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Media release
Sunday, January 17th, 2016

OPM dismisses and rejects false Guyana Times article

GEORGETOWN – The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) dismisses and rejects the malicious, wicked and utterly false article relating to Cabinet portfolios as published in today’s edition of the Guyana Times. OPM calls on all Guyanese to be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo.

Reeling from the abysmal failure of the PPP’s widespread call to supporters in North America to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo on his current trip to New York, the Bharrat Jagdeo-facilitated Ramroop media group has resorted to its familiar tactic of manufacturing untruths and misinformation, attempting to pass it off as credible journalism. (It must be remembered as well that the failed New York protest calls follow identical calls to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo in Toronto last year which also fell on deaf ears.)

This is vile, reprehensible, unprofessional and against all journalistic ethics and codes. OPM calls on all Guyanese to forthrightly condemn this dastardly politically directed campaign.

OPM also calls on the Guyana Press Association (GPA) to take note of this clearly decipherable trend of abuse of media for the purposes of political attacks, spreading misinformation, falsehoods and exciting the populace.

This latest attack by Guyana Times strategically follows the recent announcement that Prime Minister Nagamootoo's portfolio has been expanded and includes:

• Leader of Government business in the National Assembly
• Public Information
• Constitutional Reform
• Governance
• Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs
• Cabinet co-chair

Minister Raphael Trotman who previously held the Governance portfolio has formally handed over all matters relating to Governance to Prime Minister Nagamootoo. Transfer of Governance staff to OPM has also been completed.

Further, His Excellency, President Brig. David Granger, was clear and deliberate in this presentation to Parliament:

"The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion. This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly."

This statement has been deliberately and mischievously misrepresented by Guyana Times for the purposes of its abominable and odious misinformation scheme.

His Excellency, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo continue to work closely to move Guyana forward in the interest of achieving a better life for all Guyanese.

Despite persistent but failed attempts to weaken the Coalition Government the Jagdeo/Rohee Opposition is evidently on a relentless campaign to spread and perpetuate confusion and mischief while ignoring and disregarding the requirements for ethical practices in journalism.

OPM also views as timely, the recollection of pertinent facts with regard to this PPP orchestrated campaign:

1. It was the Nagamootoo-piloted No Confidence Motion that was the precursor to the loss of power by Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.

It is obvious that Prime Minister Nagamootoo’s No Confidence Motion has been accepted by the PPP as critical to its demitting office and the Prime Minister is being targeted in the foulest of ways for an unrelenting assault on his character and portfolio. This media onslaught bears the hallmarks of a racist obsession with denuding the powers and influence of the Prime Minister. In recent times the politics of Opposition Leader Jagdeo has been personal and vindictive – the thrust being an attempt to demean Prime Minister Nagamootoo, purely as an act of spite and vengeance for tabling the fateful No Confidence Motion.

2. PPP Prime Minister Sam Hinds' office was housed at Wight's Lane in Kingston, in a facility that was inadequate, congested, cramped, dusty and cobwebbed and wholly unfit.

This necessitated a move to more suitable accommodation for OPM, following the historic May 11, 2015 elections. It is evident that the PPP is using its web of media influence and resources in attempting to divert attention from this embarrassing revelation with regard to how former Prime Minister Hinds was being shabbily and disrespectfully treated.

3. The official residence of the Prime Minister was in such a neglected state that repairs are still ongoing under the auspices of the National Trust as the building is a heritage site. Another source of discomfiture for the former PPP regime.

4. It was the Guyana Times which published similar falsehoods, such as the fake article about government seeking to acquire a fleet of high priced, luxury SUVs. This story, like others, was debunked and exposed as fiction by the Coalition Government.

It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal.

OPM alerts the public to this and advises citizens not to be taken in by the daily flood of opposition lies, falsehoods, mischief and untruths emanating from the Ramroop media group which is operating with an unmistakable agenda that is politically directed.

Imran Khan
Press Secretary to Prime Minister Moses V. Nagamootoo

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal."

Nothing but the truth,that rag on a daily basis is spewing hate.

Django posted:

"It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal."

Nothing but the truth,that rag on a daily basis is spewing hate.

the more things change they more they stay the same. Kaiteur and Stabroek were similarly described during the PPP days. What goes around comes around. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

"It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal."

Nothing but the truth,that rag on a daily basis is spewing hate.

the more things change they more they stay the same. Kaiteur and Stabroek were similarly described during the PPP days. What goes around comes around. 


