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Opposition Camp faces rebel after Parliament fiasco

There are reports of dissent within both APNU and AFC following the parliamentary upheaval that saw a much criticized decision by the Speaker Raphael Trotman to issue an interim gag on the Minister of Home Affairs.

The move instigated by both parties did not find favour amongst all in the leadership of both parties.

 The leadership meeting and parliamentary group discussions there were vehement disagreement expressed over the move to β€˜convert the National Assembly into a partisan political platform and an abuse of the opposition one seat majority.’

International observers and groups have also expressed their sentiments in the recent developments and turmoil in the National Assembly and hinting it can lead to a platform of instability and even tension in the wider society.

Those Members of Parliament of APNU and AFC who were in loud disagreement were threatened to be recalled by the heads of the list of representatives as is provided by the Laws of Guyana – Recall Legislation.

APNU head of the list of representatives is David Granger and AFC is Raphael Trotman.

Sources say this is a worrying development that the party is trying to contain and dissolve.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 10th Parliament is the least successful in the history of Guyanese, the joint opposition seems hell bent on making the country ungovernable

PPP never learn and they will never learn!!


Didn't the PNC force Mrs Jagan to give up her Presidency ?

Now its Ramouthar turn and the only difference is he will be replaced by a new inclusive united Gov't.


A few PPP boys ready to jump from the corrupt sinking ship.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 10th Parliament is the least successful in the history of Guyanese, the joint opposition seems hell bent on making the country ungovernable

If the metric you use to calibrate success is on the freedom the PPP has to steal then the 10th Parliament was a failure. Instead it brought to light the vast scope of the PPP corrupt practices; NICIL,NCN Contracting, asset give aways and the fostering of a patronage system where workers are held hostage to a minister's whim, etc. Now, ministers are being censured for incompetence and demands for transparency are heightened. The Public is demanding better accountability, more political voice and exit strategy options. No more can the PPP hide what they do and thumb their noses at the public.  Success is not measured by how well the options avail themselves for PPP grifting or graft. It is defined by transparency and highlighting deficits in democracy ie corruption.


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