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Home > TOP STORY > OPPOSITION EXPOSED -Hundreds at Bartica told about ‘nature of the beast’
President Donald Ramotar is regaled by supporters at the Bartica rally last evening
President Donald Ramotar is regaled by supporters at the Bartica rally last evening

OPPOSITION EXPOSED -Hundreds at Bartica told about ‘nature of the beast’


“CAN we trust them?” This was the question posed by President Donald Ramotar to hundreds of Barticians gathered last evening for the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) second national rally.According to the PPP/C presidential candidate, the Alliance of A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has undertaken a “deliberate” effort to expose Guyana and the Guyanese people to harm.
“They expose our country to numerous dangers that did not happen accidentally, but was a result of what they set out to do in a deliberate way….these are serious times, these are the people who want to get your vote…the last three years have not been easy,” he said.
On that note, he voiced another question, “How were we able to advance our country in these difficult circumstances, having an Opposition that is deliberately destructive?”
The answer, according to President Donald Ramotar, is seen in the efforts made by the current Administration to improve the lives of all Guyanese people.
Still, he bemoaned the fact that Guyana is plagued by the non-passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and the Countering of the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill, as well as many unanswered questions that are hanging over the heads of the political opposition.

It is these unanswered questions, according to him, that expose the political opposition.
“Their hands are stained,” the President stressed.
At the top of his list were the 155 missing Guyana Defence Force (GDF) weapons, the disposition of APNU+AFC to the current Administration’s development thrust, particularly as it relates to the major flagship infrastructure projects, and the political Opposition’s demonstration of a thirst for power, as opposed to an interest in welfare of the Guyanese people.
Mr Ramotar noted that the missing guns turned up in the hands of criminals during the crime wave of the 2000’s, while budget cuts diminished his Administration’s ability to deliver on all of its promises to the Guyanese people. He noted too that negations to ink an agreement for an alliance focused on positions, rather than issues affecting the Guyanese people.
“Granger (APNU leader Brigadier (rtd) David Granger) and Moses Nagamootoo have voted to endanger our people and they come to you now and talk about what they will do for you,” he said.
Mr Ramotar contends that that political Opposition is dishonest and as such cannot be trusted.
“This is the nature of the beast,” he said, adding that the plans, policies, programmes and legislative advances to take Guyana forward are what is at stake.

President Ramotar committed to universal secondary education and other advances in the social section, the positioning of Guyana to take advantage of rapid global developments by exploring new frontiers, including Information Communication and Technology (ICT), attracting new investments, the construction of the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and advances in the oil and gas sector, which could see Guyana becoming an oil and gas producer.
“This is not all….we have opportunities to do much more…with our vision, we will open possibilities for thousands of people…there are huge possibilities for us,…this is the future we are preparing for,” he assured.
The PPP/C presidential candidate made it clear that the PPP/ C has proven itself to be a government that cares about the Guyanese people.

Consequently, he stressed that the choice is clear, come May 11. “We are here tonight because we will be facing an election on May 11. Elections offer us an opportunity to examine our record, look at our achievement and offers us the opportunity to look ahead and decide on the direction we want to take.”
According to him, the record of the PPP/C is second to no political party in Guyana. “The PPP/C has taken Guyana from the abyss to one of the most rapidly developing countries in the Caribbean.”
He highlighted, in particular, the economic progress over the last two decades – progress that was built from the ground up after the disastrous stewardship of former finance minister and current APNU executive, Carl Greenidge.
“They don’t have a record to compare with ours…there is so much more we can do…we want to build…this is the direction we are headed in,” the President said.
He added, “What is at stake on May 11 is extremely important…the Guyanese people have to judge who can take the country forward, you have to compare records and characters.”
The several hundreds of supporters who were attracted and enthused by the pulsating rhythms of several campaign tunes and the energy brought to the platform by the Region 7 (Cuyuni/ Mazaruni) representative, Jennifer Westford.
The massive gathering also received well the curtain call issued by the incumbent PPP/C presidential candidate. “The PPP/ has stood with you and tonight I ask you to stand with us, stand by me on May 11,” Mr Ramotar urged.

By Vanessa Narine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 

U declaring your hate for black people is a superior and proper form of hate! What a moron? The PPP is not winning in Bartica. They will indeed gain a crowd because our society is split down the middle with little spill over of reason. It is that few reasonable men and women will be their undoing.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 

As per normal, special boat was commission to fetch the few hundreds from Parika. Very few of them were true Bartica people.


The charade continues.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 

you already get kick to the curb you and nehru sleep in them gutta on liberty ave

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 




While Afros make up 30 Percent of the population, Granger took 75 Percent representation in their list.


Plain facts. PNC is a dangerous and racist party.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mee nah trust the either. Granger is a danger and prappa hate coolie. He only want them donation and vote and then kick them to the curb. 




While Afros make up 30 Percent of the population, Granger took 75 Percent representation in their list.


Plain facts. PNC is a dangerous and racist party.


what a fool is like the pot calling the kettle black,just the very though that you think this way tell me you is a racist


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