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Former Member

Parliamentarians on the opposition side of the House today staged a walk out after Speaker Raphael Trotman abided by a High Court decision which affirmed the constitutional rights of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.

The walk out was staged after Rohee was allowed to address the House by Trotman. Both APNU and AFC parliamentarians at first attempted to disrupt Rohee's address by heckling but were warned by the Speaker. It was at this point that they took their exit of the chambers but returned to the parliamentary lounge to have refreshments.

In January of this year Chief Justice Ian Chang ruled that the Minister Rohee by virtue of his being an elected member of the House is entitled to speak on behalf of those who elected him. This was after Attorney General, Anil Nandlall moved to the Court, challenging a decision by Speaker Trotman to send the opposition no- confidence motion which sought to gag Rohee to a Privileges Committee.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

When Trotman ruled to gag Mr Rohee, the oppositions were very happy. When the Speaker ruled that Rohee can continue to speak in parliament the oppositions were very unhappy. How convenient! What does the walk out means? It mean that they voted for Trotman to be speaker and they expected him to follow through on everything in their favor. It shows that the Speaker has no power and his ruling is not fair according to them. Only time is on our side.

Originally Posted by albert:

AFC MPs by joining the APNU has showed disdain for the ruling of one of their own in the form of Speaker Trotman

Al-batty......yuh not smart ....and yuh can only think like dem Poom Poom Pata-cake.


The day when one PPP Parlimentarian (Just One....anyone) can speak out against the Corruption, Thiefing, Mismanagement and Nepotism in Govt ......the thiefing will stop


Regardless of who you doing....or who doing you...

This is how Democracy works.....

The Majority in Parliament is de Boss....and they do not have to listen to the Minority,

And a thiefing Minority place is in the Dog Pen.....they dont make the Rules....

De Minority listen and follow to the Rules in Parliarment made by the majority.

No Court can tell a Majority how to run parliament...


Bibi Rahaman No Drug Dealer Son-in -law can tell them how to run Parliament.....Carry de Cocain in she Crack.....Majority Still in Control


A Crack Head can go to any court in the world.....

but no court can dictate to a Majority what they must do....Majority Still in Control


Nandababa was celebrating all this Power eeee saying De Chief Justice Give him.....Majority Still in Control



He..... Donald..... and de Deportee in de Red Dress.

Now all his lies is in the Public and everyone see and know...Majority Still in Control


So aya get with the Program....

De Majority Run Things in Parliament...

Not De Burnham Constitution,

Not a Pee Drinking AG,

Not a Crack Head Nanda Baba,

Not a Minority Party or a Bunch of Loosers...

Not a Bunch of Drunks celebrating at GDF camp ayagana or Everest Cricket Club.......Majority Still in Control




Stolen Govt Passports beeing Distributed by Bibi Rahaman.Nandaall's Mother-In-Law. ... [ ] 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

When you can describe the marginal majority and who made up the majority then we will take it into consideration. BTW, I forget that Mosed and Ramjattan baptized themselves from their Indian-ness and convert to Vinigers.

 please put on your thinking hat. The "marginal" majority is the same distance in the majority as the minority government is in the minority. The nation has no criteria as "Indian=ness" or any "other-ness"  as a contition for governing. Obviously, color blindness is a virtue as all of the parties in the land makes that claim.


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