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Opposition has no grounds for cutting budget – President Ramotar

By Zena Henry, April 12, 2013, By , Filed Under New, Source - Kaieteur News Online


Following intense debates in the National Assembly and hints of slashing another budget,  President Donald Ramotar has asserted that any moves by the opposition parties to cut this year’s budget would be without grounds, thus highlighting vindictiveness on their part.

Speaking briefly  to media operatives yesterday,Mr. Ramotar opined that, “As far as the debate is concerned, (Moses) Nagamootoo summed it up that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) won the debate, but still they want to cut the budget.”

“It seems to be so illogical. If you won the debate you expect that you have convinced them, but they’re still cutting the budget. So obviously they have no grounds and this is now down to vindictiveness.”

President Donald Ramotar


On the issue of cutting funds, the President asserted that more than the government, the country would be at a loss. It would mean less resources being spent on the country and slowing down the pace of development that we are anticipating.”

When asked about the government’s next move in anticipation of the expected budget cuts, President Ramotar said that he is unsure, but the administration would be watching carefully at all the related developments.
He expressed satisfaction with the performance of his ministers during the budget debates.

“I am satisfied with the PPPC members, who spoke extremely well and who did a very fine job. The Opposition, many of them had not even spoken on the budget, but I think they hadn’t come to debate, they came with a fixed decision from before.”

Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh recently unveiled a $208.8B budget, but the opposition parties, the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), have indicated their willingness to cut monies from areas they feel funds are being wasted and in sectors where the issue of lack of transparency still exists.

The AFC issued a clear warning that it will cut bad project allocations, waste and extravagance from the budget. Party frontbencher, Moses Nagamootoo, told the National Assembly last Tuesday that allocations hurting national interest, “like subsidies for the state-run propaganda machines that continue to lock-out the opposition and refuse to give us fair and reasonable access, should not get a cent!”

APNU’s shadow Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge, when responding to questions related to the cuts this year said that, “We will not be a toothless opposition.”

In light of last year’s High Court judgment on budget cuts which saw Chief Justice Ian Chang ruling that the joint parliamentary opposition could have either passed or voted down the Budget; but cutting was not an option, Greenidge said that all decisions handed down by a Chief Justice are subject to an appeal that may be taken as far as the Caribbean Court of Justice- and that may very well be a course for the opposition, if the government is to again run to the courts.

Opposition parties had earlier in the year expressed dissatisfaction in relation to tripartite talks in preparation of this year’s budget. They are additionally adamant that the law provides for parliament to have the last say on Budget estimates.

Referring to the C J’s ruling on last year’s budget, Greenidge had stated that, “No one judge in Guyana has the final say”, expanding on his point that the laws of Guyana are there to govern and that the opposition has a right to cut. He charged that persons may interpret or choose to intercept the law differently.

Several agencies such as the National Communications Network (NCN), the Government Information Agency (GINA) and Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) had monies allocated to them slashed, when the opposition attempted to have their say in relation to funds necessary for the functioning of certain state entities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Speaking like his hero Burnham, this is what Carl Greenidge said:


"Referring to the C J’s ruling on last year’s budget, Greenidge had stated that, “No one judge in Guyana has the final say”, expanding on his point that the laws of Guyana are there to govern and that the opposition has a right to cut. He charged that persons may interpret or choose to intercept the law differently."

This man Carl Greenidge has total disregard for the laws and courts of Guyana. These men are the left overs from the Burnham dictatorship era and now embraced, worshipped and loved by the AFC.


when this budget is cut some people at OP will have to look for some other work they will be no snap election ramottar is not stupid he know it will be his only term in office

Originally Posted by warrior:

when this budget is cut some people at OP will have to look for some other work they will be no snap election ramottar is not stupid he know it will be his only term in office


The parliament is not authorized to cut the budget---they can approve it or vote it down--and as Demerara Guy mentioned in the other thread---if it is voted down---NEW ELECTION.










rev reguardless if you are a ppp supporter or not use your sence the ppp is all about power they will not gamble on the chance guyanese will vote them in at the moment the ppp lose lots of grounds with their supporters they will settle for a little power and hope for the long run donot forget that jagan wait 28 yrs before he get into power the old members will play a waiting game in the ppp party and hope the oppistion make some mistakes




You know the Rev's track record is pi$$ poor when it comes to predicting elections.


