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Former Member

Opposition pushes for Cabinet resignation, no Parliament and elections by Sept. 18

Jul 21, 2019 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...lections-by-sept-18/

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, has formally written to the President, with several requests for Government in the approaching period.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

In a letter dated July 20, 2019, Jagdeo reminded of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)’s Consequential Orders based on its decisions rendered on June 18, 2019, in the matters of Zulfikar Mustapha v AG and Others, Christopher Ram v AG et al, Bharrat Jagdeo v AG et al, and Charrandass Persaud v Compton Reid et al.

The Opposition Leader noted a key aspect of the Orders, that the provisions of Article 106 become immediately engaged following the passage of a No Confidence Motion.

Last week, Jagdeo had said, during a press conference, that he would write the President on the resignation but that he didn’t want to frustrate the good faith with which discussions were – and are still – being held on the informal nomination process for the list from which the President will select the new Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairman.

He has now requested that Cabinet resigns, as the Court, in its orders, stated “Upon the passage of a vote of no confidence, the Article requires the resignation of the Cabinet including the President”.

There are several contentions with this on the side of the Government. Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence, had warned that the state of the country would be in trouble if the Cabinet resigns. That’s important to note since, due to House-to-House, there will likely be no elections for several months.

The Opposition’s letter went on to state, “In accordance with the extraordinarily clear language of the CCJ… I hereby request that… Your Excellency issue a proclamation, dissolving the Parliament of Guyana”.

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, has said that there is no restriction on the meeting of the National Assembly, since the body has not been dissolved.

Jagdeo had said last week that no Bills should be passed at this time, but that has been disregarded by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams.

At present, Government is pushing forward with a move to have two Bills tabled and passed in the National Assembly. They are, according to the Extraordinary Gazettes of July 8, 2019, Bill No. 10 of 2019, the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill 2019; and Bill No. 11 of 2019, the Restorative Justice Bill 2019.

Government had also announced its intention to make an amendment to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Control Act, with the aim of removing custodial sentences for the possession of small quantities of marijuana.

Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, told Kaieteur News yesterday that a date has not yet set for the next sitting of the National Assembly.

Finally, the Opposition Leader’s letter to the President requests that he “fix a date for the next General and Regional Elections to be held, which date must not be beyond 18th day of September 2019.”

Former Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, had also written to GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, requesting that election preparations be started immediately.

Jagdeo has contended that, by acting in accordance with the Order of (ret’d) Justice James Patterson, whose appointment was ruled as flawed and unconstitutional, Lowenfield is acting in contempt of the Court.

According to Jagdeo, GECOM’s lawyer, Excellence Dazzell, had warned the Commission against embarking on House-to-House registration. She reportedly said that it could contravene the CCJ’s judgment on the No Confidence Motion of December 21, 2018.

By all indications, the timeline Jagdeo set out is not likely to be adhered to, since GECOM started House-to-House Registration yesterday. That process will take six to nine months, and could see elections being held by next year.

Even then, the House-to-House process is being threatened by a boycott as well as a coming injunction, by the Opposition.

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President Granger…Interim Govt will pass no budget, make no state visits, restrain its actions

Jul 21, 2019 News, Kaieteur News, , https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-president-granger/

The Coalition Government says it is very clear about its role in in the lead-up to elections, following the recent rulings and orders of the Caribbean Court of Justice.

President David Granger

According to CCJ earlier this month in its consequential orders, Government should adopt a caretaker role.

The Government has interpreted that to mean and afterwards described itself as an “interim government”.

Under Article 106 of the Constitution, the supreme law of Guyana, it says that the Government shall resign if defeated by a vote of a majority of the elected members of the National Assembly on vote of confidence.

However, the same Article said that the government shall remain in office and shall hold an election in three months.
There has been much debate on what the Coalition Government can and cannot do in the interim.

According to President David Granger on Friday, during a taped interview of ‘Public Interest’, the Coalition Government is acting correctly and in good faith.

