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Opposition can move no-confidence motion against Speaker – former Clerk

The parliamentary Opposition – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) – has the

Former Clerk of the National Assembly, Frank Narain

Former Clerk of the National Assembly, Frank Narain

freedom to move a no-confidence motion against Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Barton Scotland if it believes he is not impartial.
This is according to former Clerk of the National Assembly, Frank Narain, speaking on the Opposition’s cries of biasness being displayed by the Speaker. He, however, pointed out that there was no guarantee that the no-confidence motion would be passed since the Government has a one-seat majority.
The Opposition, since taking up its seats in the National Assembly, has been criticising what it says is the partisan behaviour of Dr Scotland. It said the operations of the House had been drifting away from parliamentary norms.
On Monday, the Party walked out of Parliament, after the Speaker cut short the consideration of estimates for the 2016 National Budget. The Party said the move was “unfair”.
Speaking with Journalists moments after the walkout, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said the instances of the behaviour in question, which has been occurring over time, are overbearing: “We have not on many occasions – when subject to extremely partisan behaviour on the part of the Speaker – voiced, or been vocal about this disagreement. We

House Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland

House Speaker, Dr Barton Scotland

have respected his ruling in most of those occasions. But this is becoming overbearing.”
The issue that sparked the walkout was the Speaker’s decision to close off matters for the evening. It was just around 23:00h and during a time when the Opposition was posing questions regarding monies allocated to Amerindian communities.
“As of now, Government has passed expenditure relating to the Amerindian people and the people of this country will never be able to understand fully what is in the estimates because the Speaker of the Assembly, who is supposed to be non-partisan, has ruled in an extremely partisan way and has exposed his proclivity to do this to the PPP… This is totally unacceptable behaviour in the National Assembly,” Jagdeo said.
He added that since coming to Parliament, Opposition members have been “restrained”.

Standing Orders
The former Clerk of the National Assembly told Guyana Times that the Speaker has the right to make decisions based only on the Standing Orders. He said, however, the Opposition had ways through which it could take action.
“They can bring a motion of no confidence in the Speaker,” he said. But this will most definitely cause some difficulties since Government has the majority.
He said the Speaker has the power to rule by the Standing Orders of the National Assembly.
“Generally, a Speaker is elected by the House and it is usual that the majority would elect him and it may be that the Speaker may want to side with the majority, who has put him there. The majority can also remove him. So he might be inclined at times to see with the majority. But he still has Standing Orders to be guided by,” Narain, who retired 14 years ago, told Guyana Times.

Meanwhile, political commentator, Dr Henry Jeffrey said he was sure that the Speaker has been abiding by the Standing Orders of the House.
“I am certain that the Speaker has been saying that he is making his decisions based on his interpretation of the Standing Orders.”
Sharing his views on the matter too was economist Ramon Gaskin, who said he saw Dr Scotland as a professional man.
“You have a very rambunctious Parliament there. All 65 of them knocking the table like a fish market, so he has a difficult job in trying to control those guys,” Gaskin said.
Over the weekend, former Speaker Ralph Ramkarran had sought to console the Opposition, saying that it need not be deterred by the Speaker’s ruling on another issue that has been fuelling criticism in some sections of the public
Last week, the National Assembly descended into a state of near chaos after PPP/C Member of Parliament Alister Charlie expressed concern over the Government’s apparent attempt to brand the country with the widespread usage of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) party colours.
However, the House Speaker quickly intervened and charged that “green and yellow” were colours of the Guyana flag and, therefore, would not be subject to lampooning. He subsequently ordered that Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira’s microphone be turned off, disallowing her from making a point on the matter.
A huge debate has taken centre stage in the political arena regarding the usage of the colours green and yellow and more importantly, the Speaker’s ruling on the issue.
Expressing his views on the matter, Ramkarran indicated that there was no detailed rationale of the Speaker’s ruling and consequently, the PPP/C should not be deterred from mounting a public campaign on the issue.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yes, some of us do.  I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.

As former Speaker of the House, and an expert on Guyana's constitution, Ralph has credibility on this issue.

"Ramkarran indicated that there was no detailed rationale of the Speaker’s ruling and consequently, the PPP/C should not be deterred from mounting a public campaign on the issue."

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.


Does Nandalaal know this?

Yes he does!!!

Alexi, ask Dad if he knows of an Uncle Johnny?

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.


Does Nandalaal know this?

Yes he does!!!

Alexi, ask Dad if he knows of an Uncle Johnny?

I am not Alexei.  You and Sase need to cut out that nonsense.  You are being slanderous to the Ramotar family.  My family is a lot more popular that the Ramotars.  We are the longest serving political family in Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.


Does Nandalaal know this?

Yes he does!!!

Alexi, ask Dad if he knows of an Uncle Johnny?

I am not Alexei.  You and Sase need to cut out that nonsense.  You are being slanderous to the Ramotar family.  My family is a lot more popular that the Ramotars.  We are the longest serving political family in Guyana.

Hmmmm! longest self serving political family in Guyana?


PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.


Does Nandalaal know this?

Yes he does!!!

Alexi, ask Dad if he knows of an Uncle Johnny?

I am not Alexei.  You and Sase need to cut out that nonsense.  You are being slanderous to the Ramotar family.  My family is a lot more popular that the Ramotars.  We are the longest serving political family in Guyana.

Hmmmm! longest self serving political family in Guyana?

Yess!!!  Think hard.  And the answer is staring you right here in the face!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes, some of us do.  I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.

