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Opposition MPs wasting taxpayers’ moniesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Wednesday, 23 January 2013 21:32

EVER since the combined opposition landed their one-seat majority in Parliament, they have been spinning music as disc "jockeys"  I really meant an undiplomatic word for "jockey" a name Freddie Kissoon is constantly referred to  with great enthusiasm.

The music is an empty cacophony of noises which is so swamped with foolishness that the deaf can hear it and the blind can see it.
When you look at the men and women in the opposition benches you will see a bunch of idle men and women who are wasting taxpayers' monies in timeless nonsense. One line of the lyrics goes like this, "the government is corrupt... beware the government is corrupt, corruption is everywhere."
Well, talk about corruption, let us find out what took place during the tenure of the PNC in government. We are all familiar with the infamous 28 years of tyranny to the point where our country sunk to almost unsalvageable levels. And speaking of a corrupt administration, I would like Carl Greenidge in his new job of corruption reporter to produce the audited report of his Finance Ministry? All 10 years of it! Yes, produce the results for us sir and we will take your corruption campaign seriously. But, Greenidge knows fully well that he cannot prove it by documented evidence, because there was no audit hence no charge. At least so he thinks because the horrible economy that Guyana presented to the world would have revealed the facts. That is the lawless cowboy (at least cowboys have rules) way the government was run. No accountability to Parliament or people for anything they did. And these are the same banal fools who are crying corruption. It makes me puke to hear them talk. The flagrant disregard for this country are there for all to see, so that is why I would not waste much time with that topic but, give it a passing glance.
Another line in their song runs like this "let's call a commission.. let's call a commission of inquiry" into the ex - judicial killings of the police during the PPP/C's tenure. Now, if we are going to traverse that road I would rather ask for the setting up of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, knowing fully well how costly these inquiries are and secondly, what the sickening results would be for them. So to save them the international embarrassment such as the Linden Inquiry has brought, I would go the route of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It will save them the ignominy; it will save them the shame. So let us begin with Jonestown where approximately 1,000 persons were killed. How did this happen? Why did it happen? Who were the conspirators and executioners? These are all questions we would like answers to. Let us get into the operations of Rabbi Washington's Cult and the goings on there which led to murders both within and without his cult. We want answers. Not forgetting the political slaying of the three  protesters in the Corentyne as well as other killings executed by the police during those turbulent years. What of the quick trials and even speedier executions of the "kick down the door" period? Can the now "humane" judiciary shed some light on us? Please, produce the court documents for these matters. It wouldn't be so difficult to find that court records are there. How did Walter Rodney die, pardon the terminology, assassinated?  I call on Dr Rupert Roopnarine and others to shed some light on this sordid piece of history. There are very many deaths which occurred under questionable circumstances that I shall leave and let alone at this time. That shroud of mystery can be lifted if only we go the route that I advocate. To conduct a selective inquiry would defeat the purpose let us go the full mile.
I can go on and on but suffice it to say, let us have a commission of the likes that I have aforementioned. In this regard, we can put everything on the table no barriers there blurt it all out in the open then close the book. We can then cry, forgive and forget. This chapter of our existence as a nation would have seen closure. South Africa has done it with fascinating results. We can do it only if we muster up the courage.

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