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Former Member

Many of the opposition MP's seem timid when voting on certain issues, one can vividly recall late last year when an opposition MP walk out of the Assembly shortly before voting on the very important Specialty hospital, as it relates to the AML  bill, many of them seems not to be in agreement with the position taken, but appears to be sacred if they dare not to agree with Granger, he'll use the recall Legislation to his advantage.  

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Conscience, let's look at this thing holistically.

The PPP was in opposition for 28 years. For part of that period a number of PPP parliamentarians who didn't agree with certain PPP viewpoints had crossed the floor and strengthened the PNC side of the National Assembly. In 1975, as part of a deal to give the PNC regime "critical support, PPP leader Dr Cheddi Jagan successfully impressed upon Mr Forbes Burnham the need to stop floor-crossing.

Internally, Dr Jagan exhorted PPP parliamentarians to abide by the principle of party discipline regardless of their personal opinions. There was no recall legislation in those days.

The PNC has been in the opposition for nearly 22 years. Why shouldn't APNU or AFC parliamentarians observe the principle of party discipline as those in the PPP did and are still doing?

Recall legislation or not, if the PPP requires party discipline from its MPs it's only fair the opposition parties require likewise.

Bear in mind this important fact: Every parliamentarian was elected on a party ticket and not on his/her personal strength.





Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many of the opposition MP's seem timid when voting on certain issues, one can vividly recall late last year when an opposition MP walk out of the Assembly shortly before voting on the very important Specialty hospital, as it relates to the AML  bill, many of them seems not to be in agreement with the position taken, but appears to be sacred if they dare not to agree with Granger, he'll use the recall Legislation to his advantage.  

Timid why? Are the PPP arming their local talibans is they dont?


The PPP are an obscenely corrupt lot. They are trying to sell another give away to another crony, the specialty hospital. as vital no less than they have framed the Marriott where the giveaway is now common knowledge. Grander has every right to recall any who vote outside the party line because the PPP does not permit it either. That is the way the party structure is formalized in  Guyanese.


If big mouthed idiots like you want to speak some truth you  should start calling for local representatives who are bound to a constituency and not to a party. Any of this subtle insinuation that Granger is doing something wrong wont ever be possible. However we all know the PPP are just a bunch of curs. They will simply whistle whatever way they can as long as it is a tune they like.


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