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Opposition holding budget hostage to sell political agenda - Finance Ministe


The Alliance for Change has given notice to the National Assembly of its intention to cut the 2013 National budget, despite knowing the fact that, legally, it is already firmly established in the 2012 Budget cut case that the opposition has no power in law, and under the constitution to reduce the budget estimates.


Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said the proposed cuts defy logic, and have no merit for the good intentions towards the future of Guyana and are also in defiance of the ruling by the Chief Justice last year while designed to harm the nation.


“They are holding the budget hostage to sell their political agenda,” he observed.


Minister Singh, along with Presidential Advisor on Governance, Ms. Gail Teixeira and Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali was at the time participating in a live television programme on the National Communications Network. The topic under focus was the 2013 National Budget and the AFC proposed cuts to the budget.


From left to right: Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh, Presidential Advisor of Governance Gail Teixeira and Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali. Facing the government officials is NCN Editor Edward Layne.

From left to right: Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh, Presidential Advisor of Governance Gail Teixeira and Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali. Facing the government officials is NCN Editor Edward Layne.



The Government remains consistent in its willingness to talk on the estimates presented to the National Assembly for 2013, Teixeira stated; however, this time around, Government also has major issues of its own to bring to these talks with the political opposition.


She was referring to a request made today to the Head of State President Donald Ramotar by the political opposition for talks just after the AFC had made public their proposals for cuts to the 2013 Budget and A Partnership for National Unity had indicated a willingness to find ways to avoid cuts.




Minister Ali stated that the proposed cuts and irresponsible statements by the two opposition parties are geared towards creating mischief and uneasiness among the people. He observed that there was a pattern to the unreasonable requests put forward by the opposition when their backs were against the wall. The Minister likened the proposed call for a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the workings of Guysuco to the call for the COI into the Linden events of July 18. The results of the Linden COI were not accepted, and similarly, the likelihood remains that the results of any other COI they call for would not be, either.


Dangerous statement

Minister Ali pointed to the very dangerous statement made by the opposition that Government has been hiring persons based on their ethnicity and political affiliations. This, he vehemently denied, stating that the administration has always strived to employ persons based on their abilities, competency and qualifications. The Minister declared that the insinuation of ethnicity is dangerous, as well as disrespectful to the thousands employed in the public service.


He observed also that the cuts proposed which will immediately see the termination of jobs for thousands of Government workers who opted for contract employment, will effectively bring the country to a standstill, which is what the opposition is aiming for in order to claim failed governance of the PPP/C administration.



Areas identified to be cut are Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) programmes, Hinterland electrification,  Drainage and Irrigation, competitiveness programme, East Bank Highway project, Citizens Security Programme, National Communications Network (NCN), Government Information Agency (GINA), Sports and arts development fund, Board of Industrial Training (BIT) programmes, Guyana Elections Commission, funding for all contracted employees under the Ministries of Home Affairs, Labour, Human Services and Social Security, Public Works, Local Government and Regional Development, Finance and Office of the President.


The Housing Minister pointed to the cuts proposed for the Competitiveness programme which puts the AFC in direct opposition to the call by A Partnership for National Unity’s Carl Greenidge for the development of a business climate conducive to competition. He described this proposal as illogical and seeking to sacrifice Government’s agenda towards political gain.


The most baseless of all the cuts proposed however, is the one aimed towards the Social Services Sector which has oversight and responsibility for support to the elderly; to ensure the payment of the increased pension and the support for electricity subsidy to pensioners. This will be severely affected by the cut.


Minster Ali also reiterated that the arguments regarding the subsidy for the Demerara Harbour Bridge as against the high costs at the Berbice Bridge were to mislead the people. He pointed out that nationalisation would only take the country backward onto the path of dictatorship.


On the issue of the LCDS and Information and Communication Technology Programmes, Minister Ali stated quite clearly, these cuts were directed against the Amerindian communities and the AFC is saying here to Amerindians that they are not important and could be classed as ‘collateral damage.’


He also highlighted the inexplicable cut of funds to address the East Bank highway where congestion is rife due to increased housing allocations and commuter traffic. This cut was proposed, despite repeated calls to have the issue addressed.


