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“I don’t think that we are going down the right road in many of these areas. What is being produced in our politics now is blackmail politics and I think that will have far reaching consequences for this country… while it might look immediately to satisfy some immediate demands, in the long- term it will go to undermining out democracy,” President Donald Ramotar said at the opening of the Guyana Labor Union (GLU) 7th Triennial Delegates Congress.

A section of the gathering at the Guyana Labour Union’s 7th Triennial Delegates Congress

A section of the gathering at the Guyana Labour Union’s 7th Triennial Delegates Congress

The political opposition, since the onset of their one seat majority in the Parliament after the November 2011 general elections, has rejected a number of government crafted legislation for various reasons. Among them is the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill which requires legislative approval to avoid the international community blacklisting Guyana for failing to confirm to financial crimes’ regulations.

After suffering defeat with the opposition voting it down, the bill is to be re-tabled and already there is talk about the political opposition holding a similar posture on the legislation.

President Ramotar, who told workers that their welfare too depends on the passage of the legislation, is still perturbed by the political horse-trading to which the financial crimes legislation has been subjected.

“The anti money laundering bill should stand alone. It is so vital and so important that it should stand alone. All we are doing is bringing our legislation up on par with other jurisdictions in our hemisphere. If it is not passed, it will do immeasurable harm to this country, for business… for ordinary people,” President Ramotar opined.

Guyana’s financial institutions and systems could become vulnerable, foreign investments may be lost and international capital flows could be stymied without an Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism legislation.

President Ramotar explained that the remittance which many look for from their relatives overseas could be hampered and that the effects can trickle down to every Guyanese.

Following the furor over the bill, and the political opposition demanding the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) before acceding to the anti-money laundering bill, Guyana missed the deadline in which it was required to strengthen its legislation in this regard.

Guyana had to plea for an extension after a delegation from the country led by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall met with officials of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF). The extension was granted and Guyana now has until November to pass the legislation. (GINA)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are now fully aware why the joint opposition should never be allowed to rule the country.

Dum Dum...translate that properly the PPP should not be allowed their autocratic corrupt practices ever again. One does not care if they win an election. One cares that the stat is not a prize to plunder at their discretion. Their administration has all our industries faltering, our lands and assets continually shifting into the pockets of foreigners and the PPP clan and our natural business people being displaced by hordes of visa purchasers from the Chinese mainland. We cannot let the PPP rule without accountability ever again

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not play partisan politics, the time has come for them to work hand in hand with the state, towards the development of the Country.

It the PPP were not into partisan politics their reliance on demonizing the PNC vs highlighting their supposed success would not exist. They are a nasty, crude lot who want to continue t heir thievery unchecked so they resort to character assignation, disinformation and out right lying.


If the wanted to work into building a summoning creed in the society to strengthen nationalism they would have long sought means to abolish the executive presidency, closed lists and decentralization as a strategy. To the contrary, they insist they can only function in god mode. Deliberative democracy is not their aim. Having neglected these things in deference to their capturing of the state on threadbare ethnic majorities at the polls they are the last to speak of cooperation and consensus building. These have no meaning to them.


The PPP/C had proposed some major projects that is of benefit to the Guyanese people, but the joint opposition  APNU/AFC is hell bent on stagnating progress as a result, they had voted down monies for those projects.


D2 is now one with the pNC as evidenced on another thread where he expressed his wish that they win the next elections so that they can hang Jagdeo. 

But the public is aware that these lecherous souls in the afc/pnc are only intent on destroying Guyana so that they can point to the PPP as the guilty party as they are in power. Hopefully Guyana has learnt its lesson in this foray of splitting the vote, just as Trinidad did when they put Manning in power after the split in the UNC.


Their is growing dis content in the joint opposition controlled Constituencies, the budget cuts are also affecting their supports, many are beating their chest (especially those who voted AFC) will saying never again,never again, never again. The defections of the AFC are only the tip of the iceburg...

Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

A white man thief amerindian land and he got the never to cuss down Jagdeo. 1500 acres swindled from some poor amerindian family for a handful of beads. shame shame

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2 is now one with the pNC as evidenced on another thread where he expressed his wish that they win the next elections so that they can hang Jagdeo. 

