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Opposition neglects to inform on millions spent by the state to provide medical treatment for Corbin, Hughes & others





Nigel Hughes being medivaced

While the opposition and their media mouth-pieces are happy to report on the sums spent on medical facilities for several government Ministers no mention is being made of the millions spent on several other officials, including Judges, Magistrates and other senior public servants and members of the opposition.


In employing their disingenuity they have omitted the millions spent on Robert Corbin’s medivac as well as the sizable sum expended on Nigel Hughes who suffered heart complications whilst at an interior location selling AFC snake-oil.

We note that APNU leader David Granger is politicizing the issue on his Facebook page, however we wish to remind him of his advance state of age, as he too might benefit from such facilities- if he hasn’t already.


extracted from

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What 'sizable sum' you talking about.

Compared that to the sperm bank spending and millions for mansions.

You want to provide figures compared to that spent on PPP ministers and families ?

How many in the opposition took private jet for belly wuk treatment in Florida, when they are not in the government any more ?


You  rass want the PPP to continue dem thiefing,  while most Guyanese continue struggling  to make ends meet.  


Robert Corbin returns

MAY 24, 2009 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

Opposition Leader Robert Corbin has returned to Guyana after treatment in the US for an ailment that is yet to be disclosed.

Robert Corbin

Robert Corbin

This newspaper has learnt that the party leader was greeted at the at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport at about 8:30hrs yesterday by members of the party’s executive. This welcome was followed by a special prayer breakfast held for him at his Republic Park residence
On Saturday April 25, Corbin was admitted to Woodlands Hospital after he had drien himself there and complaining of feeling unwell and suffering pains in his chest.
Corbin was initially hospitalised at the Heart Centre, St. Francis Hospital, Long Island, where he The following day, he was transferred to the Caribbean Heart Institute and was later medivacced to the United States on April 27 at the expense of the government.underwent tests, evaluation and medical procedures, including angiography, which, according to reports, ruled out any heart complications.

Following his discharge, Mr. Corbin was subjected to a series of other medical tests and evaluation and subsequently underwent the surgery.


extracted from the Kaieteur News

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Conscio, give us some figures na, compared to ppp ministers/families 'medical' spending.

Make sure you come back wid dem figures, you hear.... 

Bhai you are ahead of me,i ask for the info,bet you

he gun run and hide.

Like all dem adda PPP 'hot-air posters' with lots of talk, but no action, just like de PPP government.

But dem good at enriching themselves, while other Guyanese continue to struggle.  

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Conscio, give us some figures na, compared to ppp ministers/families 'medical' spending.

Make sure you come back wid dem figures, you hear.... 

Bhai you are ahead of me,i ask for the info,bet you

he gun run and hide.

Like all dem adda PPP 'hot-air posters' with lots of talk, but no action, just like de PPP government.

But dem good at enriching themselves, while other Guyanese continue to struggle.  

They can talk the talk,but can't walk the walk.


Conscience, feel free to tell us how much the government spent to cover opposition politicians' medical bills.

The point is a simple one. The PPP regime has consistently boasted about its development of the health sector, yet people have to seek treatment overseas.

Not only that, while the lower classes are granted minimum financial assistance, the ruling class gets the hog's share of the funds.

We must not forget, also, that Varshnie Singh saved the lives of dozens of Guyanese children by taking them to India for heart treatment. She had to raise funds through her Sick Kids Foundation and when she sought government assistance to help pay outstanding medical bills, the government grudgingly provided a token amount to save face. She had no choice but to close down her Foundation, a felt loss to the poor.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Opposition neglects to inform on millions spent by the state to provide medical treatment for Corbin, Hughes & others




Nigel Hughes being medivaced

While the opposition and their media mouth-pieces are happy to report on the sums spent on medical facilities for several government Ministers no mention is being made of the millions spent on several other officials, including Judges, Magistrates and other senior public servants and members of the opposition.


In employing their disingenuity they have omitted the millions spent on Robert Corbin’s medivac as well as the sizable sum expended on Nigel Hughes who suffered heart complications whilst at an interior location selling AFC snake-oil.

We note that APNU leader David Granger is politicizing the issue on his Facebook page, however we wish to remind him of his advance state of age, as he too might benefit from such facilities- if he hasn’t already.


extracted from

In the interest of full disclosure, the government should release all spending on government officials ( administration + opposition) for the fiscal years routinely. That however, it the point. It is not that the opposition may have benefited but that the inordinately huge sums doled out by the administration to all and sundry within the scope of friends, family and familiars that is the problem.


Add to the the onerous problems critical patients faced when trying to get aid for issues from dialysis to eye surgery to bypass surgery. They usually suffer the fate of the destitute and die or are left maimed by their disease.


Lets not make political hay with this. Publish the records of spending; let us determine the percentage of the allocations for assistance that foes to the fat cat elites and what goes to the ordinary man. At the moment that looks like, as usual, the citizens whose money is being spent, gets shunted to the garbage pile.


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