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Opposition ‘stingy’ with words but spend hours ‘cussing-out’ – Dr Ramsammy


AGAINST the backdrop of a “two-sentence” rejection letter issued to President Donald Ramotar by Opposition Leader, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger, Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, has posited that “the question on the minds of many Guyanese is what makes these politicians so stingy with their words when they spend hours at a time “cussing out” the President, the Ministers and the Government.”

Ramsammy’s remarks came subsequent to a two-sentence statement issued by the Opposition Leader, refusing to engage in any form of dialogue with the President on matters of national interest.
However, Granger’s position not to engage the President or Government in any form of dialogue had been expressed earlier, following the President’s decision to prorogue the10th Parliament on November 10.

“…both the AFC’s one-sentence, proposed no-confidence motion and the APNU’s two-sentence dialogue-rejection letter, demonstrate a level of arrogance and disrespect for the people of Guyana.” – Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

It is as a result of Granger’s unwavering decision not to engage the Government or President in any form of dialogue, that Dr. Ramsammy, in an interview with this publication said political leaders, even in the most distasteful and difficult circumstances must be able to put aside their disdain for each other and talk in the interest of the people and welfare of the nation.

Opposition, Brig. [Rt.) David Granger

Opposition, Brig. (Rt.) David Granger

He further stressed that this is a “self-evident truth” and a “non-negotiable pre-requisite” in any democracy, noting that even if political leaders must indulge in just one more chance for dialogue, their unwillingness to do so constitutes an “abdication” of their duties and obligation to the people, moreso, all the people of the country.
When President Ramotar declared that whatever position he might have had in earlier political discussions, Dr. Ramsammy said, he (the President) was willing to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. “He was displaying a statesman-like and mature position and was adhering to the demands of a political leader in a democratic state,” he said.

According to him, Granger’s letter to the President was all of two sentences in which he made it clear that A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and its partners are not interested in any dialogue. This “two- sentence letter” issued to the President, he said, was generous in comparison to the “one-line No-Confidence Motion” proposed by the Alliance For Change (AFC) earlier in the year.
The question then, he assumes, that is in the minds of many Guyanese is, “What makes these politicians so stingy with their words when they spend hours at a time “cussing out” the President, the Ministers and the Government.”
To this extent, Dr. Ramsammy emphasised that “both the AFC’s one sentence proposed no-confidence motion and the APNU’s two-sentenced Dialogue Rejection letter, demonstrate a level of arrogance and disrespect for the people of Guyana.”
“Mr. Granger is the Leader of the Opposition. He is an important part of the democratic state. When he takes actions such as rejecting the President’s call for dialogue, he needs to give a clear explanation to the people why he rejects the call of the President for dialogue. He has a duty to clearly list his reasons. In this case, Mr. Granger cannot hide by demanding that the President revoke the prorogation proclamation. That is a demand, not an explanation,” Ramsammy related.
He further noted that in simply rejecting any possibility of dialogue and demanding the President ends the prorogation, Granger displays “total disrespect for the people of our country” and gives the most direct signal that all he, APNU and the entire Opposition want is “power.”


Dr. Ramsammy also sought to reiterate President Ramotar’s explanation to the Guyanese populace that the No-Confidence Motion essentially ends the life of Parliament and that important, outstanding legislative actions of the National Assembly which were critical to national development would be left incomplete.
He explained that the President had listed the outstanding business, including the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Amendment Bill, the non-passage of which leaves Guyana at continued threat for international black-listing; and the Food Safety Bill which was to be introduced at the November 10th National Assembly Meeting. The President, he said, stated clearly to the Opposition and to the people that these outstanding matters should be completed as Government’s business prior to the No-Confidence Motion.
“The President clearly explained to the people that the Prorogation Proclamation was intended not to suffocate and kill parliamentary democracy, as the No-Confidence Motion would have done, but to give at least one more chance for dialogue between the parties and for the work of development to continue,” Dr. Ramsammy told this publication.
Citing Iran and the United States of America who are sworn enemies, the MP sought to highlight that every opportunity for dialogue between these two countries is being utilised.
However, as it relates to Guyana, he stressed that the Opposition has consistently either made dialogue “meaningless” by not being faithful to agreements or they simply dismiss any chance of dialogue.
Dr. Ramsammy further urged that even if the Opposition has good reasons to think that there would be no agreements out of any dialogue, they owe it to the people of Guyana to participate in such talks. “It is not an option; it is their sworn duty and obligation that they do not have the luxury of abrogation,” he said.
He noted that as the Leader of the Opposition, Granger has a responsibility to meet with the President to discuss national affairs and to serve in the national interest. This he contends, has nothing to do with “whether he likes the President or not, whether he trusts the President or not.” The very least he must do, Dr. Ramsammy said, is to meet for such talks and then if no agreement is reached to take the actions he feels compelled to do.
“The President of our country was faced with the possibility of the Parliament ditching important work in the national interest, because of the No-Confidence Motion which the AFC proposed and which APNU declared it would support and the public announcement by both parties that they would move for the No-Confidence motion to be the first order of business in the National Assembly,” Ramsammy said.
As a result, the President understood that the action of the Opposition, although unjust and clearly not in the interest of the nation, was within their constitutional rights. But the President also has constitutional rights, he said, one of which was to prorogue the Parliament.
“He did so giving clear reasons why and the priority reason was that we could all re-boot and start fresh discussions with clean slates. It was the stately and mature thing to do,” Dr. Ramsammy assured.
According to him, when the President made the proclamation for Prorogation, he (the President) was clear and addressed the reasons why he chose to prorogue the Parliament. He listed the many legislative actions that were in the national interest.
“As the Minister of Agriculture, my staff and I worked hard to draft the Food Safety Bill which has become necessary in order to allow Guyana to continue to expand Guyana’s agricultural export to North America, Europe, the Caribbean and other Regions of the world. With new laws and regulations in place in our exporting countries, Guyana needs to adopt new rules in food production. The threat of No-Confidence kills any chance of Guyana meeting trade requirements,” he explained.
It is to this extent that Dr Ramsammy believes that the Opposition Leader owes the nation the same obligation as the President.
He contends that Granger has a duty to give an explanation clearly and in writing. His refusal, he said, exposes his arrogance and is a clear dereliction of his national obligation. “Because of his past association and because he leads the PNCR, the party that led Guyana in a dictatorship for almost three decades, his behaviour is a sad and sinister reminder of the dictatorial genes that characterise Mr. Granger and his colleagues in the Opposition,” Dr Ramsammy said.
The Leader of the Opposition, he noted, has no right to disrespect the people of Guyana even if he personally values arrogance. The people will not forget such disrespect and arrogance and now that the election that they threatened is upon them, the people will have their say the MP said, while asserting that, “Mr. Granger and the Opposition will pay dearly for not only the disrespect they show to the people, but for abdicating their sworn responsibilities to serve the people of Guyana.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

