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Former Member
Opposition is a lying seditious bunchPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Sunday, 27 January 2013 21:17

WELL, it is official knowledge that the combined opposition in Parliament is a lying, seditious bunch. I would rather use a harsher toned word for "bunch", a word that aptly fits the group, but diplomacy and decorum suggest otherwise, so I'll settle for bunch.
This unholy alliance of disgraces have teamed up once again to first deceive themselves into believing that their lies will work a way out for them and secondly, that those lies will make the PPP/C government look bad.
Like death row convicts, you consistently

tell yourself that you didn't do it and will eventually believe the lie.
That's the place our parliamentary convicts have arrived at. Self- deception of the worst kind, where your lies have solemnly caught up with you, and shamefully you try to worm your way out of it. But try as Moses (such a noble name for a lying prophet) would, he could not evade the Attorney General's keen scrutiny.

Minister Nandlall came to Parliament well armed with the Hansard which exposed this vulgar liar and thus, he vainly tried to mitigate his sorry circumstances. Now that Moses and by extension the opposition had been exposed, what do you think the people of this country are saying? What do you think is their evaluation of you guys? Well, the answer is a foregone conclusion.
I believe the people of Guyana are just about at the place where their minds are being made up and will speak in no uncertain terms come the next opportunity afforded them. They are tired of the lies, tired of the deception and most of all fed-up with the stagnated state of the country's affairs. While the opposition lie and argue over nonsensical issues, the people's business is stagnated and the country is at a standstill. This irresponsible behaviour has become offensive to the audience out there.
An opposition who are so corrupt and blatantly irresponsible has finally self- destructed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Councie........Mr Ralph Ramkarran knows what Moses Nagamootoo said in Freedom House when this Jagdeo Benefit Package was first brought up.


Jagdeo also remembers Moses Objection in Freedom House.


Both Speaker Ramkarran and Trotman say Nandalal is a Dishonest Force-Ripe lieing lil Boy.


Rohee say if he skinup Nandalall Personal Files ......the PPP will have to resign in shame.


Ramson seh he slap hee and kick de $hit out of him because eee talk about @ntiman.


Priya seh ......eee na learn eee lesson.....eee need fuh drink a next bucket of stale pee.......soon.



Originally Posted by Conscience:
Opposition is a lying seditious bunchPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Sunday, 27 January 2013 21:17

WELL, it is official knowledge that the combined opposition in Parliament is a lying, seditious bunch. I would rather use a harsher toned word for "bunch", a word that aptly fits the group, but diplomacy and decorum suggest otherwise, so I'll settle for bunch.

This unholy alliance of disgraces have teamed up once again to first deceive themselves into believing that their lies will work a way out for them and secondly, that those lies will make the PPP/C government look bad.
Like death row convicts, you consistently

tell yourself that you didn't do it and will eventually believe the lie.
That's the place our parliamentary convicts have arrived at. Self- deception of the worst kind, where your lies have solemnly caught up with you, and shamefully you try to worm your way out of it. But try as Moses (such a noble name for a lying prophet) would, he could not evade the Attorney General's keen scrutiny.

Minister Nandlall came to Parliament well armed with the Hansard which exposed this vulgar liar and thus, he vainly tried to mitigate his sorry circumstances. Now that Moses and by extension the opposition had been exposed, what do you think the people of this country are saying? What do you think is their evaluation of you guys? Well, the answer is a foregone conclusion.

I believe the people of Guyana are just about at the place where their minds are being made up and will speak in no uncertain terms come the next opportunity afforded them. They are tired of the lies, tired of the deception and most of all fed-up with the stagnated state of the country's affairs. While the opposition lie and argue over nonsensical issues, the people's business is stagnated and the country is at a standstill. This irresponsible behaviour has become offensive to the audience out there.

An opposition who are so corrupt and blatantly irresponsible has finally self- destructed.

