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Despite all queries answered – Opposition cut Specialty Hospital estimates - Failed project bidder client of AFC Leader

April 18, 2013, by , Georgetown, GINA, Source


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh this evening stated there was no question by the Opposition left unanswered regarding the Specialty Hospital project and that the Alliance for Change’s Motion to cut is fundamentally flawed.


The Minister made the statement shortly after the Opposition combined voted to cut the estimates for the Specialty Hospital that is to be built at Liliendaal and for which site work has begun.


He also pointed to the fact that AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan is on public record as stating that the other contractor who had placed a bid for the project is Fedders Lloyd, is a client of Ramjattan.


It is this same contractor that the AFC is contending that should have been awarded the project. Surendra Engineering won the contract to build the two-storey hospital at a cost of US$18.1 million due to its bid being evaluated as the lowest.


That Fedders- Lloyd should have been given the contract is the contention that the AFC has maintained throughout their arguments over the project and has consistently rejected it because of this.


“This raises a whole host of other issues. You have a project that is excellent in its merit… that was previously approved by this House, recognising that it would be a multi-year project… there was a mobilisation advance payment made to the company. The person moving the cut is on public record as saying the unsuccessful bidder was or is their client; all of these issues coming together in what I would say, an extremely alarming set of developments,” the Finance Minister stated.


“It’s a most regrettable outcome, and I believe that this decision by the AFC, and then collectively by the opposition, will be judged extremely harshly by the public.”


Minister Singh also pointed to the fact that there were no questions posed to the Minister by AFC MPs.


Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh

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Health Ministry’s estimates amended – as $1.25B for Specialty Hospital slashed

April 18, 2013, by , Georgetown, GINA, Source


The 2013 capital and current estimates for the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and the Ministry of Health were reviewed during the last segment of Wednesday’s sitting of the National Assembly. The sum of $19.2B was allocated to the sector with the aim of achieving universal health coverage through the primary health care approach.


The nod was given for expenditures for the GPHC and the Health Ministry’s administration, disease control, primary health care services, health sciences education and standards and technical services were approved as part of the estimates.


With regards to regional and clinical services, a motion was moved by APNU Member of Parliament, Carl Greenidge for this aspect to be amended in terms of removing the allocations for the specialty hospital. However, his motion could not be adopted until a full day had passed after its publication, and not having met the requirements of the Standing Orders, Greenidge’s motion was disallowed.


AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan’s motion tabled by him on Friday was adopted since it met the requirements, having been published 72 hours before. On this basis, with the 33 votes of the Opposition for the cut as against 32 on the Government side, the opposition went ahead and cut.


When the $1.25B estimates for the specialty hospital were being considered, Health Minister, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran and his team were asked pressing questions regarding the hospital, some of which touched on the amounts already spent in 2012 and the works done. In response, the Minister explained that before 2012, $29.1M was spent and before 2013, $846M was spent. This included site preparation work by Bovell Construction and preliminary work by Surendra – the Indian company that won the bid.


When faced with claims that none of the work outlined by the Minister was actually done, he explained that there were issues with Bovell, regarding the company maintaining the time line and some lack of capacity were also noted. Additionally, 30 percent of the mobilisation cost was paid with Government being obliged to prepare for site preparation and procurement of sand to be used for the project.


Minister Ramsaran indicated that a report submitted to the Health Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Leslie Cadogan noted that the construction company was moving ahead with the geo-technical survey which has an impact on the design phase. The company is at a stage where they can make a payment schedule.


Questions were posed about whether the facility would be accessible by ordinary citizens and cost recovery mechanisms.


Minister Ramsaran was asked about the arrangements for overseeing the management of medical supplies, and explained that the new bond in Diamond allows for proper, effective and efficient inventory of medical supplies from the time it is received from the manufacturer and distributed to the end-users.


When asked about the implications for the Health Ministry’s medical supplies stored by the New GPC, the Minister responded that the new bond has the capacity to store all the supplies bought by the Ministry. This also ties in with the National Treatment Guidelines that doctors must follow when ordering drugs. The Minister admitted that there should have been better storage of drugs in the past so as to avoid spoilage.


He was asked about advanced payments to manufacturers for 2013 medical supplies, and proffered that there are some instances when advances are needed, but there no 100 percent advanced payment required.


The Minister was asked about the increase in lubricants, and responded that it was for a bio-hazard truck which is attached to the GPHC and is used for the transport of medical waste from the private hospitals and health centers under the purview of the GPHC to the hospital’s hydroclave for disposal.