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We will amend laws to deal with Jagdeo, Ramotar – AFC’s Nagamootoo

November 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

After noting optimistically that his party will become the next government, Vice Chairman of the Alliance For Change

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

(AFC) Moses Nagamootoo, categorically stated the party will make unprecedented moves to have the “elitist clan” of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) face the music for its corrupt acts which he feels have left the nation with severe damage. While indicating that high up on the party’s list is Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh, Nagamootoo said that he is interested in having the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo and current Head of State, Donald Ramotar, held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Vice Chairman said that the most damning corrupt acts were started by the Jagdeo regime and are being carried out to the detriment of the people by the Ramotar administration. The AFC Parliamentarian opined, however, that while the Constitution does not allow legal action to be taken personally against a former and current President, the AFC will move to amend the laws so that any wrongdoing of the two can be properly investigated and the relevant charges leveled against them. In Jagdeo’s case, Nagamootoo pointed to the fact that the Ombudsman’s latest report pointed to just one of the dirtiest examples of vengeance and wickedness by the former President. He reminded that Jagdeo made three persons – including the former Chief Executive Officer of the New Building Society – suffer the implications of false multi-million-dollar fraud charges, because he did not get the approval by the CEO for funds for the Berbice Bridge. He reminded too that the former President also gifted one of the nation’s most precious resources, licences for the airwaves, to his friends and “loyal minions.” Nagamootoo then turned his attention to the fact that Ramotar is now continuing the corrupt line of leadership. He pointed to the fact that Ramotar allowed his Attorney General, Anil Nandlall to escape any form of sanction when he

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

“was caught with his pants down” during a profanity-laced 19-minute conversation with a Kaieteur News reporter that was recorded. “Not only was he so disgusting and sickening in the tape as he made those sexist remarks about a female reporter, but he also spoke of the threat against the lives of the staff at the most fearless newspaper in the land. I mean, how can a President escape any kind of punishment for even condoning such behaviour? By not giving its nastiest beast a beating for that behaviour, he supported it, and that speaks to the wickedness within him,” the Vice Chairman added. Nagamootoo made the point that the acts that he referred to are just the “tip of the corrupt iceberg” and said that it is without question that he will not allow them to “escape the fire”. “Changes to the Constitution, particularly the powers of the presidency, are high up on our agenda, and we want to be able to deal with those amendments in such a way where you can make the President more likely to be impeached for wrongdoing. We will reform certain parts,” he added. The AFC politician emphasized that high on the AFC’s list is the finance minister. He asserted that the AFC finds the abuse of the Treasury, and the violations of the Constitution by Dr. Singh, to be “unforgivable sins” against the people of Guyana. He said that his party will also investigate certain agencies such as the “Chambers of Corruption” which he said is none other than NICIL which is headed by Winston Brassington. He said that the AFC plans to examine how NICIL accessed millions of dollars and how it was misspent. Nagamootoo also stated that the AFC plans to go after Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority, Khurshid

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

Sattaur, for the misuse of his office. “He is on our radar and he will face the books,” the attorney at law added. He said that the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, is also on its “hit-list.” One of the reasons for this, the AFC Vice Chairman said, is that his party is not satisfied at all, with the manner in which the Guyana Police Force handles certain criminal prosecutions.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

An A.F.C government  is not possible in this lifetime, its time the goons of that political gathering stop wishful thinking.

The obscene AG did all the cussing for a life time for Guyanese!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

An A.F.C government  is not possible in this lifetime, its time the goons of that political gathering stop wishful thinking.

Like all yuh forget Bharat was de king cuss birdey or what?


hahahahahaha - karma is a bitch.


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