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OPINION: Major-General (R’td) Joseph Singh must respect the law -Ramjattan

by Khemraj Ramjattan

It is a powerful statement indeed. A number of statements of similar messaging have come my way. Indeed it is stressful and debilitating to have to answer all the time. But as best as I could, I have fallen back on what is the best policy and posture in moments like these: the law and history.

As regards to the law, if we dispose of it we are all doomed! We must stick with it to the end. It will be bruising but it is all we have to cling to. Now that the Courts—both Chief Justice, Roxane George-Wiltshire and Justice Franklyn Holder—have ruled, there is a basis for what is to be done.

Secondly, as regards to history, I know of the Janet Jagan saga where a recount occurred and was overseen by Caricom, Cross Commission I think, but after she was sworn in. An elections petition had to be filed by Esther Perreira. I was in that case. Again, in 2006 when AFC won that Region 10 seat and we pleaded to have it corrected before results declared, then Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodhoo said, “Go file an elections petition”.

There must be a presumption of regularity of what Gecom does. We may suspect, have our concerns, be going crazy with what we believe might have gone wrong. But we have to believe until that presumption is rebutted. It is rebutted after an election ends and is completed by a swearing in of a President, and then by a Court with jurisdiction to hear witnesses, open and recount boxes…the whole gamut.

So Retired Major-General and former GECOM Chairman, Joseph Singh can say as he has done and we wholly respect that, but he must also respect the law.

He has already made up his mind that some faction of the party has hijacked the process from His Excellency. This is utrageous!!!…unless I am behind the clouds.

This country will be in huge problems whichever party wins. And we must not abdicate any responsibility to ensure these problems are solved. The surest way there is, is being guided by the law and lessons of history.

Mr Khemraj Ramjattan is a long-serving Guyanese politician and prominent Attorney-at-Law who has fought a number of election-related cases. He is currently a government minister and Leader of the Alliance For Change which he co-founded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

IMO, Khemraj Ramjattan has wittingly made himself a party to the disgusting and disgraceful actions the police have taken to stymie transparency within GECOM. Ramjattan has no moral right to tell Joe Singh to respect the law. Ramjattan should tell Claudette Singh that she is accountable for the PNC-orchestrated lawlessness in GECOM. Haul yuh arse, Ramjattan.


Here is a reply by Anil to Rumjat.

Mohabir Anil Nandlall
12 hrs · 


By Mohabir Anil Nandlall, Attorney-at-Law

I read a brief missive from, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, calling upon, Major General (Ret’d) Joe Singh, to respect the law. In it, he says:

“Secondly, as regards to history, I know of the Janet Jagan saga where a recount occurred and was overseen by Caricom, Cross Commission I think, but after she was sworn in. An elections petition had to be filed by Esther Perreira. I was in that case. Again, in 2006 when AFC won that Reg 10 seat and we pleaded to have it corrected before results declared, then Chief Elections Officer, Gocool Boodhoo said.” Go file an elections petition”.”

Unfortunately, Ramjattan does not explain what he means by “the Janet Jagan saga”.

I was around in 1997. Raging violence had erupted on the streets of Georgetown and in several parts of the country because of the delay that attended those elections results. Mr. Ramjattan was a leader of the PPP at the time. He would have known that the Commission made a UNANIMOUS decision to declare the results after they were satisfied that the PPP/C had obtained an “UNASSAILABLE LEAD” and had won the Government by a majority, as advised by the Chief Elections Officer. In other words, even if all the votes left to be counted were accorded to the PNC, they would have lost the elections.

It is in those unique circumstances that the results were declared and Mrs. Janet Jagan was “deemed” to be the President under the Constitution. Therefore, there is no basis for comparing the current circumstances to those which existed in 1997. Significantly, the ex post facto Forensic Audit, commissioned and executed under the auspices of CARICOM, confirmed the accuracy of the results declared by GECOM.

Unless he suffers from some lapse of memory, Mr. Ramjattan recollection of the events ought to be identical to mine.

As regards the 2006 elections, I also recall the contention of the AFC that they won Region 10 seat in the National Assembly. They filed an Election Petition in the name of “Walter Melville”. I appeared for the PPP/C. The Petition was dismissed based upon legal submissions I made.

Mr. Ramjattan then argues that there must be a presumption of regularity in relation to what GECOM does. I am partisan, so I will refrain from expressing a view. Instead, I proffer the observations expressed by The Commonwealth Observer Mission to Guyana, accredited to observe the 2nd March 2020 elections. They said, inter alia, the following:

• The repeated cessation of the tabulation process for a variety of irregular reasons.

• The Group did not observe any material or substantive impediments inside the tabulation room, which might have prevented the resumption of the tabulation process. It is the Group’s clear view that robust exchanges between political party agents in the room only occurred when the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) repeatedly halted the tabulation process.

• The unlawful declaration made by Mr. Mingo on 5 March at about 2pm, despite the tabulation process being halted.

• The unlawful 5 March declaration of Mr. Mingo was undertaken under heavy police guard; and his departure from the tabulation centre was guided and guarded by six police officers.

