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Opposition intensifying calls for treason charge to be dropped
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Thursday, 05 January 2012 11:55

The political opposition on Thursday intensified its call for a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Major, his wife and a former Lieutenant Colonel to be pardoned for treason. Major, Bruce Munroe; his wife, teacher Carol-Ann Munroe; and former army reserve officer, Lieutenant -Colonel Leonard Wharton, were arrested and charged on December 27, 2010. Several well-known opposition players picketed outside the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, Middle Street while a preliminary inquiry was set to resume inside before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

Their placards read “Free the treason accused now,” “Guyanese people demand the release of the treason accused” and “Stop using unjust laws to silence Guyanese under the name of democracy.” They claimed that the prosecution’s evidence was weak and the accused should not be languishing in jail for more than one year now. "First of all you should have had enough evidence and something like this should proceed very quickly. You can't have people languishing especially when you can just bring a charge like that and hold people indefinitely," said Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused. “We’re in the post-Jagdeo era. In the Jagdeo era people were locked up and charged for all kinds of flimsy excuses. Let’s move beyond the Jagdeo era and free these political prisoners,” said Kissoon, who is also a columnist for the privately-owned Kaieteur News newspaper.

Social and political activist, Mark Benschop, has already written to President Ramotar asking for the “expeditious release” of the treason accused because the charges have been trumped up. “I am appealing to you, as a father, a husband and the president of our country to exercise a great deal of compassion in this matter by the immediate release of this trio. Justice delayed is justice denied,” said Benschop in his January 4 letter to the Guyanese leader. Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green deemed the detention of the trio as a part of a “cycle of repression against certain people in this country” that could eventually trigger unrest by people who believe in “righteousness and justice.” “We have to up the ante to let the government know that it will not be business as usual. In every society, you have had upheavals, protests that began sometimes in small ways,” he said.

Joining the picket line were General Secretary of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), Lincoln Lewis and Donna Baird, a former neighbour and ‘family-friend’ of the Munroes at Soesdyke. “They are a very loving family…I would just like to see they get back to their normal lives… Their little children need them. They were such good neighbours and I really don’t associate this with them,” said Baird who recalled the Munroes being her tenants and fellow parishioners. The GTUC, noting that the “treason-accused are deserving of justice,” urged the 10th parliament expected to be convened before month-end to “correct these wrongs by making laws to ensure the citizens’ Fundamental Rights and the Rule of law are secured and enhanced.”

Kissoon and Benshcop, who picketed the Office of the President earlier this week, had said that they approached the political opposition parties AFC and APNU to take up the case of the trio and had been given assurances that they would. “We absolutely intend to keep pressing on this issue and to highlight it as best as we can to ensure that it remains in the public domain that these people are not forgotten,” AFC's Ramsaroop told Demerara Waves Online News ( “We plan to formally ask the administration to drop this case at the very next meeting. We have a tripartite meeting and I plan to raise it at that meeting."

The APNU for its part has said that it believes the issue is one that warrants attention and they will be raising it with the government. "It is something which we are looking at. It seems to me, on the face of it, little reason to be incarcerating people on the basis of what they have; they've been in there a very long time and my own feeling is that ... you cannot be casual about how you hold people and under what conditions and for how long," senior APNU member Dr. Roopnaraine told reporters Thursday at a news breifing. He added that the APNU may make a statement on the issue shortly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

They should only be set free after a fair trial and examination of the evidence, not due to sponsors protesting. If they are innocent, then they should be set free, if not then bear the consequence.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.
Thank you Cobra. EVERY Jackass like to open their mouth and talk because they can!!!!!!
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.
Anything to gain attention. Is this the modus operandi of some in the opposition?

If the PPP keep releasing people who violated the law then we can expect more violations of the law. We are talking about treason here.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

The AFC is sucking up to APNU. They still wouldn't get the Speakership in the house.
I thought that the AFC wants justice. How can they now tell the people who voted for them that they support injustice?
Originally posted by Gupta:
Drop the charges. Most people realize that the charges are bogus. Jagdeo is gone....drop the bogus charges.