What goes around comes around.


Imran, let us be honest for once and stop being the new Kwame.


Does the PM has his own PS?  Does the PM has his own accounts Department?


NO and NO.  Sam Hinds did?


I done.


Guyana Times is on to something here.


Is it not quite interesting how every time the new government gets caught with their mischief, they issue an article refuting what they did, and then we never hear about it again?  This is one more step to put Nagamootoo where he belongs.  They know he likes bumper ball politics.  Show him the money and let him go.

in the meantime, the PPP is keeping their eye on that one seat majority which is looking weaker and weaker everyday.  A no confidence vote sooner or later shall I say??  Watch how the PPP will laugh all the way to Parliament with this.  The AFC will turn out to be their own worse enemy.


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is it not quite interesting how every time the new government gets caught with their mischief, they issue an article refuting what they did, and then we never hear about it again?  This is one more step to put Nagamootoo where he belongs.  They know he likes bumper ball politics.  Show him the money and let him go.

in the meantime, the PPP is keeping their eye on that one seat majority which is looking weaker and weaker everyday.  A no confidence vote sooner or later shall I say??  Watch how the PPP will laugh all the way to Parliament with this.  The AFC will turn out to be their own worse enemy.


Doubt that, who will defect to their side? the coalition will be there for their full term.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Is it not quite interesting how every time the new government gets caught with their mischief, they issue an article refuting what they did, and then we never hear about it again?  This is one more step to put Nagamootoo where he belongs.  They know he likes bumper ball politics.  Show him the money and let him go.

in the meantime, the PPP is keeping their eye on that one seat majority which is looking weaker and weaker everyday.  A no confidence vote sooner or later shall I say??  Watch how the PPP will laugh all the way to Parliament with this.  The AFC will turn out to be their own worse enemy.


Doubt that, who will defect to their side? the coalition will be there for their full term.


Politics is very strange, you never know. 

Someone can fail to show up for a vote or suddenly fall ill.

Mars posted:


Media release
Sunday, January 17th, 2016

OPM dismisses and rejects false Guyana Times article

GEORGETOWN – The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) dismisses and rejects the malicious, wicked and utterly false article relating to Cabinet portfolios as published in today’s edition of the Guyana Times. OPM calls on all Guyanese to be aware of the campaign being executed by the Ramroop media group against the Coalition Government, particularly the Indo-Guyanese members and specifically Prime Minister and First Vice President, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo.

Reeling from the abysmal failure of the PPP’s widespread call to supporters in North America to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo on his current trip to New York, the Bharrat Jagdeo-facilitated Ramroop media group has resorted to its familiar tactic of manufacturing untruths and misinformation, attempting to pass it off as credible journalism. (It must be remembered as well that the failed New York protest calls follow identical calls to picket Prime Minister Nagamootoo in Toronto last year which also fell on deaf ears.)

This is vile, reprehensible, unprofessional and against all journalistic ethics and codes. OPM calls on all Guyanese to forthrightly condemn this dastardly politically directed campaign.

OPM also calls on the Guyana Press Association (GPA) to take note of this clearly decipherable trend of abuse of media for the purposes of political attacks, spreading misinformation, falsehoods and exciting the populace.

This latest attack by Guyana Times strategically follows the recent announcement that Prime Minister Nagamootoo's portfolio has been expanded and includes:

• Leader of Government business in the National Assembly
• Public Information
• Constitutional Reform
• Governance
• Supervising/coordinating functions with ministries involved with domestic affairs
• Cabinet co-chair

Minister Raphael Trotman who previously held the Governance portfolio has formally handed over all matters relating to Governance to Prime Minister Nagamootoo. Transfer of Governance staff to OPM has also been completed.

Further, His Excellency, President Brig. David Granger, was clear and deliberate in this presentation to Parliament:

"The Ministry of the Presidency has been reconfigured to combine the offices of the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ministers of State, Citizenship and Social Cohesion. This combination enhances governance and, especially through the Office of the Prime Minister, manages the government’s business and legislative agenda in the National Assembly."

This statement has been deliberately and mischievously misrepresented by Guyana Times for the purposes of its abominable and odious misinformation scheme.

His Excellency, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo continue to work closely to move Guyana forward in the interest of achieving a better life for all Guyanese.

