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Opposition Leader has no part in selection of Chancellor and Chief Justice - HPS


Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon today explained that the position taken by the Leader of the Opposition, David Granger that he should be part of the selection process for the Chancellor of the Judiciary, and the Chief Justice is through Granger’s own interpretation of the clause contained in Article 127 (1) of the Constitution of Guyana which speaks to the President being the authority appointing persons for these two posts.


The HPS was at the time hosting the post-Cabinet media briefing following two consecutive statutory meetings of Cabinet on Thursday, April 30 and Tuesday, June 4, 2013.


“The Leader of the Opposition, in  his own interpretation, of the necessary agreement with the President on the appointment, has gone further and said: it is not only I have to agree with the President, I think I have to have an input into how the President arrives at the decision he is bringing to me,” the HPS said.


Dr. Luncheon stated that this is clearly “inconsistent with the Constitutional provision. The president will appoint, the Leader of the Opposition has to agree. How he has taken that straightforward, rather dogmatic statement to mean that ‘I have to be part of the process of selection, out of which you and I will make a joint appointment’ or something of that nature, is what escapes us.”


The HPS emphasised that during his engagement with the Opposition Leader, the President has not allowed that confusion to be maintained as, and “The President has made it quite clear that he was not going in that direction. This is the model, and I am proposing the confirmation of these two notable judges who have been acting for six to ten years as the top most judges in the judiciary in Guyana. Do you agree or not?”


Dr. Luncheon however, posited that the two differing positions may not be easily reconciled. He pointed out that the matter is usually addressed in the issuing of a joint statement reflecting what took place during the engagement.


In disclosing what occurred, the HPS explained that while the President had indicated his extreme unhappiness with the current situation of the Chancellor and Chief Justice acting for so long (six to ten years), he had sought the input of the Leader of the Opposition in confirming the appointments.


“The leader of the Opposition was unprepared to so do, and threw out to the President a different approach.” His offer as an alternative included going out into the public to solicit interested parties for appointment as Chancellor and Chief Justice in Guyana.


While the President has made known his grave concerns and signalled his intention of not doing so, he also solicited the understanding of the Opposition Leader on his decision.


Dr. Luncheon said however, “My recollection was the Leader of the Opposition was insistent in not agreeing to the appointment of the two officers, and putting back on the table this process of invited applications…and by some process in evaluating applications.  I am not certain if we are in possession of some model by the Leader of the Opposition of how this would work, in having an evaluative mechanism put in place, the result of which I assume the Leader of the Opposition  would assume to be binding.”


The HPS reiterated that constitutionally, there is no defined process that involves the Leader of the Opposition other than agreeing with or not agreeing with the President’s nominee(s).

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

 It  does not work that way ie, congress simply votes up or down. The congress often does its own investigations into the background of the person and requisite commission and or congressional committee interrogates the person in open forum. Then they vote ( if normal process ensues)

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

the government in all democracies happen to be composed of the administration and the opposition. The opposition are not mere bench warmers in democracies. They use the agencies of office to balance out the authority of the administration. We do not go to the polls to elect kings.

Opposition much more interested in frustrating Government programmes – HPS LuncheonPDFPrintE-mail

HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS) and Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon said, yesterday, it is evident that the Opposition political parties are much more interested in denying and frustrating the execution of Government programmes.

In fact, the parties’ confirmed positions on Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, the anti-money laundering legislation, the Customs Bill etc, give proof of their “entrenched” anti-national and anti-development posture in Parliament, Luncheon declared.
Speaking at his usual post-Cabinet press conference in Office of the President, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, he said: “It is evident that the Opposition has been failing to respond to the logic of national development, the national interests, where issues of that nature are concerned.
“The Opposition is willing to disregard the logical and predictable outcomes of their parliamentary actions, even when it affects national development,” he added.
Luncheon continued: “Guyana’s future development is not above their (the Opposition) attempts to enforce the benefits of the one-seat parliamentary majority and protection of their partisan interest.
“There, often, is a dysfunction, between their approach at the level of the National Assembly and proceedings at the level of the Parliamentary Committees. The situation there does not engender the same level of hopelessness that has emerged during sittings and the debates at the level of the full house,” he remarked.