I can't do that. Big Grin Let them march, they will fall into my hands..
Taking a page off Albert's tread where police shot and kill a robber, the oppositions should encourage their supporters to demonstrate against criminal and protect the citizens.

AFC's demonstrations during pre and post election is politically connected to make Ramotar's administration look bad. Gehrard cannot live within his father's dream and aspirations since he joined the AFC. This party taught him to lie and sell his soul to the devil.
OUCH!!! But may be TRUE. Wink
Originally posted by ABIDHA:
Taking a page off Albert's tread where police shot and kill a robber, the oppositions should encourage their supporters to demonstrate against criminal and protect the citizens.

AFC's demonstrations during pre and post election is politically connected to make Ramotar's administration look bad. Gehrard cannot live within his father's dream and aspirations since he joined the AFC. This party taught him to lie and sell his soul to the devil.
Treason case protesters picket OP

Some of the protestor in front of the Office of the President yesterday.

Alliance For Change (AFC) representatives and columnist Freddie Kissoon who are on a continuous protest seeking the release of three treason accused, picketed the Office of the President yesterday. They are calling on newly elected president, Donald Ramotar, to release Bruce Munroe, his wife Carol Ann Munroe and Leonard Wharton, while accusing the court of procrastinating with the matter. Some of the placards read; “Stop using unjust laws to silence Guyana,” “Free the treason accused now”, and “Guyanese people demand the release of treason accused.”

According to columnist Freddie Kissoon, the protest shall be a daily one which will mirror the situation in Argentina when the “Mothers of the missing” daily protested until there was a result. (Thirty years ago, a small group of mothers whose children had been seized by the military government then in power in Argentina began walking in circles in the main square in Buenos Aires. Many of their detained relatives were never seen again.) “Three persons were charged with treason one year now, and the preliminary inquiry (PI) has also been going on one year now…and they are procrastinating and they are using the people as example,” Kissoon said “We are going to prove that they are wrong by being out here every day, we want the treason accused to be freed because the state has no evidence on them.”

AFC Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop said “justice delayed is justice denied” since the persons incarcerated for a case as serious as treason should be given a speedy trial. He said if there is evidence then it should be submitted and prosecution should begin. However, if there is insufficient evidence then the case must be discharged as early as possible. “And these are young productive people in society; they have their families, it is unconscionable to have people locked up, frankly it is uncivilized. And we are hoping with this change in administration they are going to make a change by releasing these people.”

Executive Member of the AFC and Councillor for Region Four, Michael Carrington noted that “these people are intimidating, they just arrest you and lock you up and say that is treason they hold you for years, we need to find a better system, we can’t just pick people up and lock them up for a year without evidence, without a gun… it is totally wrong and unjust especially the laws relating to treason…if persons are arrested for treason they should be tried right away.”

Adding that persons are also randomly locked up without justification, AFC member Michael Leonard said young men are picked up almost daily and placed in the lock-ups over the weekend then released without being charged. “It starts small by persons being picked up on the corner, and thrown into the lock-up two, three days with no charges. Now it has gone to persons being charged with treason and being locked up for years indefinitely. Every citizen should have the right to a fast and a fair trial.” Leonard said.

The preliminary inquiry into the charge of treason against Major Bruce Munroe, his wife Carol-Ann Munroe and Reserve Officer Leonard Wharton continued recently with chief witness Quincy Critchlow returning to clarify certain information he had previously presented to the court. The accused are expected to return on January 12 for the continuation of the case.
Originally posted by Vish M:
The 4 guys holding papers signs are getting too much attention
locking people up for a year without charging them is a violation of their rights. This is a travesty. If you have the evidence hold them then it should be tabled with in a month and charges levied otherwise you are simply using delay as punishment and that is not right.
There is no evidence beyond these people talking, venting. Not even a single channa was bought for a channa bomb, much less a gun. Most Guyanese at one stage or another, would have have said things that could be considered treasonous in our political argumentations. Should all of them be locked up now?