But the public is aware that these lecherous souls in the afc/pnc are only intent on destroying Guyana so that they can point to the PPP as the guilty party as they are in power. Hopefully Guyana has learnt its lesson in this foray of splitting the vote, just as Trinidad did when they put Manning in power after the split in the UNC.

Only to you and to the rest of the rodent pack of the PPP does statements such as "D2 is now one with the pNC" has any resonance. Intellectually it is not only unsound but patently stupid. One does not discount the words of another simply because someone else you detest disagrees with it. Address the case in point on its own merit. That is what smart people do.


Your preoccupation with sexual themes is astounding. One wonders the source of the compulsion but in any event you bear that burden  alone. I matters little to this discussion.


Guyana's political system is unsustainable as it is. It predicates race based administration and autocratic ones at that. Splitting the vote is the only means of intervention to mediate dispute. Lacking that there stark reality of ethnic nepotism reigns supreme. It is the reason the PPP were able to develop a sort of entitlement to their avaricious pillage of the state assets. It is the reason you only see discussions in terms of  and blacks by by associating the ethnic identity with the parties in question.



Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

 Yap, Yap, Yap. An absentee landowner living in America. He owns 1548 acres and making a capitalist living from it. Where is the Amerindian practice of egalitarianism?  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

 Yap, Yap, Yap. An absentee landowner living in America. He owns 1548 acres and making a capitalist living from it. Where is the Amerindian practice of egalitarianism?  

I gladly accede I am not a communist. And who told you Amerind were communist as well? 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

 Yap, Yap, Yap. An absentee landowner living in America. He owns 1548 acres and making a capitalist living from it. Where is the Amerindian practice of egalitarianism?  

I gladly accede I am not a communist. And who told you Amerind were communist as well? 

You live abroad and is a parasite. You milk Guyana and work the poor and don't pay them minimum wage while you pocket the profits. And then you come here and sugar-coat your activities. How many fellow Amerindians are you helping out with all that land? 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

What was the PPP playing...we are kings? Guyana is ours, it belongs to us. They are care takers. Their reluctance to demonstrate accountability and their obscene demands for autocratic rule only show us how brazen these crooks are. NICIL must show its accounts. It must not continue to be a conduit for grand theft of the nations assets We want braxxington jail more so.

Really? Guyana belongs to you? How come? Living in North America and enjoying the benefits there qualifies you to speak about America and its problems. When last did you come to Guyana and what exactly did YOU do to improve the welfare of Amerindian communities? List them and cut out the verbiage for once.  

 I am definite that Guyana belongs to me. I have over 15oo acres thee to prove it plus another 48 away from the coast. And yes I live in north America and what has that to do with the price of tea in china? I do not have to tell you when last I visited because that is tangential to the crux of the debate that the PPP are crooks and are robbing us with the dexterity of Al Capone. 


I do not know that I have to directly be involved in any activity to speak of it. That kind of argumentation is not only a dulling of Occam s razor but more so nonsense. That I have sympathies to what is a culturally identified relationship with a group is all that matters.

 Yap, Yap, Yap. An absentee landowner living in America. He owns 1548 acres and making a capitalist living from it. Where is the Amerindian practice of egalitarianism?  

I gladly accede I am not a communist. And who told you Amerind were communist as well? 

You live abroad and is a parasite. You milk Guyana and work the poor and don't pay them minimum wage while you pocket the profits. And then you come here and sugar-coat your activities. How many fellow Amerindians are you helping out with all that land? 

My dear man, that is  in your imagination. When I left we had over 500 heads of cattle etc and in the space of a few years we hardly had any given the prodigious ability of the local people to steal. My sister has invested a princely sum to bring the place to a functional entity. We intend to keep it for no other reason except our grand parents worked for it. It will remain in my family at least for another generation.


And how many coo.lies are you helping since that is a precondidion in your mind to speak of the obscenity that is the PPP rule? I believe my sister and I and my mom as much as she can has done our part for our family and continue to do so as is necessary so I do what I am obliged to do and that is all that should matter to us and it is no business to curs like you.