• The continued failure of the Returning Officer, Mr. Mingo, to comply with the 11 and 13 March orders and judgements of the Acting Chief Justice. On 13 March, The Chief Justice made it patently clear that actual statements of poll should be shown to entitled parties present. For the avoidance of doubt, the Acting Chief Justice demonstrated herself how this should be done and enquired “what was the difficulty in doing so” during the contempt of court proceedings.

• However, on resuming the tabulation after leaving the Court on 13 March, Mr. Mingo refused all requests from those entitled to be present to view the actual statements of poll and did not display the spreadsheet being populated. This compromised the process of ascertaining the credibility of the statements of poll relied on by Mr. Mingo to tabulate the results; and, it was impossible for party agents and those entitled to be present to observe that the numbers being called out were being accurately entered on the spreadsheet.

• In some cases, the tabulation totals announced by Mr. Mingo on 13 March reflected more voters than were entered on the list of eligible electors for certain polling stations.

• At no point did the leadership of the Guyana Electoral Commission halt or rectify these blatant instances of disregard for the rule of law and electoral ethics, despite its vested authority to independently ensure credible elections.

If the matters highlighted by The Commonwealth team amounts to regularity by GECOM, then Guyana should prepare for heavy snowfall tonight!

So, to Mr. Ramjattan I say, you must also respect the law and support a recount of the Ballots. After all, it is a mandatory facility, granted by the law, which cannot be lawfully refused.


Both Ramjattan and Nagamootoo have been pushed way behind the clouds.

It is clear to everyone that Mingo did not use the SOPs to tabulate the votes in region 4 so nothing Ramjattan dig up from the past will wish away that fact. Both declarations by Mingo were unlawful with the first one already being thrown out by the CJ and the second one blatantly contemptuous of her orders on March 11 and unwavering persistent on March 12. Ramjattan should focus on that because the Guyanese public will does not care about what happened in 1997 anymore.

Just for a light moment before the case hearing today.



By the way, what has happened with the charges against Mingo and Vulga Vulva for their fraudulent elections declaration on March 5? Hopefully they throw both of those along with her dutty vulva in jail and keep them there for a long time.


There is a pandemic, from historical perspective it does reduce the population worldwide. The PPP never nurtured ppl with decency. Observe Ramjattan and Nagamootoo. Then go over to Ralph Ram Karran and finally to Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali. All blasted bullies including all of the PNC.

These ppl have no principles. Stubborness.


Django brings up Janet Jagan's saga. Did you ever ask yourself about the 2015 requested recount that had a close count? Why wasn't this honored? It was a small region and the difference was a couple of votes. That would have taken only hours. Since the PNC took over, no one has heard anything about the petition filed. WHY?


Seigy, you are right. They  are all out to manage their political careers.  Claudette can, what we refer to here as "Judge Rule",  ask to  examine the SOPS for the alleged skulduggery and call for a recount of specific ballot boxes. Once the discrepancy is ascertained move on to another random box. I think, she has the  right to delay the announcement of the winner.


@Former Member: There was a negro woman on one of these PPP websites talking about PPP supporters being cane cutters and more derogatory stuff. I looked up her profile and saw her picture. I replied by saying that with that mouth and her set of teeth (she had buck teeth), she can help the cane cutters by being a hymac and clean the canals and waterways to take the canes to the factories. She never responded.


@Totaram: You negroes see only the PPP's faults. You never see the PNC's rigging, bully, dictatorship, disrespect for the law and constitution, rape, murder, kick down the door, and the rest of their criminal activities.


The Ester Pariera's case is completely different from the travesty that occurred at region 4 the past two weeks. She argued that she was denied the right to vote. The circumstances here that that no one is arguing that they were denied the right to vote but rather that everyone (except most APNU/AFC voters) are arguing that Mingo made a fraudulent declaration.


I was at the supermarket yesterday afternoon. There were a couple Guyanese Afros in line. If you hear their mouths, they just see Guyana as Blackman country. All they talking is about jagdeo and oil. They looked at me few times but I pretended oblivious so they thought I was Indian.  Now with my barber closed, hair getting longer and bushy, soon I will look Indian or cane cutter.😀


As I say, blacks are no less racist than people of any other race. It is just the KoolAid drinkers who give them free passes. Well, dem KoolAid drinkers can choke pun dem KoolAid.


The request for recount was essentially an olive branch. The worse case scenario is Mingo being dragged before the court either on Fraud charges or contempt of court or both. Mingo never satisfy the law governing how he MUST handle the tabulation of votes. He thought he was at Camp Ayangana during the PNC first era rather than at the Ashmin's building as in the first instance when he committed elections fraud.


@   Ksazma ....

The fundamental issue relates to the function/action of Justice (Ret'd) Claudette Singh on this specific issue.

While Mingo and other conduct the counts, it is Claudette Singh who should make the declaration of votes at a public disclosure session.

Thus far, she is silent on the matter.


People like you is the problem.

Judge Roxane George also ruled the electoral body should not declare a winner before the recount is finished. The judge ruled that election officials in an area known as Region Four must resume verification of the votes


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While the country wait on Holder to finish his coffee, the PPP should drag Mingo's ass and Vulga Vulva back to court on that electoral fraud charge. And while they are there, they should have him answer to the contempt of court one too.


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