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General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

[] – General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, (PPP/C) Clement Rohee believes that the combined Opposition Parties are deeply ‘divided’ on the No Confidence Motion’ and it is being played out blatantly in the press.


At the Party’s weekly press conference today, Tuesday, September, 23, Rohee was all smiles as he spoke about the opposite paths the Alliance for Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is on.

“Because one seem to be going to the East and another one seems to be going to the West. I think it was the famous Jamaican singer who spoke about war in the East and war in the West…so I am waiting with fainting breath to see how they will end up,” Rohee told a news conference.

The Minister was so overwhelmed with laughter on this matter that he quoted several popular song writers to support his belief of a division between the opposition parties.

According to Rohee, Ramjattan’s claims that “ 90 million pieces of silver was shared out among three MPs from A Partnership for National Unity would have been done behind closed doors if the two sides were seeing eye to eye on the ‘No Confidence’ Motion.”

Rohee noted that Ramjattan’s interaction with Opposition Leader, David Granger is a clear indication of this.

Opposition Leader, David Granger. [iNews' Photo]

Opposition Leader, David Granger. [iNews' Photo]

“He would have called Mr. Granger or walked across to Hadfield Street and say look I have this information on three of your MPs.”


Rohee then laughed heartily and said the two Political Parties have similarities of several popular Indian and English soap opera shows.

“It’s so interesting to see what is unfolding here.”

He even placed himself in Ramjattan’s shoes and said “I would have gone and told Mr. Granger who were the three persons.”

“These two Parties to me seem to be on a collision course and you know the PPP is in a very advantageous position…we just sit back and watch these two individuals sort their business out and then we will walk away with the prize.”

The laughter continued.

It was only recently that Leader of the AFC Khemraj Ramjattan made the startling announcement that the PPP/C approached three opposition MPs with $30M each to vote against the pending no confidence motion. However, Government was quick to dispel this as a malicious lie against the Party by Ramjattan.

Granger also dispelled the accusations and stated that none of its Parliamentarians were involved and hinted that Ramjattan might have fabricated the story.

Ramjattan has since refused to reveal the names of the MPs.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Fuss AFC and APNU were one now they are divided? you people are more confusing than a sober rohee.


Maybe you ought to get cobra to offer you some of dat raw snake piss and see if you sober up.


Reality starts to step into the minds of the APNU/AFC MP's , the no confidence vote will trigger a snap election, that would cost the joint opposition their "majority".The worst case senario is another minority P.P.P gov't.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Reality starts to step into the minds of the APNU/AFC MP's , the no confidence vote will trigger a snap election, that would cost the joint opposition their "majority".The worst case senario is another minority P.P.P gov't.

a snap election will cost the opposition their majority,i hope to god is not the taxpayers money paying you to post this shit 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

As the opposition peddled "no-confidence" vote nears, its becoming clearly who would most likely win the snap elections......its the P.P.P of course

good for you 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

As the opposition peddled "no-confidence" vote nears, its becoming clearly who would most likely win the snap elections......its the P.P.P of course

If it is so clear who would be the winner what is holding the PPP back? their panty strings?


According to Rohee, Ramjattan’s claims that “ 90 million pieces of silver was shared out among three MPs from A Partnership for National Unity would have been done behind closed doors if the two sides were seeing eye to eye on the ‘No Confidence’ Motion.”


APNU appears to be back peddling on their support of the no-confidence motion, probably Ramjattan heard from an inside source within the APNU camp that a few of APNU MP's are  not in favor of the motion which caused a heated debate.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan is getting angry because he was not offered any silver.

So you are admitting the PPP's pays to win support from the opposition?


or is this more snake piss without a regulator?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Ramjattan is getting angry because he was not offered any silver.

What a statement! How dare you?

You're sounding just like yuji now.

Clearly, you don't know a whit about Ramjattan's character.

Believe it or leave it, there is no silver in the world that is shine enough to fill Ramjattan's eyes.

I know what I'm talking about, and I've known the gentleman personally for about 30 years.

I've observed how you studiously turn a blind eye to the corrupt ones in the PPP but you're quick to suggest a link between Ramjattan and "silver."


Skeldon stop talking $kunt

like dem other PPP Bugger Batty Boys.


Do you know Ruport Roopnarine

by himself did more to topple

Burnham & the PNC Dictatorship than

Ramotar, Rohee, Jagdeo & Sam Hinds all put together...


Skeldon if yuh like

Batty & Buggery like Kwame...

that's your Choice....


But Remember....

all other Decent Guyanese

Respect Roopnarine for what he did

to help topple Burnham & De PNC Dictatorship.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Skeldon stop talking $kunt

like dem other PPP Bugger Batty Boys.


Do you know Ruport Roopnarine

by himself did more to topple

Burnham & the PNC Dictatorship than

Ramotar, Rohee, Jagdeo & Sam Hinds all put together...


Skeldon if yuh like

Batty & Buggery like Kwame...

that's your Choice....


But Remember....

all other Decent Guyanese

Respect Roopnarine for what he did

to help topple Burnham & De PNC Dictatorship.

Jalil, Skeldon will not stoop to your level. Sodomy is your area of expertise. I cannot argue with you.


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