Govt. must let us know when they will address concerns about NCN, NICIL, and NIS

October 27, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I have observed that many organizations are calling for the Opposition to support the passing of the anti-money laundering and terrorism legislation, having been silent over time about corruption, bribery, nepotism, etc which even the blind can see, feel and smell. If these organizations are really serious and interested in transparency, good governance and the rule of law, then they should demand that all information regarding NICIL, the Marriot, CJIA, etc be made public so that all those who support the present government can get to know the facts. What is not desired is the crying and wailing of the government and these private sector groups, flooding the media with their crocodile tears. Beyond this, the government needs to let us know how soon they will address the concerns about NDIA, NCN, NICIL, NIS, etc which are festering sores on our national psyche. Also, the Opposition parties should urgently reform GECOM which has a tainted past under the present Chairman who was the spin twin of the Chief Elections Officer, and who lacks credibility. Further, the government needs to let the public know how even a junior minister has amassed more wealth than Burnham, Hoyte and the Jagans put together. After all, supporters of the PPP are concerned that the present leaders of the party have the guts to claim that they are following the example of Cheddi Jagan. Cheddi was never perceived/accused/suspected of stealing from the public purse. With his passing and that of Janet Jagan along with the exit of Moses, Ralph and other stalwarts, the PPP has now gone to the dogs. The current and immediate past President are fine examples of non-leader material. What they excel in is ‘busing like blackguard women’ in public. The others in the PPP mimic these rantings and are all obsessed with devouring the sustenance of the poor and powerless in our country. Their avarice and greed have no limits and has been increasing by geometric progression.  Ed Singh


Cur? A trusted mongrel is good to ferret out the conniving activities that you are doing as an absentee landlord. YOU pay the workers a pittance on this 1500 acres and are part of the exploitative machine. So in the end despite all that big talk you are no better than anybody else, looking for the next dollar. 


The PPP has yet to fire anyone in its administration for any infraction of protocol or process. They are godkind not human kind. They do not make mistakes.


Asking to sanction one of their own is   a sacrilege. They just do not make mistakes...after all Guyana is their grandfathers legacy. What others perceive as thief is partaking of their inheritance!


The AFC preachers against corruption and conflict of interest, yet failed to sanction the hugheses and even Ramaya for corrupt practices and blantant conflict of interest, the main reason way so many "high profile" members of the AFC, had throw in their towels.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC preachers against corruption and conflict of interest, yet failed to sanction the hugheses and even Ramaya for corrupt practices and blantant conflict of interest, the main reason way so many "high profile" members of the AFC, had throw in their towels.

Jagdeo five away some 30 million worth of national assets to his friend...why are you concerned with at max 2k even if the dubious claims are true? Ramotar squatted on OMAI board while the pillaged our assets for 2 that a high profile facilitating of crookedness...not to mention he got fat with the loot? Tell him to throw in the towel. But let me see, the option to employ his children on plum leech jobs would not exist much for high profile thievery and corruption...actual vs hypothetical at that!


The Guyanese Populace wants the Hugheses and the entire AFC Cabal to come clean. How can a political gathering who passionately preaches against corrution and croyism turn a blind eye of those very things within their camp?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace wants the Hugheses and the entire AFC Cabal to come clean. How can a political gathering who passionately preaches against corrution and croyism turn a blind eye of those very things within their camp?

The dirty PPP asking for others to wash their laundry....the dirt there needs an earth mover...actually we need them removed least we wake up and every glade of grass has a ppp logo because they stole it.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


What an idiot! Go jump in a lake if this is your comment to me! You have the PPP practicing industrial strength thievery and you are asking me who who invest in our family holdings to answer what we do? That is our business. The PPP thievery is national business.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


What an idiot! Go jump in a lake if this is your comment to me! You have the PPP practicing industrial strength thievery and you are asking me who who invest in our family holdings to answer what we do? That is our business. The PPP thievery is national business.

This is not about the PPP, this is about you as an absentee landlord. Answer the questions please. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


What an idiot! Go jump in a lake if this is your comment to me! You have the PPP practicing industrial strength thievery and you are asking me who who invest in our family holdings to answer what we do? That is our business. The PPP thievery is national business.

This is not about the PPP, this is about you as an absentee landlord. Answer the questions please. 