Under the standards and technical services programme, the Minister responded to questions about the supply of drugs and medical supplies. These he noted arereagents used in labs and are transitioning from a foreign-funded programme to the Government’s budget. In relation to training under this same programme, Minister Ramsaran indicated that it would be provided for people at the technician level and for recruiters who would in future be attached to the blood bank.


The Minister was asked about the $45M increase for medical equipment and indicated that items such as portable x-ray and an anesthetic machine would be procured.


In terms of some increases in the administrative programme of the Ministry, the Minister noted thatsome foreign- funded projects are being transitioned/absorbed into the Government’s budget such as some training components, surveillance and the National AIDS Programme Secretariat.


The Minister was asked about an increase of $16M under the primary health care services, and he explained that this also caters for transitions of vaccines such as the new rotavirus and HPV vaccines, and increases in the provision of dental services from foreign to government funding.Focus would also be placed on adolescent and maternal health.


Under the regional and clinical services, the Health Minister was questioned about the decrease in staff but increases in funding categorised under temporary employees. Minister Ramsaran noted that this covers the stipend for 129 Cuban doctors which amounts to US$700. The Cuban doctors are regarded as temporary employees because they each spend a two- year rotation in Guyana.


Some of the surgical tools slated to be procured for Regions 1-10 include endoscopy, warmer, dental chairs, cardiac monitors, dental unit for Kwakwani, ventilators, foetal monitors, spinal boards, cryo units for the management of cervical cancer, phlebotomy chair, suction machines and monitors.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan is a SHAMELESS MONEY HUNGRY SCAMP!!!

Let the events on-fold.


Remember, time, patience, also for you calm down.

Who me?? I am as calm as a sleeping Baby.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatan is a SHAMELESS MONEY HUNGRY SCAMP!!!

Let the events on-fold.


Remember, time, patience, also for you calm down.

Who me?? I am as calm as a sleeping Baby.   

Get all the rest .. but do not over-sleep.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

AFC has shown its true face after the 2011 elections -- solidly wrapped with the PNC.


The next election will be an interesting one.

They are both THE OPPOSITION.

Would you expect any opposition anywhere in the world to side with their Govt in every cocamamie scheme they come up with?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This kind of nasty politics that the AFC is playing in parliament will come back to haunt them. They are not acting in the interest of those who voted for them nor that of the nation itself.

That's how you see it, not the way it is seen by the mostly poor in Guyana.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

AFC has shown its true face after the 2011 elections -- solidly wrapped with the PNC.


The next election will be an interesting one.

They are both THE OPPOSITION.

Would you expect any opposition anywhere in the world to side with their Govt in every cocamamie scheme they come up with?

Prior to the 2011 elections, AFC claimed that it is different from the other parties and is in political arena for a new approach.


Immediately after the elections, it became clear that the AFC is solidly intertwined with the PNC.


It is evident what the AFC meant by having a new approach.


The next election will be quite an interesting one.


Its now clear to see, the joint opposition were false in their claims that they have the Guyanese people on their front burner, its beyond comprehension the cutting of funds for a Specialty "Hospital" by AFC/APNU.


The AFC did some good by cutting funding to NCN and the OP hangerons, but to mess with the hospital and hydro project is vindictive. These are two capital investments that can yield great dividends for Guyana.  But note that the PPP will not chance a snap elections because they would not risk their their cushy job for the good of the nation. The last elections sent a message that they may no longer retain power. The PNC would be the big winner in the case that the AFC continue to steal votes away from the PPP. People have forgotten how destructive the PNC have been and are more apt to be complacent and allow these folks to ruin the nation once again.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

AFC has shown its true face after the 2011 elections -- solidly wrapped with the PNC.


The next election will be an interesting one.

They are both THE OPPOSITION.

Would you expect any opposition anywhere in the world to side with their Govt in every cocamamie scheme they come up with?

Prior to the 2011 elections, AFC claimed that it is different from the other parties and is in political arena for a new approach.


Immediately after the elections, it became clear that the AFC is solidly intertwined with the PNC.


It is evident what the AFC meant by having a new approach.


The next election will be quite an interesting one.

Check this out. Want more?


Minister Priya Manickchand Says:

"Totally shameless that the PNC/APNU would propose to slash from the budget any provision from the office of the First Lady. They were trying to cut the 10 million dollars allocated to that office. Thankfully the AFC acted decently and refused to support that bit of madnes. For that I commend the AFC.


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