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A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) deputy leader Dr Rupert Roopnarine in response to a question posed at the party's press conference on Monday said "we don’t believe it is sufficient to have Government leaders meet with APNU leaders or AFC leaders in a room where politicians sit down and discuss issues that are in the main extremely technical issues and it is very little point providing us with mountains of documentation when in fact it is well known that unlike the Government, we don’t have armies of consultants and experts to go through the documents and so on".



This our dear readers was after the question of whether or not a meeting with the management of GPL similar to their tour of the Amalia Falls road construction site might persuade the two opposition parties to restore the GPL subsidy they cut from the 2013 budget. What it means is that in this instance the APNU is saying that it would make very little sense providing them with mountains of documents and other information since they do not possess the technical wherewithal to go through them and apprise themselves of all the details.  But isn't this the same APNU which together with the AFC which has been making all sorts of pronouncements on technical issues pertaining to GPL?

Therefore, GPL CEO Bharrat Dindyal was spot on when he told one media house that the two opposition parties “ are acting out of complete and total ignorance…We can’t put it anyway better, they are totally ignorant of the Guyana Power and Light ”.
Dindyal said  “it is especially unfortunate, the aspersions emanating from the Alliance For Change camp. I don’t know who is advising them, they are so astonishingly wrong that it begs the question why aren’t they trying to get facts, why aren’t they trying to understand what is going on before talking.”

No one was advising them, as by their own admission, they do not have persons with the technical know-how in their ranks. It is simply a case of the APNU and AFC making uninformed comments with the hope that it will create confusion among the people.

The opposition need to hire their own independent electrical generating consultant to do an audit of GPL and get valuable feedback before pronouncing that thievery and mismanagement is going on.  


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