“I would not have met…I would not have set up a working group which met several times in three weeks unless I was acting in good faith and unless I was interested in a favourable outcome for both sides.”

He explained that while nothing in the Constitution addresses “interim status”, in the Westminster model of government, like in Canada and Australia, an interim government means that Guyana may not, for example, pass a budget.

“We obviously have to keep government running. We have to limit our expenditure. We have to ensure we don’t embark on any controversial projects.”

Granger said that it means that he cannot also undertake state visits and sign agreements with foreign countries.

“So there are about half a dozen conventions that we have to comply (with) to ensure that Government restrains expenditure…restrains its actions. It does not mean that Government is out of office…it does not mean that Government ceases to function. There cannot be a void…you cannot have a country that is ungoverned.”

According to Granger, his administration is aware of the international conventions with both the Chancellor of the Judiciary and the CCJ citing an expert in their rulings- these principles are being abided.

“We accept the status of an interim government and we are not going to breach the convention.

The President believed that all his actions thus far were within the scope of his office.

“We have consulted with the Opposition. We have accepted the status of an interim administration. We have set out that the process for the selection of a Chairman of GECOM is expedited. We have gone back to the National Assembly and provided GECOM with the funds…and I have said I will await GECOM announcement or GECOM will advise me when elections could be held so that as soon as I get that information, I will proclaim a date for elections.”

Granger cited the example the April 25 loss of four of his ministers because they were dual citizens.

The ministers were Joseph Harmon, Carl Greenidge, Dominic Gaskin and Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine.

“It was very painful to me but I complied with the law. So in every respect, everything that has happened for the year, in fact since December, has been in accordance with the law.”

Responding to questions about the what he means by credible elections, a word that has been introduced into debate, President Granger said it is widely accepted that the Voters’ List is bloated with far too many persons on the list who may be ineligible.

“We believe that many people who are not on the list are eligible and should be on the list.”

He said that there has been growing calls not only from his party- the People’s National Congress Reform, but also from the Coalition itself for house-to-house registration.

The controversial, countrywide process to “sanitise” the list began yesterday with the Opposition announcing plans to challenge it in the courts.

“I have seen GECOM, not on my instructions, that they will embark on house-to-house registration from July 20. These are not my doings. These are the doings of the Elections Commission and I support them that we should have a clean and credible list.

“In any event, at this stage, only the Elections Commission has the authority to run elections. Not the executive… not the National Assembly…not the President.”

Granger made it clear that he will abide with the advice of the Elections Commission when to call elections.

“Right now, it is only the Elections Commission can determine the time and the form of the elections and I am prepared to abide by their decisions.”

Last edited by Former Member

Jagdeo is right to take the next step in this litigation. He tried to be reasonable with Granger but Granger is proving to be a very unreasonable person. Granger seem bent on violating the CCJ's ruling.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Opposition pushes for Cabinet resignation, no Parliament and elections by Sept. 18

Jul 21, 2019 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...lections-by-sept-18/

There are several contentions with this on the side of the Government. Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence, had warned that the state of the country would be in trouble if the Cabinet resigns. That’s important to note since, due to House-to-House, there will likely be no elections for several months.
The Opposition’s letter went on to state, “In accordance with the extraordinarily clear language of the CCJ… I hereby request that… Your Excellency issue a proclamation, dissolving the Parliament of Guyana”.

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, has said that there is no restriction on the meeting of the National Assembly, since the body has not been dissolved.

Demerara_Guy posted:

President Granger…Interim Govt will pass no budget, make no state visits, restrain its actions

Jul 21, 2019 News, Kaieteur News, , https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-president-granger/

The Coalition Government says it is very clear about its role in in the lead-up to elections, following the recent rulings and orders of the Caribbean Court of Justice.

According to CCJ earlier this month in its consequential orders, Government should adopt a caretaker role.

The Government has interpreted that to mean and afterwards described itself as an “interim government”.

Under Article 106 of the Constitution, the supreme law of Guyana, it says that the Government shall resign if defeated by a vote of a majority of the elected members of the National Assembly on vote of confidence.

