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The Alliance for Change (AFC) is not taking lightly pronouncements by the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) that it has signed its “death warrant” following the formation of a pre – elections coalition between itself and the main opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

AFC Executive and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the newly formed alliance Moses Nagamootoo took to his Facebook page late Tuesday to address the sentiments expressed by PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee earlier.

Nagamootoo rejected declarations by Rohee that the AFC stands to lose the most from the coalition with the main opposition party and argued rather that the Party is leading the change, “not only of a minority government, but in the way detractors see us.”

He regarded the union, particularly between himself and Presidential Candidate David Granger, as the “Dagga/Nagga” combo.

“He [Rohee] threatened that who ain’t dead, will be badly wounded. Rohee is National Security Minister and he ought to be taken seriously. Under his watch, peaceful protesters have been shot and killed, and innocent rice farmers tear-gassed, one stripped naked, then hauled away to the lock-ups,” the former PPP/C member said.

Meanwhile, Nagamootoo said what was not expected was that the AFC-mania would infect Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill who, according to Nagamootoo, “ripped the Bible apart when he described the mighty Moses and brave David as betrayers.” Nagamootoo said Edghill has clearly gone over the edge.

The Prime Ministerial Candidate says the alliance is right now the biggest show on the road.

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee cautioned the opposition on Tuesday against believing that the excitement surrounding the upcoming elections was about the coalition but rather about the opportunity to correct the mistakes at the 2011 elections and the opportunity to put an end to the last three years of obstruction to the PPP/C developmental agenda.

The PPP believes it is poised to capture its sixth win at national elections since 1992. However, the party has been losing votes consistently over the past 20 years in office and political observers have said the slide could continue.

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“He [Rohee] threatened that who ain’t dead, will be badly wounded. Rohee is National Security Minister and he ought to be taken seriously. Under his watch, peaceful protesters have been shot and killed, and innocent rice farmers tear-gassed, one stripped naked, then hauled away to the lock-ups,” the former PPP/C member said.


Rohee's police shot ex-GDF chief of staff Brigadier Edward Collins during peaceful protest after 2011 elections:


The police under Rohee's watch shot APNU activist during the same peaceful march:




The Alliance for Change (AFC) is not taking lightly pronouncements by the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) that it has signed its “death warrant” following the formation of a pre–elections coalition between itself and the main opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).



The recent indication of the PNC and AFC blending together is strictly a matter between the two groups.


It needs to be seen if indeed they will present themselves as one registered party at the official time to contest the 2015 elections.


PNC and AFC are the ones who probably bazodee.


PNC cum AFC indeed are carrying on the biggest show to demonstrate their continued status as opposition MPs while on May 11 2015, the PPP/C will enter parliament with more than 51+ percent of the votes.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PNC cum AFC indeed are carrying on the biggest show to demonstrate their continued status as opposition MPs while on May 11 2015, the PPP/C will enter parliament with more than 51+ percent of the votes.

How far up your poop chute you went to pull out 51 + % ?


Words like "who ain't dead will be badly wounded" is not appropriate at this time. Minister Roheehas once again revealed that it is time for he and the PPP to get out of office.

Hopefully the people in Guyana will not vote race .

Time for the PPP to go!!!


The PPP is trying to whistle loudly while passing the cemetery.


Once the AFC explains that the PPP did not get the message the voters sent them by making them the minority, and the PPP continues its merry way stealing as if there is no tomorrow, under the guise of progress,the working poor will understand the $$$ did not go to their progress or to Indian communities. The PPP stole for its new bourgeoisie friends.


The Coalition wants to put an end to the thieving so that there is real progress for all, not progress for the bank account of the Jagdeoites.


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