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Opposition all about power and nothing elsePDFPrintE-mail
Written by T. KING   
Sunday, 17 February 2013 23:33

IS it that APNU’s David Granger and the AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan have become so closely bonded in their thirst for power — at  all cost — that they have no qualms about openly embarrassing Speaker Trotman?

David Granger in the public’s eye will let them think he hates Trotman but in fact there is no hatred there since they are both die hard PNCites.
This leaves Ramjattan vs Trotman.
Ramjattan hates Trotman’s guts inside out since the day Trotman and his PNC brothers and sisters in AFC tried their best to throw him under the bus by tossing leadership rotation aside.
Pretty soon the public will see even Nagamootoo going after Ramjattan, since he too knows Guyanese do not vote for Ramjattan, period.
Trtoman gained  votes for the AFC in the 2006 elections, while Nagamootoo gained  votes for the AFC in the 2011 elections.
Things are bound to get very dicey in time to come to chose the AFC leadership.
Ramjattan is definitely out of the running since its a proven fact that he cannot garner votes.
This leaves Nagamootoo and Hughes.
Nagamootoo, a proven liar in Parliament, is damaged goods beyond repair. His political life is over not for lying in Parliament but for conning those who voted for him.
Last man standing for AFC leadership is Hughes.
Hughes is a lawyer and was never held responsible for removing a surveillance tape recording from the Buxton gas station murder scene.
Hughes promised the people of not only Linden, but the entire Guyana and the world that he has the goods on Rohee who ordered the Linden killing of three.
Hughes was found lying to the public when he could not produce his facts about Rohee ordering the killings to the Commission of Inquiry (CoI).
Hughes out of frustration by not having his way with the CoI even tried to bulldoze the CoI personnel whom made him Hughes look like a first year public defender lawyer.
This leaves many Guyanese to wonder, how does Hughes win so many big cases in Guyana’s courts of law?
Many Guyanese are now saying Hughes has to have tremendous inside help in the judiciary to win his cases after seeing his antics in the Linden CoI.
Hughes was fully behind the PNC mob who attacked, robbed and sexually molested innocent Guyanese, mostly East Indians, on the Agricola Public Road.
Which group of Guyanese will vote for Hughes if he were to be made leader of the AFC?
Perhaps the same group that voted for the AFC’s Trotman in 2006 and not the group that voted for Nagamootoo in 2011.
PPP/C, you are playing it right and playing to your strength and not opposition weakness.
Continue to allow Guyanese to be witness to those who are chomping at the bit for power.
They are like crabs in a barrel and they will climb over each other where none will get out.
PPP/C, you know when to say enough is enough and know when to strike to break the back of opposition once and for all.
It’s not a good thing for any country when there is not a vibrant opposition but this PNC opposition in Guyana is too much to take.
They are all about power and nothing else

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This leaves Nagamootoo and Hughes. Nagamootoo, a proven liar in Parliament, is damaged goods beyond repair. His political life is over not for lying in Parliament but for conning those who voted for him


Interesting indeed.


Here is something for Al Yuh to ponder about. Remember Trotty resigned from the Leadership for Health reasons and then suddenly got healthy just before Election. Go back, Gregory Smith joined WPA after being a PNC, but did he really joined the WPA or was he planted there by the PNC??  Trotty is the new Gregory Smith but MOSES has become the BIGGEST FOOL on the PLanet. I do not feel sorry for FOOLS.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Here is something for Al Yuh to ponder about. Remember Trotty resigned from the Leadership for Health reasons and then suddenly got healthy just before Election. Go back, Gregory Smith joined WPA after being a PNC, but did he really joined the WPA or was he planted there by the PNC??  Trotty is the new Gregory Smith but MOSES has become the BIGGEST FOOL on the PLanet. I do not feel sorry for FOOLS.

i must give the PPP credit for this grim soldiering on regardless . . . shyte shoveled atop stinkin shyte


u and "T. King" . . . what a pair

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Here is something for Al Yuh to ponder about. Remember Trotty resigned from the Leadership for Health reasons and then suddenly got healthy just before Election. Go back, Gregory Smith joined WPA after being a PNC, but did he really joined the WPA or was he planted there by the PNC??  Trotty is the new Gregory Smith but MOSES has become the BIGGEST FOOL on the PLanet. I do not feel sorry for FOOLS.