However, the same Article said that the government shall remain in office and shall hold an election in three months.

There has been much debate on what the Coalition Government can and cannot do in the interim.

PNCR Government MUST effectively resign and the President remains in office exclusively to conduct the elections within three months.

The President cannot simply state/describe that the government consider  itself as an "interim government".

Last edited by Former Member

All the Kool-Aid drinkers are harping that the government shall remain in office but they stop there instead of completing the entire passage where it stipulates that the government shall hold elections in three months. I would have never expected the English language to be so challenging to the Coalition and its supporters. 

Demerara_Guy posted:

Opposition pushes for Cabinet resignation, no Parliament and elections by Sept. 18

Jul 21, 2019 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...lections-by-sept-18/

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, has formally written to the President, with several requests for Government in the approaching period.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

In a letter dated July 20, 2019, Jagdeo reminded of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)’s Consequential Orders based on its decisions rendered on June 18, 2019, in the matters of Zulfikar Mustapha v AG and Others, Christopher Ram v AG et al, Bharrat Jagdeo v AG et al, and Charrandass Persaud v Compton Reid et al.

The Opposition Leader noted a key aspect of the Orders, that the provisions of Article 106 become immediately engaged following the passage of a No Confidence Motion.

Last week, Jagdeo had said, during a press conference, that he would write the President on the resignation but that he didn’t want to frustrate the good faith with which discussions were – and are still – being held on the informal nomination process for the list from which the President will select the new Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairman.

He has now requested that Cabinet resigns, as the Court, in its orders, stated “Upon the passage of a vote of no confidence, the Article requires the resignation of the Cabinet including the President”.

There are several contentions with this on the side of the Government. Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence, had warned that the state of the country would be in trouble if the Cabinet resigns. That’s important to note since, due to House-to-House, there will likely be no elections for several months.

The Opposition’s letter went on to state, “In accordance with the extraordinarily clear language of the CCJ… I hereby request that… Your Excellency issue a proclamation, dissolving the Parliament of Guyana”.

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, has said that there is no restriction on the meeting of the National Assembly, since the body has not been dissolved.

Jagdeo had said last week that no Bills should be passed at this time, but that has been disregarded by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams.

At present, Government is pushing forward with a move to have two Bills tabled and passed in the National Assembly. They are, according to the Extraordinary Gazettes of July 8, 2019, Bill No. 10 of 2019, the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill 2019; and Bill No. 11 of 2019, the Restorative Justice Bill 2019.

Government had also announced its intention to make an amendment to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Control Act, with the aim of removing custodial sentences for the possession of small quantities of marijuana.

Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, told Kaieteur News yesterday that a date has not yet set for the next sitting of the National Assembly.

Finally, the Opposition Leader’s letter to the President requests that he “fix a date for the next General and Regional Elections to be held, which date must not be beyond 18th day of September 2019.”

Former Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, had also written to GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, requesting that election preparations be started immediately.

Jagdeo has contended that, by acting in accordance with the Order of (ret’d) Justice James Patterson, whose appointment was ruled as flawed and unconstitutional, Lowenfield is acting in contempt of the Court.

According to Jagdeo, GECOM’s lawyer, Excellence Dazzell, had warned the Commission against embarking on House-to-House registration. She reportedly said that it could contravene the CCJ’s judgment on the No Confidence Motion of December 21, 2018.

By all indications, the timeline Jagdeo set out is not likely to be adhered to, since GECOM started House-to-House Registration yesterday. That process will take six to nine months, and could see elections being held by next year.

Even then, the House-to-House process is being threatened by a boycott as well as a coming injunction, by the Opposition.

I know we all feel threatened by the election situation but that doesn't make us have a right to be ignorant by speaking on our own TERMS, We have to be soft spoken and humble because children are among us. If we do not use compassion there could be violence because our ambitions could lead to irrational behavior. This is fueled by not allowing the spirit to be sexual with the body through the eyes looking at each other. Mother Kali needs her lover, a lover that God has taken away whose name is Krishna, Lord Krishna everyone. Hare Krishna Hare Rama. Our sages are here and they have to materialize in the deliberation of this election process with the switching of information.