Minster Ali also noted that while funding was not cut for the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, proposed cut in funding for the access road has been made.  Cuts in funding for the Public Security programme, equipment for the Home Affairs Ministry, the Specialty Hospital, and the airport expansion will affect major transformation projects aimed at a better Guyana for all. Minister Ali also added that the halting of these projects will severely cripple the construction sector.


“Talking is not our problem, we are not going to be bullied, pressured or trampled upon. We will stick to our commitment to the people of Guyana and not exploit them,” the Minster declared.


Minister Singh noted that Budget 2013 has enjoyed tremendous support throughout the country. He pointed to favourable responses from the private sector, labour, the Chamber of Commerce and FITUG and ordinary Guyanese.


He also noted that while the recent debate was a traditional rehash of political rhetoric, he expressed concern about their attempt to link non-related matters to the passage of the budget holding the budget to ransom in the process. This, Minister Singh, observed is tantamount to holding the people of Guyana to ransom in order to extract concession on other matters.


Meanwhile, Ms. Texeira said the AFC’s proposal defies rhyme and reason and is vindictive. She noted that the letter to the President to have talks on the estimates during the gap before its consideration should have come instead, for pre-Budget talks.


While she acknowledged that the talks were needed, she noted the hedging of the opposition and said it is now nothing but a drawn out process which will result in nothing, a clear case of bullyism she said, noting however, that Government will not close the door on such talks.


Teixeira pointed to the double standards and lack of ethics in the call for the COI for Guysuco while the opposition is noted for not accepting the results presented by such a body.

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AFC uncovers “secret” US$25M bank account

April 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

…signatories are Brassington, Burrowes


Ahead of tomorrow’s talks with Government to stave off a $38B cut from the National Budget, the Opposition has accused the administration of hiding almost $5B (US$25M) in a bank account under the control of Winston Brassington, the controversial head of the Privatisation Unit. The monies at the Guyana Bank For Trade and Industry (GBTI), according to Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), can be used to pay public servants a much-needed increase in wages and salaries. Both opposition parties, AFC and A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), which control a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, are determined to slash excesses from the National Budget and on Friday said that they are willing to talk with Government before Monday’s afternoon considerations of the estimates. Ramotar has agreed to meet with the parties tomorrow at the Office of the President. Regarding the bank account, Ramjattan said that a whistleblower disclosed that Brassington and Keith Burrowes, an official close to the government, are the main persons controlling the bank account at GBTI. “We are being told by a reliable source…a whistleblower…that the account has $4.9B in it in the name of National Cooperative Financial Services. AFC is extremely concerned about this since nowhere has the government told the National Assembly that it has (this money) sitting in an account.” The National Assembly is the authority that scrutinizes and releases spending from the Consolidated Funds, where all public monies are held. According to Ramjattan, the $4.9B would represent some of the proceeds from the divestment of GAIBANK and the Guyana National Cooperative Bank. “The Government is telling us that it will have no monies if we reduce the wastage. Well, the AFC wants to tell them that there is $3-4B also sitting in the accounts of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC). The National Assembly again don’t have control over these funds that belong to the people of Guyana.” The Opposition has been fighting tooth and nail with Government for several billions of dollars which lie in several accounts and are controlled by a number of semi-autonomous state agencies, including GGMC, the Guyana Forestry Commission, NICIL and GuyOil. They have been arguing that the monies are public funds that should fall under the oversight of the people’s representatives –Members of Parliament. However, government has been unwilling to budge from its position.

Keith Burrowes

Brassington has been a shadowy figure overseeing government’s controversial privatization deals to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. There are still many questions where some of the privatization proceeds went.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said the proposed cuts defy logic, and have no merit for the good intentions towards the future of Guyana and are also in defiance of the ruling by the Chief Justice last year while designed to harm the nation.


“They are holding the budget hostage to sell their political agenda,” he observed.


Opposition holding budget hostage to sell political agenda - Finance Ministe

April 13, 2013, by , Georgetown, GINA, Source

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