 If "sedition" is to be defined as highlighting to the public that we are infested with a bunch of infernal crooks in the administration, then they are not only crooks but hell's wraiths let loose among us.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Or the lying Lelie RUMSUMMY who said that "I did not sign any latter for Roger Khan to import spy equipment", when his backside was one of the mail political sponsor for domestic terrorism that resulted in Lusignan Massacre.

 The lying and deceptive practices of the PPP comes directly out of their ethics; it is rhetorical ie  statements of moral behavior coming from a political culture where it has no meaing.


We are supposed to be a democracy, yet they insist on autocracy. We are supposed to be transparent, yet everything about them is secret, they are supposed to be fair with our national assets when it seeps into their private holdings. The results is these once piss poor crabdogs are now fat cats living on patrician paradise.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I was about to post this again. So TRUE. Congrats Neil for standing up to the Opposition Hoodlums.

It really doesn't matter how often you post crap. Crap is just that, Crap, regardless. No one really cares about it.

This Neil Dingleberry or whatever is trying real hard to come up with an article, he tries so hard that he comes up with Crap. He has to stop posting crap, no one gives a dam about Crap..well except for Nehru. He'll even read it twice.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are growing weary of the tactics of the joint opposition in purposely delaying the progress of the country

Who are you to speak for the "Guyanese Populace" when in the last elections 52% did not vote for you and another 10  percent refuse to even go to the polls.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was a victim of their own success, if a snap election is to be held tomorrow, the Guyanese Populace knows exactly where to cast their votes, and thus let progress continues

Pure poppy cock. The PPP had the entire state machinery employed in its effort, the state treasury to loot to fund its parties and music shows and they plastered the nation from end to end with billboards of Jabba the Hut and then there were the give away of party logo emblazoned swag from T shirts to back pack and belly packs, caps and other knickknacks.


The PPP lost because the people are tired of pervasive corruption, no change to the patronage system in sight and a grotesque above of power in the privileged class.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Complacency played a role in the constituencies favorable to the P.P.P/C

Gullibility is not your flaw nor is naive realism. You actively participate in your own dumbing down process. The PPP are undeniable crooks and the People, despite inundated by their propaganda and demonizing of the PNC, defected.


Even the bead trading with Amerindians did not work.  You lost then with all the state resources at your side and you will lose worse when you will be forced to be accountable.


The people are waiting of a Public parade of PPP crooks through the streets on their way to jail as the Romans did.  That alone is a lure to the pools against them. Just the image of fat pin eyed  Brazzie,  crooked Iffart and the drug lawyer among others being hauled off to the pen is a vote getter.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo kicked his "wife" out of the bedroom and then lied for years afterwards that he was married.

According to was Kwame who kick her out.

It was the Hindu Chief Pundit Reep who refused to register the marriage...



Bharat seh eee na get no Problem.....

EEEE glad if she come Back in his life.....

She can try to clean-up his Image....


Who was the attorney that Rob Varshnie.

It was Nandababa .....eeee love to talk fraff....because he always Drinking Pee...


Monkey Drinking Pee

Like Dis Lawyer Graduate in a Circus.....

Others Down in Shame....

He want to be appointed SC.

Look like Kwame get some serious competition. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo kicked his "wife" out of the bedroom and then lied for years afterwards that he was married.

Personal matter...and he was married, according to Hindu traditions.  BTW, if he wasn't married, why did he have a divorce?

It was a sham wedding arranged by the blue eyed bowghie to silence the rumors that he was gay. The man refused to register the marriage and it was considered common law marriage as it was never legally registered. You call that a marriage when he refused to reguster it and busy running around with Kwame, Manni and Brian while she doing her own thing with Tom, Dick and Harry. 

Last edited by Mars

"While the opposition lie and argue over nonsensical issues, the people's business is stagnated and the country is at a standstill. This irresponsible behaviour has become offensive to the audience out there."

The Guyanese Populace are growing tired of the tactics of the joint opposition to stagnate the country's development


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