Despite all the warnings about its impact the APNU/AFC opposition still went ahead and voted against the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) Bill. Well just as predicated it has already begun taking its toll economic wise. As recent as 2 weeks ago US$1 was being bought for GY$200 and was being sold for GY$204, this has all changed. One US dollar is now being bought for GY$204 and sold for as much as GY$210. As fear of the consequences of the opposition actions in parliament and the impending sanctions to be applied on Guyana by the international community takes hold people are beginning to hold back on their foreign currency, particularly US dollars and this has caused the increase.
One financial expert says that as US dollars become scarce it will cause an increase in the price of most goods and services owing to Guyana’s dependency on imported products.