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Opposition pushes for Cabinet resignation, no Parliament and elections by Sept. 18

Jul 21, 2019 News, Source -- https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...lections-by-sept-18/

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, has formally written to the President, with several requests for Government in the approaching period.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

In a letter dated July 20, 2019, Jagdeo reminded of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)’s Consequential Orders based on its decisions rendered on June 18, 2019, in the matters of Zulfikar Mustapha v AG and Others, Christopher Ram v AG et al, Bharrat Jagdeo v AG et al, and Charrandass Persaud v Compton Reid et al.

The Opposition Leader noted a key aspect of the Orders, that the provisions of Article 106 become immediately engaged following the passage of a No Confidence Motion.

Last week, Jagdeo had said, during a press conference, that he would write the President on the resignation but that he didn’t want to frustrate the good faith with which discussions were – and are still – being held on the informal nomination process for the list from which the President will select the new Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chairman.

He has now requested that Cabinet resigns, as the Court, in its orders, stated “Upon the passage of a vote of no confidence, the Article requires the resignation of the Cabinet including the President”.

There are several contentions with this on the side of the Government. Minister of Health, Volda Lawrence, had warned that the state of the country would be in trouble if the Cabinet resigns. That’s important to note since, due to House-to-House, there will likely be no elections for several months.

The Opposition’s letter went on to state, “In accordance with the extraordinarily clear language of the CCJ… I hereby request that… Your Excellency issue a proclamation, dissolving the Parliament of Guyana”.

Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan, has said that there is no restriction on the meeting of the National Assembly, since the body has not been dissolved.

Jagdeo had said last week that no Bills should be passed at this time, but that has been disregarded by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams.

At present, Government is pushing forward with a move to have two Bills tabled and passed in the National Assembly. They are, according to the Extraordinary Gazettes of July 8, 2019, Bill No. 10 of 2019, the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill 2019; and Bill No. 11 of 2019, the Restorative Justice Bill 2019.

Government had also announced its intention to make an amendment to the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Control Act, with the aim of removing custodial sentences for the possession of small quantities of marijuana.

Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, told Kaieteur News yesterday that a date has not yet set for the next sitting of the National Assembly.

Finally, the Opposition Leader’s letter to the President requests that he “fix a date for the next General and Regional Elections to be held, which date must not be beyond 18th day of September 2019.”

Former Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, had also written to GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield, requesting that election preparations be started immediately.

Jagdeo has contended that, by acting in accordance with the Order of (ret’d) Justice James Patterson, whose appointment was ruled as flawed and unconstitutional, Lowenfield is acting in contempt of the Court.

According to Jagdeo, GECOM’s lawyer, Excellence Dazzell, had warned the Commission against embarking on House-to-House registration. She reportedly said that it could contravene the CCJ’s judgment on the No Confidence Motion of December 21, 2018.

By all indications, the timeline Jagdeo set out is not likely to be adhered to, since GECOM started House-to-House Registration yesterday. That process will take six to nine months, and could see elections being held by next year.

Even then, the House-to-House process is being threatened by a boycott as well as a coming injunction, by the Opposition.

I know we all feel threatened by the election situation but that doesn't make us have a right to be ignorant by speaking on our own TERMS, We have to be soft spoken and humble because children are among us. If we do not use compassion there could be violence because our ambitions could lead to irrational behavior. This is fueled by not allowing the spirit to be sexual with the body through the eyes looking at each other. Mother Kali needs her lover, a lover that God has taken away whose name is Krishna, Lord Krishna everyone. Hare Krishna Hare Rama. Our sages are here and they have to materialize in the deliberation of this election process with the switching of information.

Ronald, this is probably one of the more rational responses I seen here recently! 

Yes, there is Hare Krishna and Harry and Krishna...they serviced the same Goddess!!


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