How about you warrior---if a snap election were held this year---what percentages would the PPP, PNC and AFC receive ? And which party would form the government ?



Originally Posted by warrior:

how long guyana have that constutition they will always be problem the ppp might win with less vote and then  it all over again the same shit

So do you believe the PPP will agree to change the constitution to give the PNC/AFC a shot at winning the executive branch ?





Originally Posted by warrior:

so guyana will keep suffering and the ppp ministers will keep thiefing then it all come down to what i was saying all this time a coup

Who told you Guyana is suffering ?


Listen. The only people in Guyana who are suffering are losers in the PNC party and the PNC Indians in the AFC who hate the PPP and are dying to see the PNC rule Guyana again.


The Rev was in Guyana late last year---people happy no ra$$---and like Nehru always say---Guyana sweet bad.



Originally Posted by warrior:

so if the ppp have the people so happy how come they begging in parlament just asking

The politicians in parliament--all of them---PPP, PNC, AFC---they are a bunch of buffoons.


I am talking about the good people of Guyana----I was there late last year----and everybody was in a festive mood----Guyana is a sweet, sweet country to visit.


Listen warrior. Next time you visit Guyana---when you land at Cheddi---and get off the plane---take a deep breath----NICE.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Listen warrior. Next time you visit Guyana---when you land at Cheddi---and get off the plane---take a deep breath----NICE.



If you rant standing around deh at the same time an the man tek a deep breath, is probly dead he gun dead.

Originally Posted by cain:

If you rant standing around deh at the same time an the man tek a deep breath, is probly dead he gun dead.



Chameli was so right about you over at social---you haven't visited Guyana since you left in the 1970s.hahahaha


Listen cainster! When you deplane and inhale that aromatic air---you know you are in Guyana.


Tek a visit cainsta---get out of that freezer you live in---40 years is a long time to live away from your homeland and never






On the issue of cutting funds, the President asserted that more than the government, the country would be at a loss. It would mean less resources being spent on the country and slowing down the pace of development that we are anticipating.”

Its clear to see, the joint opposition is hellbent of derailing the progress of the country.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

On the issue of cutting funds, the President asserted that more than the government, the country would be at a loss. It would mean less resources being spent on the country and slowing down the pace of development that we are anticipating.”


Tell Ramotar the Rev said he is coming across like a weakling and a facting crybaby.


He ought to challenge the opposition--- make it clear to them that if they don't pass the budget---he is prepared for an election that he will win and win with a majority.




Its clear to see, the joint opposition is digging their own grave, they could never justify putting thousands of working class Guyanese  on the breadline, to obtain cheap political points. In the event of any  snap elections, the  Guyanese populace will be  fully geared to endorse the PPP/C with a majority

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the joint opposition is digging their own grave, they could never justify putting thousands of working class Guyanese  on the breadline, to obtain cheap political points. In the event of any  snap elections, the  Guyanese populace will be  fully geared to endorse the PPP/C with a majority

You are full of poop. If that was so, the PPP would waste no time in calling a snap election. Ramotar is a weak duckling.
The PPP is in trouble with the grass roots supporters.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its clear to see, the joint opposition is digging their own grave, they could never justify putting thousands of working class Guyanese  on the breadline, to obtain cheap political points. In the event of any  snap elections, the  Guyanese populace will be  fully geared to endorse the PPP/C with a majority



President Ramotar is an honorable man---he is a man worthy of the office he holds---and the good people of Guyana know this---and very importantly the honorable Ramotar is also slowly restoring dignity to the PPP.


