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Former Member
Opposition lawlessness continuesPDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 17 February 2013 23:21

WHAT happened in our National Assembly should go down as a national

disgrace, because perhaps it is unprecedented in our parliamentary history that a Speaker had to suspend a sitting because of the atrocious and unruly behaviour by opposition Members of Parliament (MPs).
 After repeated warnings and cautioning by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman, the opposition members of the House continued with their unruly behaviour or in Guyanese parlance “fish market” behaviour totally ignoring the Speaker. This clearly is a total disregard for the Speaker, who incidentally is from the opposition, something which is unprecedented in the Commonwealth or maybe the entire world.
 It appears that the opposition is rebelling against the Speaker, whom they placed in the seat, because he allowed Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee to speak at the previous sitting of the National Assembly. This is a reminder of what happened at a general election in the past when PNC member, Haslyn Parris, was mobbed and physically harassed by supporters of his party after he had accepted and conceded that the PPP/C won the elections.
 It seems therefore that the mob-like street behaviour of the main opposition party is being brought to the House and in this regard they are being joined by the smaller opposition party.
It therefore begs the question whether our National Assembly is still the honourable and august House it is supposed to be, because the lawless behaviour by the opposition has definitely brought it into disrepute and against the traditions of parliamentary norms.
 These opposition MPs should realise that they are not there as individuals but rather as elected representatives of the people and therefore they need to represent the interests of those who elected them. But with such despicable behaviour, how could they honestly do that?
 Apart from that, MPs should be role models worthy of emulation but with such behaviour would anyone respect them and very important, is this the example we would want to set for our children who will become the leaders of tomorrow?
And most important, is this atrocious behaviour a reflection of these MPs’ commitment to nation building? If it is, so then surely the future of our nation is in jeopardy.
 Earlier last Thursday in the National Assembly also there was a very worrisome development when the Deputy Speaker refused to allow Mr. Rohee to speak, defying a previous ruling by the Speaker which allowed him to speak. But added to that, she made it clear that as long as she sits in the Speaker’s chair, Mr. Rohee will not be allowed to speak. So the Deputy Speaker has become the powerhouse, upturning the ruling of the Speaker. This is unbelievable and is a total disregard and disrespect for the Speaker.
 As a result of the gagging of Mr. Rohee by the Deputy Speaker three important pieces of legislative amendments  have been placed on hold. They were all earmarked as priorities under the Guyana Police Service, strategic five-year action plan.
According to Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, following the decision by Trotman, government sought to reiterate the urgency of the piece of legislation and requested that it be placed on the Parliamentary Order Paper and debated.
Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, corroborated, that it is the government that determines the business for the Order Paper and had indicated a desire to have the debate.
According to Rohee, it is fair to say that with the Bills being placed on hold by the Deputy Speaker, the implementation of the reforms would be delayed and called on leader of the parliamentary opposition, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger, to explain the ‘double standards’ on the part of the opposition.
 The behaviour of the opposition that is unfolding in the National Assembly is giving the impression that they are not serious about moving this country forward. Instead, they are more interested in using their combined one-seat majority to stall progress and development. What an unfortunate day for Guyana and one would hope that those who voted for them are taking careful note of the events that are unfolding and ask themselves if that is what they voted for.


Taken from the Guyana Chronicle

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"Earlier last Thursday in the National Assembly also there was a very worrisome development when the Deputy Speaker refused to allow Mr. Rohee to speak, defying a previous ruling by the Speaker which allowed him to speak. But added to that, she made it clear that as long as she sits in the Speaker’s chair, Mr. Rohee will not be allowed to speak. So the Deputy Speaker has become the powerhouse, upturning the ruling of the Speaker. This is unbelievable and is a total disregard and disrespect for the Speaker.
 As a result of the gagging of Mr. Rohee by the Deputy Speaker three important pieces of legislative amendments  have been placed on hold. They were all earmarked as priorities under the Guyana Police Service, strategic five-year action plan".


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