There is no sin is in inheriting ones family holdings. And who am I a land lord to? I would not rent an inch to a Guyanese given it took me 10 years to be rid of all the freeloaders. It is free and clear of all and I would keep it to the end of my days even if it means keeping it as a bird and mongoose, and lizard sanctuary.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese Populace wants the Hugheses and the entire AFC Cabal to come clean. How can a political gathering who passionately preaches against corrution and croyism turn a blind eye of those very things within their camp?

the PPP/C  government needs to let the public know how even a junior minister has amassed more wealth than Burnham, Hoyte and the Jagans put together

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


He should also post evidence of his claims about stealing of the nation's assets in the PPP.  These keyboard warriors only excel because they don't have the burden of providing proof of their claims. This boy has been making unsubstantiated claims against the govt for years. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And D2 is an absentee landowner and a moneylender getting rich from abroad under a PPP govt! Wonders never cease. 

Indeed you are a wonderer and that never ceases. Do yo think  the PPP facilitate my job or my sister's? Most of that lot do not know how to turn a dime. They just know how to steal it.

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


He should also post evidence of his claims about stealing of the nation's assets in the PPP.  These keyboard warriors only excel because they don't have the burden of providing proof of their claims. This boy has been making unsubstantiated claims against the govt for years. 

How many Sugrims in the Hydro Seed pouch?

Bgurd_see, is this one of your most recent photo?


  • Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
  • He should also post evidence of his claims about stealing of the nation's assets in the PPP.  These keyboard warriors only excel because they don't have the burden of providing proof of their claims. This boy has been making unsubstantiated claims against the govt for years. 

the only evidence is that on salary less than a Mickey dees managers these men and women who did not have a pot to piss in now arte sporting obscene cash. Pradoville and its mansions are no fiction. Everyone knows Jagdeo's house to begin with. We saw what he ended up with.  Rohee did not own a room, nor  Kwame and Iffart now has a house and pool house in addition to his award of state assets to build it on and even Plumpie is building her own mansion! Did I say a Mickey Dees manager earns more than these new Sybarites?


Only toiday they five away a choice plot of land to the Chinese to build a Parking lot. Guess what, we are going to rent space from the new asset of the Chinese! This bleeding of our assets into the pockets of the PPP friends and family combined with their indiscriminate give away of our assets in side deals cannot continue.


Western diplomats meet APNU

October 29, 2013 · By Staff Writer · 2 Comments    Next Article »



diplomatsOfficials of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) this morning met with Ambassadors and High Commissioners from The United States of America, Great Britain, Canada and the Europe Union, a release from the coalition said.

 The meeting was held at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. The release said that the main concern of the Diplomats was the status of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill......

excerpts from the stabroeknews




Should Guyana be blacklisted, the joint opposition AFC/APNU are solely to be blamed, its time the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Western diplomats meet APNU

October 29, 2013 · By Staff Writer · 2 Comments    Next Article »



diplomatsOfficials of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) this morning met with Ambassadors and High Commissioners from The United States of America, Great Britain, Canada and the Europe Union, a release from the coalition said.

 The meeting was held at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. The release said that the main concern of the Diplomats was the status of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill......

excerpts from the stabroeknews




Should Guyana be blacklisted, the joint opposition AFC/APNU are solely to be blamed, its time the joint opposition stop playing partisan politics

Cool....keep the drug lords with little means to launder their loot.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Mouth open story jump out. Here are some questions for you:

1. How many people are employed on those 1548 acres?

2. What is the land used for?

3. How much do you pay the workers daily?

4 Where is the land situated?

5. Do you file tax returns. Post a copy here.

6. What is the value of the land when you purchased it and what is the current value?

    We await your response without the usual waffles.


Why dont you ask the PPP oligarchs that question.  After it is THEY who claim to run a "working class party".  Yet income disparities in Guyana are way worse than they have EVER been.  I include the colonial era in this.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

He should also post evidence of his claims about stealing of the nation's assets in the PPP.  .

Why dopnt you do this.  Clearly your Indo elite relatives are paying millions in extortion to these bandits every year and you know this.


That is why you know that an APNU govt will be cheaper on their pocket than the PPP is, as they only want to be "comfortably" upper middle class.  Not to become millionaires by extortion.


The interest of the Guyanese people should always be place over partisan politics, its time the joint opposition get off their high horse and work hand in hand with the democratically elected government towards the benefit of the whole society.


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