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Opposition dislike for Rohee responsible for our messPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Sunday, 20 January 2013 19:26

THE stupefying fact is, the opposition does not like Minister Rohee, which is why we have found ourselves in this mess. The combined team cannot stomach the presence of Clement Rohee, hence this laughable sentence of a gag order on him. But is this sufficient evidence to stop the minister from carrying out his duties? Absolutely not! If this were the cause for someone being denied his legal rights as is the case of the elected Member of Parliament, then I shudder to think what society would be like. There would be an awful lot of persons walking around who cannot speak or do anything, because someone else does not like them. This is utter hogwash! Even if someone were autistic they would have readily picked this up. Now, this is what Parliament has become, a pappy show. Minister Rohee has done nothing wrong, yet he cannot exercise the rights and privileges he was afforded by the constitution of this country; so says the opposition. He has done nothing wrong. He has not broken the law. If ever the law was broken that lies in the opposition's camp. They are the ones who have broken the law, lock stock and barrel.
The Chief Justice in his ruling has made it very clear that the Member of Parliament must speak, yet the opposition continues to violate the constitution with their mindless antics in a time-wasting appeal.
They have broken the law and are looking in every little crevice in which they can escape the fact. So they are prepared to frustrate the system by appealing his ruling. Civilised society is not run like this, nor does the law in any way provide any legitimacy to that form of foolishness. Legally speaking, one has to have a valid reason or cause to make out a case against someone else, then, have them proven guilty before any action can be taken. In the minister's case no cause was given, neither was he found guilty of any wrong- doing; yet, he suffers the ignominy of being gagged. What a putrid mess! The alarming truth is that with all the so- called legal minds in the opposition, speaker and all, such a simple fact of the law cannot be deciphered.
Further to the issue, my knowledge of the law states that someone must be allowed to function in their present capacity until a just case is meted out against them. Thus, Minister Rohee has every right to speak or carry out all the functions of a minister until proven otherwise. Until such time, parliament must function as a normal body with his contribution there.

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The Chief Justice in his ruling has made it very clear that the Member of Parliament must speak, yet the opposition continues to violate the constitution with their mindless antics in a time-wasting appeal.
They have broken the law and are looking in every little crevice in which they can escape the fact. So they are prepared to frustrate the system by appealing his ruling. Civilised society is not run like this, nor does the law in any way provide any legitimacy to that form of foolishness.


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