As former Speaker of the House, and an expert on Guyana's constitution, Ralph has credibility on this issue.

"Ramkarran indicated that there was no detailed rationale of the Speaker’s ruling and consequently, the PPP/C should not be deterred from mounting a public campaign on the issue."

You are mad as hell. Which chromosome carry the encoding "PPP"? You are simply an ideological sheep.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

And you making me smile

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes, some of us do.  I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.

As former Speaker of the House, and an expert on Guyana's constitution, Ralph has credibility on this issue.

"Ramkarran indicated that there was no detailed rationale of the Speaker’s ruling and consequently, the PPP/C should not be deterred from mounting a public campaign on the issue."

You are mad as hell. Which chromosome carry the encoding "PPP"? You are simply an ideological sheep.

I think something must be screwed up in your chromosomes or head!!!  The latter happens when you drink too much too young!!

You mean to say that as a youngster the bwoy was an alcoholic? What local alcoholic beverage could he have guzzled?

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi, Is Jan Singh related to Jug Singh?

Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi, Is Jan Singh related to Jug Singh?

I don't know who is Jan Singh.  Looks like Gilly knows.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi, Is Jan Singh related to Jug Singh?

I don't know who is Jan Singh.  Looks like Gilly knows.

Sorry Bibi, Gilly could you answer this?

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I proudly carry that PPP gene, deep in my bloodline, straight back to the founders of the party.


Does Nandalaal know this?

Yes he does!!!

Alexi, ask Dad if he knows of an Uncle Johnny?

It should be Lisa.

Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi, Is Jan Singh related to Jug Singh?

I don't know who is Jan Singh.  Looks like Gilly knows.

Sorry Bibi, Gilly could you answer this?

Yes, Jan Singh was related to Jug Singh. My uncle told me so last Sunday. He was married to Jan Singh's daughter on April 22, 1962 and little Gilbakka was the siballa. My aunt/mamee died the next year of cancer. Jan Singh died a long time ago too. He was already an old man in 1963.


Thanks Bibi I thought you might know as you seem so well connected. 

I am an admirer of the Ramkarrans especially Ralph and it is great that Bayney still holds that esteemed position. Says something about him that he is still there under this new administration as I don't believe that he is a career diplomat having moved from being a practicing  partner of Decaires Fitzpatrick and  Karran to take up a diplomatic post many years ago. 


Ralph has his differences with certain members of the PPP.  But he never endorsed the coalition.  His father was with the party since 1947 and he is a very loyal man.  Boysie would turn in his grave if a Ramkarran becomes a PNC. 

Bibi Haniffa

It's really shameful to see the speaker of the house of parliament is abusing his constitutional duties to derail democracy as we sees it happening so often. How can this man fairly moderate the MP's that speaks on behalf of the people that voted for them? Is the House of Assembly already painted in Green and Yellow?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ralph has his differences with certain members of the PPP.  But he never endorsed the coalition.  His father was with the party since 1947 and he is a very loyal man.  Boysie would turn in his grave if a Ramkarran becomes a PNC. 

And he wasn't even beaten and thrown to the parpet like a DAAG!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ralph has his differences with certain members of the PPP.  But he never endorsed the coalition.  His father was with the party since 1947 and he is a very loyal man.  Boysie would turn in his grave if a Ramkarran becomes a PNC. 

We couldn't say the same for Moses. He disone Dr. Jagan, the poor and working class, and the Indian of Guyana. He now embraces the PNC dictator regime in a self serving position, and help raping the national treasury on the back of the poor.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The populace should be interested.  Barton Scotland's behavior is a threat to parliamentary democracy.  AND a no confidence vote can lead to early elections. 

in context . . . har de har har har har harrr

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP in opposition has always found fault with Speakers. 

PPP found fault with Speaker Rahaman B Gajraj, even as Dereck Jagan was married to Gajraj's daughter.

PPP also found fault with Speaker Sase Narain before 1992.

Regarding a no-confidence motion against Speaker Scotland, 32 against 33 can never win. 

Anyone ever found fault with Ralph?

You make me smile, and Mitwah is still staring in space. FYI, I regard Ralph as my big brother and Bayney did me a big favor just before I left Guyana 20 years ago. Boysie and I always got along fine. Yes, yuh got nice fambly. and I still maintain that we're related to the Enmore Singhs. My uncle informed me that Varshnie's grandfather/aja was Prettypaul Singh. Prettypaul's brother Jan Singh was my aunt Meena's father. 

Bibi, Is Jan Singh related to Jug Singh?

I don't know who is Jan Singh.  Looks like Gilly knows.

Sorry Bibi, Gilly could you answer this?

Yes, Jan Singh was related to Jug Singh. My uncle told me so last Sunday. He was married to Jan Singh's daughter on April 22, 1962 and little Gilbakka was the siballa. My aunt/mamee died the next year of cancer. Jan Singh died a long time ago too. He was already an old man in 1963.

Gilly, it looks like we are talking about different sets of people here. Jagajee Singh also called Jug Singh was born on December 29, 1912 at Enmore Sugar Plantation, East Coast Demerara. Jagajee and Evelyn were married on June 27, 1939. Evelyn Durga Singh was born on May 11, 1924 at Blairmont Plantation.His elder brother was Seo Singh.


The PPP has nothing to lose by tabling a no confidence motion against the speaker.

Yes it will be voted down but the speakers's credibility will be shaken up.

PPP should introduce such a motion to stop this speaker's assault on democracy and blocking the people's representative from speaking in parliament.

His disgraceful behaviour would never have been tolerated in the USA.


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