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Opposition on crusade to taint everything as corrupt - President Ramotar - denounces attack on Housing Ministry’s staff


Georgetown, GINA, July 6, 2012 -- Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar, flanked by Minster of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran and Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali, shares a light moment with invitees at the opening of Building Expo2012 at the Guyana National Stadium


President Donald Ramotar this evening, at the opening of the Third annual International Building Exposition denounced the attack by the opposition on the Housing Ministry’s staff and accused them of being on a ‘crusade’ to taint everything that the government does as corrupt.

He noted that the successes of this Administration have been attracting envy and jealousy.


“It has been brought to my attention since I came back from the Caricom Heads of Government meeting that there was a vicious attack against the Ministry of Housing workers who are trying their best, who are doing all that they can to satisfy the needs and the demands of the population out there,” the Head of State said.


“There seems to be a mentality created to try to criticize projects that can transform our country and bring better standards of living for our people and to do that there seems to be a crusade, a direct attack and a crusade to taint everything with corruption to say everything is corrupt, the same way the attacked when we were building the stadium, they attacked when we were building the Berbice bridge,” The Head of State explained.


President Donald Ramotar delivering the feature address at the Third Annual International Building Exposition


He said that this recent attack on the housing ministry’s workers, who work long days and hours, is an abuse by the opposition political elements, as their labour is being disregarded.


“In the same callous way that we heard when they cut our budget of some $21B…when they were told that some 250 jobs are being threatened one comment was collateral damage… How can we speak about our own working people as collateral damage? How can we not understand that poor people, ordinary people need to have an income?” the Head of State asked.


He said it is because of the opposition’s callousness they choose to describe the workers as collateral damage. This type of attitude he believes shows a level of ingratitude to attack the workers at the Ministry of Housing despite the valiant effort they have been making to satisfy the housing need in this country.


President Donald Ramotar examines a model home built by Buddy’s Housing, during a walk about of Building Expo 2012


President Donald Ramotar believes that the vicious attack against the Housing Ministry is now being seen because the opposition does not want to see progress being made in the society.


“Because of jealousy and because they believe that if things get bad it would be better for them politically and, we cannot live with such negative feeling around us, we must be determined to push ahead because this sector – the construction sector has become a very important sector in our economy,” the Head of State said.


Recently, it was reported in some sections of the media that the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has accused the Administration of mismanaging the distribution of house lots following a ‘One Stop Shop’ at the Guyana National Stadium, and called for an independent enquiry into the process.

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At opening of Building Expo 2012… PRESIDENT LAUDS BUILDING SECTOR FOR CONTRIBUTING SIGNIFICANTLY TO GDP …warns against developing mentality of criticising projects that will do the country good


Written by Priya Nauth

Friday, 06 July 2012 23:35

Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE much-awaited Building Expo 2012 was officially declared opened last evening by President Donald Ramotar, who has acknowledged that the building and construction sector has become  very important to the economy.

Members of the Creative Arts group performing at the opening of the Third International Building Expo

The expo, which runs until tomorrow, is taking place at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara, under the theme “Embracing Standards – Building the Future”.

The Head of State, delivering the feature address, said, “I am very happy to be here today to join with you in opening the third building expo in our country”.

Noting that building homes is one of the most important and noble tasks a person can undertake, he said, “When the PPP/Civic Government came into office and re-established the Ministry of Housing and started to allocate the lots for people to build their own homes, it was done at that time from a more humanitarian basis”.

He said they have gone a far way since then. “But moreover, the building of homes has now developed into a very important industry in our country – the construction sector”.

Members of the Karokwa Folk Group at the opening of Building Expo last evening

President Ramotar said it has created hundreds of jobs and indirectly stimulated businesses and created employment in the service sector.

“It has become a very important sector, contributing significantly to GDP in Guyana,” the President highlighted.

He assured that his government will continue this process, reiterating, “Our intention is to try as hard as we possibly can to ensure that every family will have their homes” and as such, plan to distribute some 30,000 house lots over the next five years.

He urged contractors to look at and encourage the use of other types of building materials “so that people can own their own

Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali addressing persons at the opening of Building Expo 2012


“It has been brought to my attention, since I came back from the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting, that there was a vicious attack against the Ministry of Housing ; workers were trying their best, doing all that they can to satisfy the needs and the demands of the population out there – people who work long days and hours, their labour is being disregarded and they are being abused by opposition political elements,” he noted.
He added, “In the same callous way they cut our budget by some $21B”.

He also observed that there seems to be a mentality developing for  criticising projects that can transform the country and bring a better standard of living for its people.

“We cannot live with  such negative feelings around us, we must be determined to push ahead as this sector – the construction sector – has become a very, very important sector in our economy,” he encouraged.

President Donald Ramotar delivering the feature address at the opening of Building Expo 2012 last evening

“It has created jobs not only in the public sector, but mainly in the private sector,and it has created wealth, and in my view, it has made a major contribution to insulating us from the negative effects of the international crisis that has affected Europe and North America and is having a major impact on the Caribbean,” he stated.

President Ramotar complimented the private sector for working closely with the government “in building this industry, almost from scratch” and said he looks forward to more such arrangements.

Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali, in remarks, said, “ The Guyana economy is undergoing a boom and the building

NBS Chairman Moen McDoom shares a light moment with President Donald Ramotar. during a visit to the society’s booth. Also in photo are Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali and Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran

and construction sector is a prime example of Guyana taking the lead in the Caribbean and other countries in this part of the world, in advancing economic growth, economic development and more importantly, the improvement in the lives of the people of this country.”

Also delivering remarks was Vice Chairman of the Private Sector Commission and President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Clinton Urling.

After the grand official opening ceremony, the expo kicked off with fireworks and an official exhibition tour by President Ramotar.

There are some 100 booths at the expo, including participation from the United States, Suriname, Trinidad, Barbados, and China.


“It has created jobs not only in the public sector, but mainly in the private sector,and it has created wealth, and in my view, it has made a major contribution to insulating us from the negative effects of the international crisis that has affected Europe and North America and is having a major impact on the Caribbean,” he stated.





When the PPP thieves start greenlighting projects in the interest of the Guyanese people and NOT those whose merit lie in the opportunites for graft by the criminal cabal & their associates, THEN . . .

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