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Specialty Hospital will be a huge health services boostPDFPrintE-mail
Written by CEO & PROFESSOR DR. SHAMIR ANDREW ALLY, MBA, Pennsylvania, USA   
Sunday, 13 October 2013 21:29

THE Specialty Hospital (SH) will be for all who seek health services at a top-quality hospital with facilities, services and equipment. The current political disagreements, objections and snafus through greater expectations for more transparency, openness and involvement for timely, clear and concise communications, including documentation on its financing are causing alarm in Guyana and overseas.

It is time  for all leaders in Guyana to  put aside partisan politics and involve all Guyanese including politicians, voters, business organisations, NGOs, philanthropists and the diaspora to mobilise collective strength to review, discuss and deliberate on the current status, plans, and numbers to move towards more progress, towards finalisation.

I read recently, that Guyana’s Auditor General is actively working on the audit report which is expected shortly, for parliamentary, public scrutiny. With all due respect, most contracts will contain ‘known and unknown items, which will need discussions, deliberations, and compromises in order to find solutions, and I am sure this will apply to the SH contracts.

There are three sides to each story-your side; my side and the truth.

This project is the vision, conceptualisation of former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo’s administration with a majority government. From the November 2011 general elections,there is a new political dispensation where the combined opposition parties have a one-seat majority. This will require deliberations, involvement and consultations to secure this transformational medical development in Guyana.

Seven key facts and pillars are:

1. The SH is not a project for the ruling party or government. It is for all. 2. Globally, governments’ responsibilities are to provide security with low crime, health, housing, adequate food, general well-being and opportunities for human development, as well as an attractive investment climate and to enable value-added production, massive job creation, and economic development. 3. Government leaders will need to be more open with the construction, financial and operational details, subject to the confidentially contractual agreements. 4. Guyanese, deserve and should enjoy adequate health care with the latest equipment, skilled global medical professionals and administrators with the provision of comprehensive health care in their homeland. 5. There is distrust, miscommunication and fear for the SH, so a strong encouragement for the management, leadership and construction teams to reconfigure, regroup and re-energise all in order to attain trust, support, and high expectations for the SH. 6. A strategic, smart, and well managed SH, with global medical physicians, staff and administrative services will become a reality. This will be a boost for medical tourism. 7. An urgent appeal, plea, and encouragement to all, to rally together, discuss, deliberate, and decide the way forward for the SH.

Guyana’s Minister of Health, and team, should lead the way to help minimise the current distrust, tempers and negative opinions relating to the SH. Openness, transparency, and inclusivity, will enable a SH’s financing, construction and a spectacular  opening.


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Written by CEO & PROFESSOR DR. SHAMIR ANDREW ALLY, MBA, Pennsylvania, USA   




If Shameer Ally from Pennsylvania has a doctorate---a Phd---why is he listing his MBA first ?


Could it be his Phd is from one of those diploma mills ?


Maybe FAKE---like Dr. Rajendra Singh----another fake Phd.


Anyway, Shameer is right---Guyana needs that specialty hospital.


We know Dr. Tarron Khemraj, Phd  has now been reduced to licking Granger's balls and he is a dirty PNC Indian---but TK's Phd is real.




i'm confused. The gov't is incapable of competently funding or staffing its embarrassment of a flagship hospital in Georgetown


how does it magically create "A strategic, smart, and well managed SH, with global medical physicians, staff and administrative services" in this environment?


since boosting "medical tourism" is [apparently] conceptualized as (only?) a knock-on benefit, why isn't this significant investment being made in GPHC?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Written by CEO & PROFESSOR DR. SHAMIR ANDREW ALLY, MBA, Pennsylvania, USA   




If Shameer Ally from Pennsylvania has a doctorate---a Phd---why is he listing his MBA first ?


Could it be his Phd is from one of those diploma mills ?


Maybe FAKE---like Dr. Rajendra Singh----another fake Phd.


Anyway, Shameer is right---Guyana needs that specialty hospital.


We know Dr. Tarron Khemraj, Phd  has now been reduced to licking Granger's balls and he is a dirty PNC Indian---but TK's Phd is real.



Rev, your mother and father supported Burnham PNC. Hence, according to you they are dirty PNC Indians and like wise they licked Burnham balls.



The Rev is a man of impeccable class, dignity, integrity and character. He does not respond to idiots, fools, morons, imbeciles and vulgar posters on GNI. They have been permanently banned.



Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev is a man of impeccable class, dignity, integrity and character. He does not respond to idiots, fools, morons, imbeciles and vulgar posters on GNI. They have been permanently banned.



rev, how's your search for a bt augmentation surgeon going? . . . Kwame very concerned that u gunning fuh he wuk

Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev is a man of impeccable class, dignity, integrity and character. He does not respond to idiots, fools, morons, imbeciles and vulgar posters on GNI. They have been permanently banned.



Rev you are an antiman. Did you forget to walk with your cotton wool and vaseline?

Originally Posted by redog:

rev, good morning. this is redog.

I pi$$ on you rev.

by the way rev, I continue to have deep feelings for my dearly beloved Mr. granger.

I feel dirty rev---I, redog, am consumed by homosexual thoughts.

and you keep calling me a dirty pnc indian. I hate you rev. I pi$$ on you.





Originally Posted by Rev:

Written by CEO & PROFESSOR DR. SHAMIR ANDREW ALLY, MBA, Pennsylvania, USA   




If Shameer Ally from Pennsylvania has a doctorate---a Phd---why is he listing his MBA first ?


Could it be his Phd is from one of those diploma mills ?


Maybe FAKE---like Dr. Rajendra Singh----another fake Phd.


Anyway, Shameer is right---Guyana needs that specialty hospital.


We know Dr. Tarron Khemraj, Phd  has now been reduced to licking Granger's balls and he is a dirty PNC Indian---but TK's Phd is real.




Mr Rev Ally don't be jealous and envious of Dr TK. You will never be able to get a real PHD. Stick to your fake one.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redog:

rev, good morning. this is redog.

I pi$$ on you rev.

by the way rev, I continue to have deep feelings for my dearly beloved Mr. granger.

I feel dirty rev---I, redog, am consumed by homosexual thoughts.

and you keep calling me a dirty pnc indian. I hate you rev. I pi$$ on you.







The AFC boys are vulgar, dirty and indecent and unethical. They will forever stay in the gutter. I put them on my banned list a long time ago.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by redog:

rev, good morning. this is redog.

I pi$$ on you rev.

by the way rev, I continue to have deep feelings for my dearly beloved Mr. granger.

I feel dirty rev---I, redog, am consumed by homosexual thoughts.

and you keep calling me a dirty pnc indian. I hate you rev. I pi$$ on you.







The AFC boys are vulgar, dirty and indecent and unethical. They will forever stay in the gutter. I put them on my banned list a long time ago.



Jesus! You and Rev Ally are the most unethical on this board. 


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