The interest of the Guyanese populace should be place above partisan politics, its time the joint opposition get their acts together and put their shoulder to the wheel in putting the Guyana first.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese populace should be place above partisan politics, its time the joint opposition get their acts together and put their shoulder to the wheel in putting the Guyana first.

Acording to Anil the constition does not give the opposition authority on these issues, so whats the problem - are you afraid of snap elections? are also confident of PPP bring it on  

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The interest of the Guyanese populace should be place above partisan politics, its time the joint opposition get their acts together and put their shoulder to the wheel in putting the Guyana first.

The point is the PPP alone does not get to define the interest of the Guyanese people. Clearly 51 percent did  who voted did not vote for them and another 10 percent of the voter pool actually stayed home. The interest of the Guyanese people is a communal interest and all must be involved in defining it. That is what it means to put Guyana first.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

 It  does not work that way ie, congress simply votes up or down. The congress often does its own investigations into the background of the person and requisite commission and or congressional committee interrogates the person in open forum. Then they vote ( if normal process ensues)

Whatever, the fact is that they don't nominate, it is up to the president.  Same with Granger, he can investigate all he wants but he can not nominate. Stop beating around the bush acting as if you know something when really you don't. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

 It  does not work that way ie, congress simply votes up or down. The congress often does its own investigations into the background of the person and requisite commission and or congressional committee interrogates the person in open forum. Then they vote ( if normal process ensues)

Whatever, the fact is that they don't nominate, it is up to the president.  Same with Granger, he can investigate all he wants but he can not nominate. Stop beating around the bush acting as if you know something when really you don't. 

The gentleman never said he wanted to nominate anyone. He said he wanted some input on how the president arrived at his decision ie the ability to suggest some guidelines for the final decision if assent is to be given. He is after all not expected to simply roll over and accept anything the PPP brings his way. I know what is stated. I do not make things up as y are in a habit of doing.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The gentleman never said he wanted to nominate anyone. He said he wanted some input on how the president arrived at his decision ie the ability to suggest some guidelines for the final decision if assent is to be given. He is after all not expected to simply roll over and accept anything the PPP brings his way. I know what is stated. I do not make things up as y are in a habit of doing.

He is no gentleman due to his role in the Burnham years. But if Ramoutar wants to have these folks confirmed then he will either cowtow to Granger's wishes or have them continue in the acting role as Jagdeo did for 8 years. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The gentleman never said he wanted to nominate anyone. He said he wanted some input on how the president arrived at his decision ie the ability to suggest some guidelines for the final decision if assent is to be given. He is after all not expected to simply roll over and accept anything the PPP brings his way. I know what is stated. I do not make things up as y are in a habit of doing.

He is no gentleman due to his role in the Burnham years. But if Ramoutar wants to have these folks confirmed then he will either cowtow to Granger's wishes or have them continue in the acting role as Jagdeo did for 8 years. 

 I do not know what he did beyond Hamliton, Lumumba et al. You folks have a circle of former PNCites, Kwame, Bynoe, Misir, Kit as chosen pets but in the same voice you vilify others. Again, I don't know this fellow did beyond what others in the PNC employ did. IN any event, I am not living in the then but the now and these crooks are outperforming the PNC on all trajectory of crooked expressions.


Originally Posted by Danyael:

 I do not know what he did beyond Hamliton, Lumumba et al. You folks have a circle of former PNCites, Kwame, Bynoe, Misir, Kit as chosen pets but in the same voice you vilify others. Again, I don't know this fellow did beyond what others in the PNC employ did. IN any event, I am not living in the then but the now and these crooks are outperforming the PNC on all trajectory of crooked expressions.


Being a non Guyanese you would not know about Granger's role in the disappearance of enemies of the PNC and destroying ballot boxes.  Guyana today under the PPP is flourishing and you dare cast the PNC as saints when they only give the people black tea and rice flour?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Being a non Guyanese you would not know about Granger's role in the disappearance of enemies of the PNC and destroying ballot boxes.  Guyana today under the PPP is flourishing and you dare cast the PNC as saints when they only give the people black tea and rice flour?



in full 'estrogen' mode . . . desperately seeking relevance

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

the government in all democracies happen to be composed of the administration and the opposition. The opposition are not mere bench warmers in democracies. They use the agencies of office to balance out the authority of the administration. We do not go to the polls to elect kings.

