Despite all queries answered – Opposition cut Specialty Hospital estimates - Failed project bidder client of AFC Leader
April 18, 2013, by , Georgetown, GINA, Source
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh this evening stated there was no question by the Opposition left unanswered regarding the Specialty Hospital project and that the Alliance for Change’s Motion to cut is fundamentally flawed.
The Minister made the statement shortly after the Opposition combined voted to cut the estimates for the Specialty Hospital that is to be built at Liliendaal and for which site work has begun.
He also pointed to the fact that AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is on public record as stating that the other contractor who had placed a bid for the project is Fedders Lloyd, is a client of Ramjattan.
It is this same contractor that the AFC is contending that should have been awarded the project. Surendra Engineering won the contract to build the two-storey hospital at a cost of US$18.1 million due to its bid being evaluated as the lowest.
That Fedders- Lloyd should have been given the contract is the contention that the AFC has maintained throughout their arguments over the project and has consistently rejected it because of this.
“This raises a whole host of other issues. You have a project that is excellent in its merit… that was previously approved by this House, recognising that it would be a multi-year project… there was a mobilisation advance payment made to the company. The person moving the cut is on public record as saying the unsuccessful bidder was or is their client; all of these issues coming together in what I would say, an extremely alarming set of developments,” the Finance Minister stated.
“It’s a most regrettable outcome, and I believe that this decision by the AFC, and then collectively by the opposition, will be judged extremely harshly by the public.”
Minister Singh also pointed to the fact that there were no questions posed to the Minister by AFC MPs.