The fact that after more than a year there is nothing other than a hard-to-understand recording points to the weakness of the Gov't case, and the continued cruelty of the Gov't in keeping these people imprisoned. We will be ramping up the protests - we must show compassion for our fellow man if we are not to lose our own humanity.

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984):
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
I am of the opinion the legislature can mandate that if a charge is not levied within 6 months of an arrest and if a trial has not been initiated within two years of an accused being charged the case should be thrown out of court. I think the commonwealth has precedent for this. If one cannot get it from the courts one can legislate it. That is what this new opposition should be about.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984):
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Except for the Muslims at GITMO, where they belonged to be.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.

you got that right ! charge arrest and trial in a timely manner or else pay the consequences of protests. PPP has been and will always be a weak cowardly govt. It takes courage to be fair and just.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.

you got that right ! charge arrest and trial in a timely manner or else pay the consequences of protests. PPP has been and will always be a weak cowardly govt. It takes courage to be fair and just.

Pardon ah continue BJ era mistakes. Me seh try dem and if dem guilty, jail foa life, if dem cazz any death, hang dem. If people a tamper evidence, hold dem till dem get old. Coolie like forgive and pardon den abie get kick. Is time Coolie get tuff and tink like dem White man in America.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop. Political Scientist, Freddie Kissoon, echoing Ramsaroop’s views, urged the Donald Ramotar-led administration to break with the Jagdeo era and free the accused.

There are reasons behind the protest. The AFC is just making news for themself. What happened to law and order and the judiciary system in Guyana? Ramotar should release all the locked up criminal because the oppositions say so.

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.

you got that right ! charge arrest and trial in a timely manner or else pay the consequences of protests. PPP has been and will always be a weak cowardly govt. It takes courage to be fair and just.

Pardon ah continue BJ era mistakes. Me seh try dem and if dem guilty, jail foa life, if dem cazz any death, hang dem. If people a tamper evidence, hold dem till dem get old. Coolie like forgive and pardon den abie get kick. Is time Coolie get tuff and tink like dem White man in America.

dude stop with the pathetic coolie like forgive bullsh1t cause they dont , they bear grudges and fester hate when they cannot get even . The point of the matter is if you charge someone and arrest and hold them they are entitled to a trial by jury within reasonable time . In the case of Guyana where race politics creates unusual conditions it should be done asap. The problem Bharrat created was adding to the already racial divide by denying people timely justice which diminishes the PPP in the eyes of those who do not support the PPP , especially those who perceive the PPP as anti black and pro indian. Try to apply logic and common sense to the issue not PPP jargon .
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by kidmost:

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.

you got that right ! charge arrest and trial in a timely manner or else pay the consequences of protests. PPP has been and will always be a weak cowardly govt. It takes courage to be fair and just.

Pardon ah continue BJ era mistakes. Me seh try dem and if dem guilty, jail foa life, if dem cazz any death, hang dem. If people a tamper evidence, hold dem till dem get old. Coolie like forgive and pardon den abie get kick. Is time Coolie get tuff and tink like dem White man in America.

dude stop with the pathetic coolie like forgive bullsh1t cause they dont , they bear grudges and fester hate when they cannot get even . The point of the matter is if you charge someone and arrest and hold them they are entitled to a trial by jury within reasonable time . In the case of Guyana where race politics creates unusual conditions it should be done asap. The problem Bharrat created was adding to the already racial divide by denying people timely justice which diminishes the PPP in the eyes of those who do not support the PPP , especially those who perceive the PPP as anti black and pro indian. Try to apply logic and common sense to the issue not PPP jargon .[/QUOTE]
Mi know, alyuh coolies up deh tink alyuh rass smart cazz yuh stuff alyuh mouth with nuff cheap hamburger and fatten yuh brain. Alyuh stay up deh and try to figure out dem gitmo bannas and leh abie figure out abie tings down hay.

Me seh no to jury trial, dem gatt too much political and race bias. Me seh try dem pun tribudal and deal with it deh. Yuh shut yuh rass and deal wit dem welfare tenants yuh a mek lil paisa pon.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by kidmost:

President Jagdeo set the precedent when he released Benshit.

you got that right ! charge arrest and trial in a timely manner or else pay the consequences of protests. PPP has been and will always be a weak cowardly govt. It takes courage to be fair and just.