Despite persistent but failed attempts to weaken the Coalition Government the Jagdeo/Rohee Opposition is evidently on a relentless campaign to spread and perpetuate confusion and mischief while ignoring and disregarding the requirements for ethical practices in journalism.

OPM also views as timely, the recollection of pertinent facts with regard to this PPP orchestrated campaign:

1. It was the Nagamootoo-piloted No Confidence Motion that was the precursor to the loss of power by Jagdeo/Ramotar regime.

It is obvious that Prime Minister Nagamootoo’s No Confidence Motion has been accepted by the PPP as critical to its demitting office and the Prime Minister is being targeted in the foulest of ways for an unrelenting assault on his character and portfolio. This media onslaught bears the hallmarks of a racist obsession with denuding the powers and influence of the Prime Minister. In recent times the politics of Opposition Leader Jagdeo has been personal and vindictive – the thrust being an attempt to demean Prime Minister Nagamootoo, purely as an act of spite and vengeance for tabling the fateful No Confidence Motion.

2. PPP Prime Minister Sam Hinds' office was housed at Wight's Lane in Kingston, in a facility that was inadequate, congested, cramped, dusty and cobwebbed and wholly unfit.

This necessitated a move to more suitable accommodation for OPM, following the historic May 11, 2015 elections. It is evident that the PPP is using its web of media influence and resources in attempting to divert attention from this embarrassing revelation with regard to how former Prime Minister Hinds was being shabbily and disrespectfully treated.

3. The official residence of the Prime Minister was in such a neglected state that repairs are still ongoing under the auspices of the National Trust as the building is a heritage site. Another source of discomfiture for the former PPP regime.

4. It was the Guyana Times which published similar falsehoods, such as the fake article about government seeking to acquire a fleet of high priced, luxury SUVs. This story, like others, was debunked and exposed as fiction by the Coalition Government.

It is now beyond doubt that the primary purpose of Guyana Times is to function purely as a PPP propaganda rag in conjunction with TVG, and other media appendages, such as the recently acquired iNews website, and other outfits owned and operated by Dr. Ranjisinghi 'Bobby' Ramroop, who, it is well known, shares a close personal relationship with Opposition Leader Jagdeo. Citizen’s Report, the internet news website, and the Freedom House operated radio station also form part of this media cabal.

OPM alerts the public to this and advises citizens not to be taken in by the daily flood of opposition lies, falsehoods, mischief and untruths emanating from the Ramroop media group which is operating with an unmistakable agenda that is politically directed.

Imran Khan
Press Secretary to Prime Minister Moses V. Nagamootoo

Here is the problem with this:

The coalition cannot expect that the opposition and the Guyana Times (and other media sources they own) will fold up and disappear. If this is the case, it will be one less media available to scrutinize the activities of the government and a blow to democracy. The Kaietuer News used to be a vicious anti PPP mouthpiece (aligned with the AFC and APNU). No one complained then. 

I believe the Chronicle should be privatized also. Government should not be in the business of controlling the media. The more media outlet, the more competition, the more educated will people become.

It makes me uncomfortable when government criticize a media, with this level of excitement, and then proceed to attack the owner of the media outlet. If they decide to go after the owner in the future, the GT can claim a history of Burnham and the Catholic Standard.





VishMahabir posted

Here is the problem with this:

The coalition cannot expect that the opposition and the Guyana Times (and other media sources they own) will fold up and disappear. If this is the case, it will be one less media available to scrutinize the activities of the government and a blow to democracy. The Kaietuer News used to be a vicious anti PPP mouthpiece (aligned with the AFC and APNU). No one complained then. 

I believe the Chronicle should be privatized also. Government should not be in the business of controlling the media. The more media outlet, the more competition, the more educated will people become.

It makes me uncomfortable when government criticize a media, with this level of excitement, and then proceed to attack the owner of the media outlet. If they decide to go after the owner in the future, the GT can claim a history of Burnham and the Catholic Standard.


Vish..different era bhai they can't muzzle no media it's is too big thanks to the internet,I recalled in dictatorship period we had to depend on the Mirror and Catholic Standard for real news.

Government is within their right to rebut any misrepresentation of facts,media company disseminates.

KishanB posted:

Imran, let us be honest for once and stop being the new Kwame.


Does the PM has his own PS?  Does the PM has his own accounts Department?


NO and NO.  Sam Hinds did?


I done.


Guyana Times is on to something here.

Kish, are you feeling well? I don't suppose you have a high fever, do you?


