beautiful...and we gon soon become the majority in Guyana today...ask Django to show you de census figures. 

Encourage your kids to marry outside their caste, race and religion...the people gon be much happier in Guyana.

Many of the Indo Nazis here see you as a disgusting piece of contamination. The only saving grace in their eyes seems to be (based on your name) that your father is Indo so no "pure Indo girl was defiled".

Look at how Yuji and Skeldon behave when anyone tells them that a female member of their family might marry a black man. Screams about how Afro men running around raping Indo females.

Would you scream if Indo or white men rape Afro females. 

Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

"You can change your citizenship but you cannot change your HERITAGE."

Many thanks for the reminder, Drugb. 

Now some would think that your heritage isnt limited to the lands that your ancestors arrived from, but also consists of the heritage that one has developed from living in a multi cultural society like Guyana.

Yes in Guyana no one is culturally "Pure".  Your "Guyaneseness"
isnt confined to your passport or birth certificate.

But you being a PPP cannot understand this.  Try as you might those of India will not see you as being purely one of theirs.  This because they see in you evidence of being impacted by the many other cultures which exist side by side.

Deny this as much as you wish but your heritage has been impacted by living in a country which was greatly impacted by its British colonial heritage and by virtue of living alongside Afro creole people.  THAT is inclusive to your heritage, as much as that which originates in India.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Would you scream if Indo or white men rape Afro females. 

Here is the difference between me and you.  You scream only when Afro men rape Indo females.  I will object to ANY man raping ANY woman, regardless as to the race of the perp or the victim.

Drugb posted:
indians make sure to diverge into different communities. 

And yet Asian Indians want nothing to do with Caribbean Indians. Also it might shock you to know how many Indos live among black people in NYC.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Would you scream if Indo or white men rape Afro females. 

Here is the difference between me and you.  You scream only when Afro men rape Indo females.  I will object to ANY man raping ANY woman, regardless as to the race of the perp or the victim.

There is lots of difference between us. 

1) I never brought up the topic of rape, you did. 

2) I will castrate any man who rape woman.  

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
indians make sure to diverge into different communities. 

And yet Asian Indians want nothing to do with Caribbean Indians. Also it might shock you to know how many Indos live among black people in NYC.

Me know couple well inter marriage between Indo-Guyanese and Indians from India.  But true, some prefer Indian out of their place in India. Much have to do with religion and sect. 

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

"You can change your citizenship but you cannot change your HERITAGE."

Many thanks for the reminder, Drugb. 

Now some would think that your heritage isnt limited to the lands that your ancestors arrived from, but also consists of the heritage that one has developed from living in a multi cultural society like Guyana.

Yes in Guyana no one is culturally "Pure".  Your "Guyaneseness"
isnt confined to your passport or birth certificate.

But you being a PPP cannot understand this.  Try as you might those of India will not see you as being purely one of theirs.  This because they see in you evidence of being impacted by the many other cultures which exist side by side.

Deny this as much as you wish but your heritage has been impacted by living in a country which was greatly impacted by its British colonial heritage and by virtue of living alongside Afro creole people.  THAT is inclusive to your heritage, as much as that which originates in India.

Your erroneous assumptions are astounding. For the record, Gilbakka's heritage is cosmopolitan, though originating in India. It isn't only my ethnic lineage nor my religious and cultural heritage but also my intellectual heritage importantly. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
indians make sure to diverge into different communities. 

And yet Asian Indians want nothing to do with Caribbean Indians. Also it might shock you to know how many Indos live among black people in NYC.

Don't know about this assertion. I was never ostracized by Asian Indians. Only you keep braying about this. I have had various Asian Indos neighbors and colleagues for decades.  Its more about class structure. For instance I wouldn't live among low class like you, dj, mars or cain. Same with the Asian Indos.  You will also note that these Asian Indo neighbors and colleagues equally detest the Blacks, same or even more so than the Whites. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

For instance I wouldn't live among low class like you, dj, mars or cain.

You wouldn't be given the chance to "live among us".  You can only reside among us for a minute or two ..then casually flushed away.


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