Rather than wasting your time by posting your filth on GNI; why not take the same time and look for a real job? As a previous PNC thug, please start your contribution to society. Get off public assistance and living off of women! Stop being a human leech!

You know the goal of the PNC opposition. All they care about is to get back into power so they can get back to the milk and honey. They are not concerned about the people. Long live the PPP! We see the progress. You are blind.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

the government in all democracies happen to be composed of the administration and the opposition. The opposition are not mere bench warmers in democracies. They use the agencies of office to balance out the authority of the administration. We do not go to the polls to elect kings.

Rather than wasting your time by posting your filth on GNI; why not take the same time and look for a real job? As a previous PNC thug, please start your contribution to society. Get off public assistance and living off of women! Stop being a human leech!

You know the goal of the PNC opposition. All they care about is to get back into power so they can get back to the milk and honey. They are not concerned about the people. Long live the PPP! We see the progress. You are blind.

And the 1% katahars hope to get loyalty payoff at the expense of the 99%.  A case of history repeating itself.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

the government in all democracies happen to be composed of the administration and the opposition. The opposition are not mere bench warmers in democracies. They use the agencies of office to balance out the authority of the administration. We do not go to the polls to elect kings.

Rather than wasting your time by posting your filth on GNI; why not take the same time and look for a real job? As a previous PNC thug, please start your contribution to society. Get off public assistance and living off of women! Stop being a human leech!

You know the goal of the PNC opposition. All they care about is to get back into power so they can get back to the milk and honey. They are not concerned about the people. Long live the PPP! We see the progress. You are blind.

 Well looki here? What is it that I said was "filth? Do you and the PPP get to label the good and the moral? Get real.


I suggest you examine your motivations fro saying I am on welfare. Get it into your dumb backwoods head; were it the case I was on welfare It would not mean that what I say was wrong or filth either. And why should I get a job when I do not need one? Did you not give me one as a street musician earlier?


Sorry, you go to the grind if you have to. I will spend my mornings at the gym, in the afternoon doing what pleases me and in between I will call the PPP out on being crooks.


And what if the PNC wants to get back in power? Is it not their right as Guyanese to seek that authority? Do you think by default the PPP are the nations masters in perpetuity?


It is amazing that you folks do not sit back and look at what you post. It all comes from that place of greed and corrupt thoughts and action.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It works pretty much the same way in the US where the president nominates a candidate and the congress votes an up or down. The opposition does not get have a hand in the nomination only the voting.

Dem na deh in pawa an dem still want fuh rule. Go figure.

the government in all democracies happen to be composed of the administration and the opposition. The opposition are not mere bench warmers in democracies. They use the agencies of office to balance out the authority of the administration. We do not go to the polls to elect kings.

Rather than wasting your time by posting your filth on GNI; why not take the same time and look for a real job? As a previous PNC thug, please start your contribution to society. Get off public assistance and living off of women! Stop being a human leech!

You know the goal of the PNC opposition. All they care about is to get back into power so they can get back to the milk and honey. They are not concerned about the people. Long live the PPP! We see the progress. You are blind.

 Well looki here? What is it that I said was "filth? Do you and the PPP get to label the good and the moral? Get real.


I suggest you examine your motivations fro saying I am on welfare. Get it into your dumb backwoods head; were it the case I was on welfare It would not mean that what I say was wrong or filth either. And why should I get a job when I do not need one? Did you not give me one as a street musician earlier?


Sorry, you go to the grind if you have to. I will spend my mornings at the gym, in the afternoon doing what pleases me and in between I will call the PPP out on being crooks.


And what if the PNC wants to get back in power? Is it not their right as Guyanese to seek that authority? Do you think by default the PPP are the nations masters in perpetuity?


It is amazing that you folks do not sit back and look at what you post. It all comes from that place of greed and corrupt thoughts and action.

bai dont worry about the skelton he is a racist he is pass help 


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