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Former Member
Is it coincidental that the drop in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) coincided with the ‘new dispensation’ or the combined opposition’s attainment of a one seat majority in parliament? Well the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in its latest report on FDI in the region said Guyana’s FDI shrunk sharply from a total of US$294 million in 2012 to US$214 million last year.
As you would recall, since attaining a combined one seat majority in Parliament in 2011 the PNC/APNU and AFC used this position to stymie several investment projects, the most notable being the Amaila Falls Hydro Project - the single largest foreign investment in Guyana’s history. The two opposition parties together with their media extensions were successful in derailing several other investment ventures. Among the long list were the geographical and geophysical surveys in the New River Triangle by Muri Brasil Ventures Inc, Natural Globe Guyana Inc’s attempt to construct a US$30 million recycling plant and the construction of a Marriott Hotel.
It has always been clear by their actions that since attaining a one seat majority the PNC’s APNU and the AFC have been on a consorted campaign to derail progress and development in Guyana. Their actions however disadvantageous it may be to Guyana as a whole appear to be bearing fruit as can be evidenced from this ECLAC report.

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How cute.  FDI dropped because gold prices dropped, so dontr make yourself look like an idiot.  What was feasible at $1,800 is not longer at $1,200.  The hedge funds are less interested in investing in gold, so that has put a squeeze on the ability to finance.  Fuel remains high.


If you PPP morons didnt select one ofr your cronies to build a road, when he couldnt even pave his own drive way, millions squandered as a esult Amaila would have had credibility.  This plus pictures of the falls running dry doesnt reassure people that it is feasible.  Produce an IDB/World Bank approved feasbility study as you were asked to.


Marriott is similar corruption.  A hotel that by its OWN ADMISSION is going to be 50% EMPTY for the first few years, and then having mediocre occupancy levels after that, funded 85% by the govt, but with the investors pulling 66% of the profits is PURE CORRUPTION.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Politically instability is not an attraction to foreign investment, the A.F.C/A.P.N.U is a major obstacle to the nation development.

People invest in warzones like the DRCongo and Sierra Leone.  Indeed what will disturb investors is a government, which lacks control over parliament, refusing to negotiate with those who do control parliament.


When TK had made note of declining FDI, and suggesting that this was evidence that the GDP growth rate was bogus, you all jumped and screamed at him.


So do you acknowledge that he was right, and that you all cooked the books, as Chris Ram also said?

Last edited by Former Member

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