Pardon ah continue BJ era mistakes. Me seh try dem and if dem guilty, jail foa life, if dem cazz any death, hang dem. If people a tamper evidence, hold dem till dem get old. Coolie like forgive and pardon den abie get kick. Is time Coolie get tuff and tink like dem White man in America.

dude stop with the pathetic coolie like forgive bullsh1t cause they dont , they bear grudges and fester hate when they cannot get even . The point of the matter is if you charge someone and arrest and hold them they are entitled to a trial by jury within reasonable time . In the case of Guyana where race politics creates unusual conditions it should be done asap. The problem Bharrat created was adding to the already racial divide by denying people timely justice which diminishes the PPP in the eyes of those who do not support the PPP , especially those who perceive the PPP as anti black and pro indian. Try to apply logic and common sense to the issue not PPP jargon .

Mi know, alyuh coolies up deh tink alyuh rass smart cazz yuh stuff alyuh mouth with nuff cheap hamburger and fatten yuh brain. Alyuh stay up deh and try to figure out dem gitmo bannas and leh abie figure out abie tings down hay.

Me seh no to jury trial, dem gatt too much political and race bias. Me seh try dem pun tribudal and deal with it deh. Yuh shut yuh rass and deal wit dem welfare tenants yuh a mek lil paisa pon.[/QUOTE]what happen to the last black man that was going and kill bar--rat,i see the ppp have a mala around his neck and sledge is worships him,what you call him sledge lord bynoe
of course, only the criminals who support the AFC will call for a pardon. Don't forget thgat these same crimionals were calling for jagdeo to be jailed by the USA which they cannot do in a million years..
Sledge and Rama,

I grew up understanding that in life there are some things one can change or expect to see chanage and some things you cannot and which will never change.

You two for example, will always remain backward and retarded in your outlook and will always be viewed by as a55holes. Now,given the politcal history of Guyana, it is encumbent on any govt, supported by and elected by east indians, to uphold law. order and the rule of law or else, they submit to being what the PNC was as a govt. The PPP has been aping the PNC and using the PNC to measure their standards. One should and must always strive for the highest standards but then again...look who I am talking to Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.

Raise your standards man ...and stop being like PPP coolie crabs.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Sledge and Rama,

I grew up understanding that in life there are some things one can change or expect to see chanage and some things you cannot and which will never change.

You two for example, will always remain backward and retarded in your outlook and will always be viewed by as a55holes. Now,given the politcal history of Guyana, it is encumbent on any govt, supported by and elected by east indians, to uphold law. order and the rule of law or else, they submit to being what the PNC was as a govt. The PPP has been aping the PNC and using the PNC to measure their standards. One should and must always strive for the highest standards but then again...look who I am talking to Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.

Raise your standards man ...and stop being like PPP coolie crabs.

Only a nimakaram like you can utter those sentiments. if anybody is a crabdag it's you. You have aleays been. You bad manners can only be exceeded by your bad manners..
Originally posted by kidmost:
Sledge and Rama,

I grew up understanding that in life there are some things one can change or expect to see chanage and some things you cannot and which will never change.

You two for example, will always remain backward and retarded in your outlook and will always be viewed by as a55holes. Now,given the politcal history of Guyana, it is encumbent on any govt, supported by and elected by east indians, to uphold law. order and the rule of law or else, they submit to being what the PNC was as a govt. The PPP has been aping the PNC and using the PNC to measure their standards. One should and must always strive for the highest standards but then again...look who I am talking to Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.

Raise your standards man ...and stop being like PPP coolie crabs.

Abie seh, "You eat fowl egg, ah sweet, but fowl ah feel am". Alyuh deh up deh and tell abie wah good foa abie down hay. Wha you gon do wenn we become dagg food like in 2002-2006?

Bai, mi gafa leh you talk to ma lil dougla homan, she nah tink me coolie crab, just waan coolie bull-dagg. Wink

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