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General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee [right) and Zulfikar Mustapha. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee (right) and Zulfikar Mustapha. [iNews' Photo]

[– General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee believes the concept of national unity, embraced by his Party, is now being parroted by the Opposition Parties.


According to him, the Parties are now “sheepishly singing from the PPP’s hymnbook in an attempt to take credit for something they never genuinely cared about.”

He told reporters that the PPP has noted with specific interest statements emanating from the Alliance for Change (AFC) and surmised that it is merely another ploy to distract from the internal problems and media attention generated following damaging allegations of sexual assault leveled against a senior executive of the AFC.

According to Rohee, the PPP has always embraced inclusive governance, where every Guyanese can become meaningfully involved in the process of national development.

He could not state whether the PPP will pursue aggressively a government of national unity once it regains its parliamentary majority, which he was pellucid in pointing out the PPP is optimistic about.

“Simply pontificating about national unity as the Opposition is seeking to do is but placing roadblocks to major projects and blackmailing the country internationally,” Rohee said.

“The PPP calls on the Guyanese people not to be fooled by those who by the very actions have been responsible for the rupture of our economic and social fabric by putting roadblocks on a number of key developmental projects and by aligning themselves with forces that have been responsible with destruction of our democratic, economic and cultural institutions,” Rohee who read from a prepared statement added.

He said his Party is confident that the citizenry “will not be influenced by the empty rhetoric and delusion politics aimed at brainwashing young people into a false sense of security.”

He urged Guyanese to be aware of attempts by the Opposition to seduce them into things they lack capacity to deliver.

Rohee reasoned that Guyana is at a stage in its social – economic development where it is experiencing national democracy; adding that the input of all political and social forces are important in ensuring it realizes its full potential.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

On the question of national unity government, Rohee/PPP is all talk and no action.

The victorious PPP didn't invite the PNC and WPA to form a national unity government in 1992, despite campaigning that the PPP was against "winner takes all" politics.

The PPP let another opportunity pass after its 1997 elections victory when it ignored Desmond Hoyte's call for power sharing, another term for national unity government.

The victorious and power-drunk PPP again let opportunities pass in 2001 and 2006 and stayed mute on national unity.

Then, in 2011 when the electorate shockingly condemned the PPP to minority rule and when the need for national unity was most pressing, the PPP didn't even countenance the idea on account of its arrogance and peevishness and narrow-mindedness.

Rohee's utterings today are sheer hot air.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

On the question of national unity government, Rohee/PPP is all talk and no action.

The victorious PPP didn't invite the PNC and WPA to form a national unity government in 1992, despite campaigning that the PPP was against "winner takes all" politics.

The PPP let another opportunity pass after its 1997 elections victory when it ignored Desmond Hoyte's call for power sharing, another term for national unity government.

The victorious and power-drunk PPP again let opportunities pass in 2001 and 2006 and stayed mute on national unity.

Then, in 2011 when the electorate shockingly condemned the PPP to minority rule and when the need for national unity was most pressing, the PPP didn't even countenance the idea on account of its arrogance and peevishness and narrow-mindedness.

Rohee's utterings today are sheer hot air.


In 1992, PPP/C C = Civic.


Please try again Gil. Stop spinning lies.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Why can't politicians come up with a new idea other than national unity government? Why don't they come up with something like a special economic zone for re-migrants.

Billy Ram Goat, you sound more stupid than Rohee. Come on, you are smarter than that.


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