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The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) said on Wednesday that it was heartened at the “very favorably” announcement by the Minister of Home Affairs on the adoption and proposed implementation of strategic plans for the improvement of the security sector.

“Our private sector members have identified the security situation as a significant barrier to doing business in Guyana and this timely intervention places substantial focus on reducing this impediment. A safe and secure environment attracts capital, encourages growth, and helps to improve conditions that contribute to the overall quality of life of our citizens.” GCCI said in a statement.
It believes making these much needed changes to the security architecture will be vital for the economy, businesses and society as a whole.

The chamber specifically welcomed the decision to recruit 10 civilians -to oversee the implementation of the 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan that has been crafted by the United Kingdom-based Capita Symons consultancy. International police officers are also to be recruited to address four specific areas.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

And this is another example of how the opposition keeps failing their supporters. Their only preoccupation is with settling personal scores and scoring political points instead of carrying on with the business of the people


Rohee has no credibility. Crime is not a PPP issue. It is a Guyanese issue. ALL THREE PARTIES OUGHT TO BE INVOLVED IN THIS PROCESS. Simple...51% of the population don't trust Rohee. 


The opposition seems to be playing partisan politics, by not supporting the security initiatives tabled by Minister Rohee,much to the displeasure of the business community and by the extension the Guyanese populace.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition seems to be playing partisan politics, by not supporting the security initiatives tabled by Minister Rohee,much to the displeasure of the business community and by the extension the Guyanese populace.

For means a spy agency to look at opposition politicians. Where is the forensic lab? 


The initiatives by Minister Rohee should be seen as a step towards enhancing the Nation's security, first the joint opposition criticized, its late tabling and the probably reluctantly to have foreign  assistance, now these measures are proposed by the Minister, the joint opposition now seems to be shifting the goal post.As states earlier the its clear to see the main goal of the joint opposition is vendetta and probably settling scores, instead of supporting measures that will be of benefit to the society as a whole.


the guyanese people know rohee is a waste,the man is a drug pusher.what he is trying to do will not help him,the best thing he can do to help the nation is to go buy a peice of rope,find himself a strong tree and do the right thing

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The initiatives by Minister Rohee should be seen as a step towards enhancing the Nation's security, first the joint opposition criticized, its late tabling and the probably reluctantly to have foreign  assistance, now these measures are proposed by the Minister, the joint opposition now seems to be shifting the goal post.As states earlier the its clear to see the main goal of the joint opposition is vendetta and probably settling scores, instead of supporting measures that will be of benefit to the society as a whole.

You mean enhancing the security of the oligarchs. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

con you right,like shooting down the protestors in linden

Warria: Why you na shet you rass. Go tek kare ah you two wives(your uncle's horse and donkey).

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

con you right,like shooting down the protestors in linden

Warria: Why you na shet you rass. Go tek kare ah you two wives(your uncle's horse and donkey).


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

con you right,like shooting down the protestors in linden

Warria: Why you na shet you rass. Go tek kare ah you two wives(your uncle's horse and donkey).


Oie NEHRU from the MUD-HEAD CLAN AND THE Bottom of the Pond Party, how more stupid can YOU get.


The MAJORITY OPPOSITION said they will support any security plan that does good for Guyana, but you can bring a plan on a golden page, ONCE it is being led by THE GOAT, they do not want anything to do with it since it will have GOAT shyte and GOAT pee all over it.


Is English your second language or is  it just too much MUD in your head.


Like you dunce like your MUDHEAD-in-CHIEF, the Chief Jagdabat?



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Rass wan nader Elton John wake up.

Them old people seh, it takes an elton john to know wan elton john.


I tek wan pass.


You can play knock, knock with Kwambee Mucraker Mckqay, he would enjoy you in the Elton John moments.



Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Rass wan nader Elton John wake up.

Them old people seh, it takes an elton john to know wan elton john.


I tek wan pass.


You can play knock, knock with Kwambee Mucraker Mckqay, he would enjoy you in the Elton John moments.



Pandit Nehru:


All for you.  Have a great Elton Jahn moment.


Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Oh Rass wan nader Elton John wake up.

Them old people seh, it takes an elton john to know wan elton john.


I tek wan pass.


You can play knock, knock with Kwambee Mucraker Mckqay, he would enjoy you in the Elton John moments.



Pandit Nehru:


All for you.  Have a great Elton Jahn moment.



Oh Rass same thing Ah seh. You also fixated on Kwame. Enjoy yourself. God Bless America, you can be who you are and be proud.

Originally Posted by albert:

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) said on Wednesday that it was heartened at the “very favorably” announcement by the Minister of Home Affairs on the adoption and proposed implementation of strategic plans for the improvement of the security sector.

“Our private sector members have identified the security situation as a significant barrier to doing business in Guyana and this timely intervention places substantial focus on reducing this impediment. A safe and secure environment attracts capital, encourages growth, and helps to improve conditions that contribute to the overall quality of life of our citizens.” GCCI said in a statement.
It believes making these much needed changes to the security architecture will be vital for the economy, businesses and society as a whole.

The chamber specifically welcomed the decision to recruit 10 civilians -to oversee the implementation of the 2013 – 2017 Strategic Plan that has been crafted by the United Kingdom-based Capita Symons consultancy. International police officers are also to be recruited to address four specific areas.