The AFC and PNC are comprised of a bunch of opportunists and losers----they don't give a rat's a$$ about the welfare of Guyana or Guyanese---their goal is to make the PPP look bad.


President Ramotar ought to challenge the opposition to vote down the budget---we know they can't cut it---the constitution says so according to Justice Chang.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:

President Ramotar ought to challenge the opposition to vote down the budget---we know they can't cut it---the constitution says so according to Justice Chang.






Then why is there even the necessity to debate the budget? The people  have given the joint opposition the mandate.


The chief justice decision is as clear as day, the joint opposition can approve or disapprove the proposed  estimates,to do otherwise would be unconstitutional. Its a fact the joint opposition can't deny

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



A majority or minority Administration has the authority to govern a country.


The opposition party(ies) has the responsibility to create a successful vote of non-confidence to bring down the government and cause an election.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The chief justice decision is as clear as day, the joint opposition can approve or disapprove the proposed  estimates,to do otherwise would be unconstitutional. Its a fact the joint opposition can't deny


The Rev suspects that the joint opposition are engaging in intentional rabble rousing---their incendiary and demagogic bashings are meant to inflame their base and make them hate the PPP more.


But I rather doubt the joint opposition wants a snap election---it would be suicide for them---they'd lose their majority in parliament.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The chief justice decision is as clear as day, the joint opposition can approve or disapprove the proposed  estimates,to do otherwise would be unconstitutional. Its a fact the joint opposition can't deny


The Rev suspects that the joint opposition are engaging in intentional rabble rousing---their incendiary and demagogic bashings are meant to inflame their base and make them hate the PPP more.


But I rather doubt the joint opposition wants a snap election---it would be suicide for them---they'd lose their majority in parliament.





Rev now that Reep is dead, who will help win back the 5000+ N1GGER Indians supporters?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

President Ramotar ought to challenge the opposition to vote down the budget---we know they can't cut it---the constitution says so according to Justice Chang.


Mitwah: Then why is there even the necessity to debate the budget? The people  have given the joint opposition the mandate.




Go back to the Guyana constitution---it was written to benefit Burnham and the PNC---Burnham thought he would live forever and rule forever.


The budget debate was meant to be a formality---the Burnham constitution says the executive branch prepares the budget---and the parliament votes on the budget----yes or no----but the parliament cannot make changes to the budget.




One of the reason I called Ramotar a patsy and a weakling is because he damn well knows the opposition cannot cut the budget---they can either approve it or vote it down---so why the hell was he complaining about hardships to the Guyanese people---if parliament doesn't approve the budget---election time.




So says the all mighty BURNHAM CONSTITUTION---and so agrees Chief justice Ian Chang.




A simple survey of a cross section of the Guyanese society, would reveal they are totally against the sinister motives of the joint opposition, whenever the joint opposition goes to the constituents, they are greeted with cold shoulders.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

A simple survey of a cross section of the Guyanese society, would reveal they are totally against the sinister motives of the joint opposition, whenever the joint opposition goes to the constituents, they are greeted with cold shoulders.


The joint opposition is in a quandary---they know they cannot make cuts to the budget---the chief justice told them that is what the constitution says---so their predicament is---do they vote down the budget and then risk losing their majority in parliament in a snap election.


If the PNC/AFC are, indeed, greeted by cold shoulders---that is bad news---they will definitely lose their majority in a snap election.









The P.P.P/C seems the most prepared for any eventuality of snap elections, and stand the better chance of winning a majority, the electorate are fed up of the sinister motives of the joint opposition

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P/C seems the most prepared for any eventuality of snap elections, and stand the better chance of winning a majority, the electorate are fed up of the sinister motives of the joint opposition

So what you are saying is Freedom House already has plans in works for a snap election just in case the joint opposition decides to commit political suicide and vote down the budget.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
So what you are saying is Freedom House already has plans in works for a snap election just in case the joint opposition decides to commit political suicide and vote down the budget.



An effective political organisation is always prepared for an election; either before or at the scheduled period,


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