Published: 18 January 2016

Georgetown, Guyana – (January 18, 2016) The Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP) categorically states that the article appearing in the Guyana Times, headlined "Nagamootoo stripped of all 'line responsibilities' reports to Min of Presidency Harmon" on January 17, 2016 is deliberately misleading, if not malicious. MOTP also notes with great concern, the continued perpetuation of this misinformation by the Guyana Times in today's edition of the newspaper in an article headlined "Nagamootoo's shill insists PM was not "stripped"... President says otherwise."

President Granger himself, in a brief comment, said that the publication of the article is a "malicious falsehood" and added that the Prime Minister's functions have actually been enhanced and he is First Vice-President in every respect and cannot be subordinate to any other minister. Further, in the Official Gazette published on Wednesday, January 6, 2016, the Prime Minister's portfolio was expanded to include these additional responsibilities: Government and Parliamentary Business, Constitutional Commissions, Constitutional Reform and Governance.

The Prime Minister also maintains responsibility for Public Information, making him responsible for the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority, the National Communications Network, Guyana National Newspapers Limited and the Government Information Agency.

Minister of State Joseph Harmon, in an invited comment, called the report in the Guyana Times "distasteful" and "almost libelous". He added that the newspaper has sunk to a new low with regard to journalism ethics and seems to have thrown truth out of the window. He said, "[It] says to me and to all of Guyana that they seem to be carrying out the agenda of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) and that it seems as if this newspaper has actually replaced the Mirror as the official organ of the PPP."

The Minister rejected the notion, posited by the Guyana Times that the Prime Minister reports to him, calling it wicked and malicious and called on all right-thinking Guyanese to rightly and roundly condemn the publishing of the article. "There is nowhere in the Constitution or in our arrangement where a Prime Minister can report to a Minister. The Prime Minister is the First Vice-President. He is the Acting President when the President leaves this country and has always performed those roles with distinction and with credit."

The Minister added that this appears to be an attempt to attack the Coalition, but the body has never been stronger. He said that the PPP recognises the growing strength of the Coalition Government and this would explain the publishing of that article, which is bereft of truth.

"Every single day that we progress in Government, we are learning and as we go along we are actually getting much stronger. We are more a solid group, a solid block... to bring six parties together in a Coalition and to get the type of unity or unison that we are having right now, I believe is a tremendous achievement. We have actually brought people with diverse views [together] and we have now set a national programme, which all of the parties in the Coalition have actually bought into," the State Minister said.

As with all Government decisions, the Minister noted that the change in Ministerial responsibility was done through a process of consultations as the members of the Coalition operate as a cohesive body. He said, "This was a result of extensive consultations between the President and the Prime Minister and then a wider level of consultations between the partners in the Coalition. The President does not get up one morning and says change this and change that. These are all processes of consultation."

The Prime Minister himself plays a significant role in overall Government decision making. Minister Harmon said, "Every week we meet as a Cabinet and make decisions in relation to the governance of this country. Every week we meet as a National Security Council, chaired by the President and on which the Prime Minister sits as an integral part of it, to which all of the security forces report. Every month, we meet as a Defence Board looking at defence matters and which the Prime Minister, the President and the security forces, the Guyana Defence Force in particular; they sit there and make decisions. So at every decision making fora, the President and the Prime Minister sit together and make these decisions.

Minister Harmon went on to say that the Guyana Times is demonstrating a pattern of delivering misinformation to the Guyanese people and pointed to the publishing of an article headlined "Justice Cummings-Edwards' appointment premature – former AG" on January 17, 2016. He noted that with Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang proceeding on leave, a vacuum was being created and hence Government moved, within the Constitution to ensure that the functions of the office would not come to a halt.

"[Justice Cummings-Edwards] was appointed to perform the functions of the Acting Chief Justice. She wasn't appointed Chief Justice. She is carrying out those functions and we cannot leave the office vacant. Somebody has to carry out these functions so that for Mr. Ramson to make that a big story and this is the same newspaper carrying it, it is intellectual dishonesty," Minister Harmon said.

Last edited by Mars
Django posted:

For all the political pundits on GNI,read the above.Lately the Guyana Times stooping low.

It is good to see other members of the government are speaking out about the malicious and shameless campaign of Guyana Times against the coalition government. This strategy will backfire. Guyana politics is downright nasty. The PPP will be the loser in this smear campaign. 


Last edited by Former Member

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