 I do not know Rohee or if any of the evil attributed to him is real. I do know that he is now a symbol of the PPP reluctance to change. He simply had to say that he did not know what happened in linden but it is not something he agrees with and should be up to his knees trying to change the police and their nasty corrupt culture of brutality and theft. 

Civic society representatives call for unconditional support of Security Sector ReformPDFPrintE-mail
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 21:48

THE Security Sector Reform Plan has been welcomed by numerous stakeholders as one that is sorely needed if there are to be positive results with regard to the nation’s security.
This was the view of Chairman of the Private Sector Commission Ronald Webster during an interview on the National Communications Network (NCN) yesterday.  Webster said though late, the reform plan is needed. “A quantum leap is needed of about 25 years for the security sector to get to a level needed to match present day criminals.” The plan is prone to fail, he added, if it is not fully supported by the populace and all political parties in the legislature.
Economically, Webster said such reforms will have an encouraging effect, citing the fact that potential investors, particularly those from overseas, would be more comfortable doing business locally if they were assured of their basic safety and an adequate police presence.
Soon after the Home Affairs Minister announced the reform, the Opposition declared that they will not support it under the minister.
The International Monetary Fund/Government of Guyana funded plan, which will encompass sweeping changes in the Guyana Police Force, Guyana Fire Service and Prison Service, is bigger than any personalities, Webster noted. He said all stakeholders have to ensure that it is instituted fully, so that it works effectively.
“I would like to see all play a role to ensure the plan is completed; and once started, it must be completed,” he said.
He also called for better salaries for the security sector personnel as this will attract a better quality of recruit and help to build more pride in the various services.
In an earlier statement supporting the reform, the commission had stated, “The PSC views the proposed reform as critical for the protection of the citizenry, the promotion of foreign and local investments, and the improvements in the livelihood of all Guyanese. We urge the public to pay keen attention to the measures being proposed and to appreciate the intended reforms. These measures can only realise their full potential and bring about the type of change needed if they receive the support of all Guyanese.”
Chairman of the Citizens’ Security Programme (CSP), Khemraj Rai, added his voice for all to support the plan. He said that remarks made by the political opposition, that they would not support the plan under Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, saddened him.
Rai said that following the crime wave from 2002, steps were taken to address many of the shortcomings of the force. This programme has been doing its part in training youths in various skills in Regions 4 and 6, in various areas such as anger management, personal development and some basic skills. Over 13, 270 youths have successfully completed these programmes and it is hoped that they can be expanded at a future date.
Rai added that steps have been quietly taken to enhance the force, such as the computerisation of all stations and linking those to central data bases at police headquarters. There are 60 civilians employed at various stations across the country and the plan will result in more of this. “This will help to free up more police ranks to do actual police work,” Rai said.
He too called on everyone to support the plan which will benefit the entire country, and bring with it modern practices, which are much needed.
The Guyana Police Force is set to benefit from all-encompassing changes when the five-year (2013 to 2017) Strategic Plan is implemented.
The plan, whose implementation will cost approximately $35M annually, will see the setting up of a Strategic Management Department which will have oversight for the Plan’s completion and the employment of 10 high level civilian professionals in non-line positions in the Force.
The UK based Capita-Symonds Consultancy will be contracted to focus on four critical areas in the Force, namely administration, succession planning, integrity/probity (professionalism) and public relations and communication.
Several civilians are set to benefit from the implementation of the strategic plan, as it will create employment for 60 data entry clerks to input data generated by the Integrated Crime Information System (ICIS) facilities at 42 police stations. Recruitment in this area has already begun.
The strategic plan for the Force was drawn up by the UK based Capita- Symonds Consultancy in 2010, while the implementation plan was made by US based Julian Laite Consultancy in February, 2012. (GINA)


The AFC is fixated with personalities who they have a peeve with.  This destroys any credibility as there has not been a single key "people" issue championed since 11/11.  This always been the albatross around their neck resulting in an incoherent and ineffective election campaign.  Why should anyone believe anything anymore.


Just listening to the key members spew hate, the suffer inhibiting mental block.


rohee is a waste,and no guyanese have any respect for the fool,the AMERICAN take away his visa,how can any government have a ass like this as a home affairs wonder guyana is a dump

Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee is a waste,and no guyanese have any respect for the fool,the AMERICAN take away his visa,how can any government have a ass like this as a home affairs wonder guyana is a dump

I would agree that there are some incompetence/corruption in the PPP and there should be some house cleaning.  Ramotar could make some strides but the mayhem threatened by the opposition have his hands tied.  He will make some progress before his term is up, the he will pass the baton to the next president, Anil Nandalal.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee is a waste,and no guyanese have any respect for the fool,the AMERICAN take away his visa,how can any government have a ass like this as a home affairs wonder guyana is a dump

I would agree that there are some incompetence/corruption in the PPP and there should be some house cleaning.  Ramotar could make some strides but the mayhem threatened by the opposition have his hands tied.  He will make some progress before his term is up, the he will pass the baton to the next president, Anil Nandalal.

wELL WELL, MOUTH OPEN, story jump out.


Power will pass from a DUCK to a professional drunkie - nadaballs.


Wake up from your slumber Baseman, you are the new Kwame, the messenger of doom.


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