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Opposition MP in trouble over “uncustomed” Brazilian beers

Feb 12, 2017 News,

A sitting Opposition Parliamentarian is in hot water after his vehicle was found with boxes of smuggled beer from Brazil.

Expected to appear in court shortly is Alister Charlie, a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Parliamentarian.

Charlie, from Lethem, Region Nine, came under the radar of Customs at Lethem about three weeks ago, Kaieteur News was told. His car was reportedly stopped at the checkpoint near the Takutu Bridge, on the Guyana side, and ranks later found 14 six-packs of beer which were not declared initially.

Charlie allegedly was in the vehicle but did not tell the security officials that he had the beers.

The car was said to be registered to the parliamentarian, who was sworn in back in 2015, following the General and Regional Elections his party lost.

The matter was investigated and according to law enforcement sources, charges were recommended. Charlie was reportedly placed on $25,000 bail.

It was reported that two Customs officials were in Lethem recently investigating the incident.

On Friday, Kaieteur News made contact with the Parliamentarian who admitted that an incident happened. However, he said that he was not in the car that was stopped. Rather, it was his driver.

He said that his driver called him and that he went down the checkpoint and that the matter was “settled amicably”. He did not explain what that meant.

Asked to confirm reports that he was being investigated for possession of uncustomed goods, Charlie said he was unaware of anything like that.

Asked if he had been placed on bail at any point of time, he denied. As a matter of fact, he was never called for any statements or was interviewed by Customs officials, he said.


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