i must give the PPP credit for this grim soldiering on regardless . . . shyte shoveled atop stinkin shyte


u and "T. King" . . . what a pair

A SHIT brain like you will certainly not able to PONDER.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Here is something for Al Yuh to ponder about. Remember Trotty resigned from the Leadership for Health reasons and then suddenly got healthy just before Election. Go back, Gregory Smith joined WPA after being a PNC, but did he really joined the WPA or was he planted there by the PNC??  Trotty is the new Gregory Smith but MOSES has become the BIGGEST FOOL on the PLanet. I do not feel sorry for FOOLS.

i must give the PPP credit for this grim soldiering on regardless . . . shyte shoveled atop stinkin shyte


u and "T. King" . . . what a pair

A SHIT brain like you will certainly not able to PONDER.

arite deh bai . . . i see u running out of stupid tings to say


Ramjattan hates Trotman’s guts inside out since the day Trotman and his PNC brothers and sisters in AFC tried their best to throw him under the bus by tossing leadership rotation aside.
Pretty soon the public will see even Nagamootoo going after Ramjattan, since he too knows Guyanese do not vote for Ramjattan, period.
Trtoman gained  votes for the AFC in the 2006 elections, while Nagamootoo gained  votes for the AFC in the 2011 elections.
Things are bound to get very dicey in time to come to chose the AFC leadership.
Ramjattan is definitely out of the running since its a proven fact that he cannot garner votes.
This leaves Nagamootoo and Hughes.
Nagamootoo, a proven liar in Parliament, is damaged goods beyond repair. His political life is over not for lying in Parliament but for conning those who voted for him.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Ramjattan hates Trotman’s guts inside out since the day Trotman and his PNC brothers and sisters in AFC tried their best to throw him under the bus by tossing leadership rotation aside.
Pretty soon the public will see even Nagamootoo going after Ramjattan, since he too knows Guyanese do not vote for Ramjattan, period.
Trtoman gained  votes for the AFC in the 2006 elections, while Nagamootoo gained  votes for the AFC in the 2011 elections.
Things are bound to get very dicey in time to come to chose the AFC leadership.
Ramjattan is definitely out of the running since its a proven fact that he cannot garner votes.
This leaves Nagamootoo and Hughes.
Nagamootoo, a proven liar in Parliament, is damaged goods beyond repair. His political life is over not for lying in Parliament but for conning those who voted for him.

Misir dem trying a "Hail Mary". . .


Its clear to see, the joint opposition is pre-occupied with vendetta and probably settling political scores instead of working hand-in-hand with Government towards the development of the society


The opposition is not about power. It is about reinging in those in power who have been overstepping their bounds and putting governmennt money into their own pockets via scheme after thieving scheme. Ah waiting fuh see who gan run when daylight come. Jail gan full and Kwame will be king.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap election, the masses will endorse the PPP/C with a majority, a truth the joint opposition desperately fights.

One of the reasons they do not do it now is they are aware the opposition will eat their cake. The longer they wait the more imperiled would be position. It just affords more time to highlight what despotic thieves they are.


The PPP/C was a victim of their own success at the Nov.28 polls,it was a wake up call for the Guyanese Populace, accomplishments gain over the last two decades, could have been lost because of complacency....they are more alert now, and are eager as ever stated before in the event of any snap elections the masses will turn out in their thousands and vote PPP/C, thus will ensure....progress continues

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success at the Nov.28 polls,it was a wake up call for the Guyanese Populace, accomplishments gain over the last two decades, could have been lost because of complacency....they are more alert now, and are eager as ever stated before in the event of any snap elections the masses will turn out in their thousands and vote PPP/C, thus will ensure....progress continues

They are a victim of their corruption of  Markosian scope. The minority government has allowed Guyanese to see for the first time what a functioning democracy would look like if it functions. They know the autocracy can never serve them well and that the only reason the PPP needs it is to hide its corrupt thieving ways. In 20 years, all of the formerly piss poor back woods bumkins have suddenly developed into wall streets Quants and turned their meager income into massive fortunes....ha!


Those crooks will never get the same chance to pillage our nation. In time the opportunity to ask them to answer for their corrupt practice will also come to pass. I hope they are all making sure they do their income tax. have the receipts from the relevant authorities and can account for their obscene wealth. A jail cell is waiting for some of these crooks.


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