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Former Member

Opposition walkout over Shuman’s selection as Deputy Speaker

Guyana’s main Opposition A Partnership For National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition earlier this morning staged a parliamentary walkout of the National Assembly over the selection of Lennox Shuman as the Deputy Speaker of the House.

Opposition MP Cathy Hughes with Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon speaking to the media.

Deeming it an “abomination”, Opposition MP Cathy Hughes posited that it displayed the government’s unwillingness to work together and uphold some of the longstanding conventions of Parliament.
“We find it an abomination that Mr. Shuman who comes from a party who got specifically 2,657 votes…I’m sure you the members of the media have more Facebook friends than votes that he got,” Hughes added.
Further, Hughes noted that Shuman vowed to keep the new People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) in check, however, he accepted a Ministerial Advisor position, a clear conflict of interest.
To put Shuman as the Deputy Speaker when such a position was always held by the main Opposition, she said, the move was very unfortunate.


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Teixeira, Shuman dismiss APNU/AFC’s concerns over Deputy Speaker 

L-R: Gail Teixeira, Lenox Shuman, Cathy Hughes

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Gail Teixeira has dismissed concerns expressed by the APNU/AFC Coalition over the election of former Toshao Lenox Shuman as the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

AFC’s Cathy Hughes has contended that the PPP/C Government broke a long-standing tradition when it proposed Shuman to take up the post as Deputy Speaker.

Hughes contended that the post of Deputy Speaker traditionally goes to the Parliamentary Opposition. She believes the post should be occupied by the main Parliamentary Opposition.

The APNU/AFC had nominated Raphael Trotman for the post of Deputy Speaker, but he was outvoted by 34-31, in favor of Shuman.

Responding to Hughes, Teixeira pointed out that it was the APNU/AFC that, in fact, had broken the tradition in 2011.

“We proposed, as the governing party, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran to be Speaker, they [APNU/AFC] defeated that motion and proposed instead Mr Raphael Trotman as Speaker; and when it came to Deputy Speaker, they proposed Deborah Backer…it was the first time in the Parliament [that] the Opposition or Government had a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker,” Teixeira reminded.

As such, she contended that “I am not accepting Mrs. Hughes or anybody from APNU feeling of righteousness on this issue. They are the ones that broke the tradition in the 2011 elections. And we have not broken the tradition, we have upheld it; the government having the nominee (as Speaker) and also proposing the nominee (as Deputy Speaker) from the Opposition.”

“So we are compliant with the tradition that the Opposition holds the Deputy Speaker and the Government holds the Speaker,” Teixeira explained, noting that Shuman is an Opposition Member of Parliament.

Shuman is the Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), which, through its joinder with the A New and United Guyana (ANUG) and The New Movement (TNM) won a seat in the National Assembly.

Meanwhile, Shuman also took time out to respond to Hughes, who also raised concerns about him serving as Deputy Speaker as well as a ministerial advisor on civil aviation.

“Advising the Minister of Public Works on aviation, that is very technical advice I offer, I don’t go out there and offer political advice on aviation.”

Moreover, he explained that “the Deputy Speaker is an apolitical position…when you’re there, you are guided by rules of the House…so there is no political interference there. I don’t go to represent a political agenda as the Deputy…and the roles of the Deputy Speaker are very restricted…”

Additionally, Shuman explained that as a serving Member of the National Assembly, he will be representing the interests of his party and those in the joinder agreement as well as their constituents. He made it clear that whenever he votes on a matter, it will be after consultation with the members of LJP, ANUG, and TNM.

Shuman also posited that he fully intends on working with all political parties to ensure the country moves forward.

Shuman was also recently appointed ministerial adviser on civil aviation, being a licensed pilot with a wealth of aviation experience.

He also served as Toshao of Pakuri (St Cuthbert’s Mission) from 2015 to 2018 and Vice Chairman of the National Toshao Council.

His election to the post of Deputy Speaker is seen as a significant move, especially since it coincides with the beginning of Indigenous Heritage Month.

@Former Member posted:

Teixeira, Shuman dismiss APNU/AFC’s concerns over Deputy Speaker 

L-R: Gail Teixeira, Lenox Shuman, Cathy Hughes

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Gail Teixeira has dismissed concerns expressed by the APNU/AFC Coalition over the election of former Toshao Lenox Shuman as the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

AFC’s Cathy Hughes has contended that the PPP/C Government broke a long-standing tradition when it proposed Shuman to take up the post as Deputy Speaker.

Hughes contended that the post of Deputy Speaker traditionally goes to the Parliamentary Opposition. She believes the post should be occupied by the main Parliamentary Opposition.

Responding to Hughes, Teixeira pointed out that it was the APNU/AFC that, in fact, had broken the tradition in 2011.

“We proposed, as the governing party, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran to be Speaker, they [APNU/AFC] defeated that motion and proposed instead Mr Raphael Trotman as Speaker; and when it came to Deputy Speaker, they proposed Deborah Backer…it was the first time in the Parliament [that] the Opposition or Government had a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker,” Teixeira reminded.

Perhaps, the AFC is extremely short in memory and wandering aimlessly with no focus on past and current relevant issues in parliament.


Cathy Hughes must be still seeing Russians. They are not needed in Parliament. There are already 34 seats which will fill any quorum except and NCM and the PPP not interested in that. They can go home and come back in 5 years. Lots of money will be saved on food bill.


Now we know that APNU had the speaker and deputy speaker's positions in the last parliament.  Why are they upset now that the ruling party has the speaker and the opposition, LJP has the deputy speaker?

These people hate democracy and fairness

Billy Ram Balgobin

Now we know that APNU had the speaker and deputy speaker's positions in the last parliament.  Why are they upset now that the ruling party has the speaker and the opposition, LJP has the deputy speaker?

These people hate democracy and fairness

Not surprised at Cathy Hughes and the rest of the Coalition's behavior. Look how upset they are with the PPP just because the PPP didn't allow them to get away with trying to rig the elections. Remember it was Hughes and Ramjattan who were seeing Russians before the elections. Remember it was also Hughes who was also seeing dead people voting on elections day. Remember yet that it was Hughes' husband who told the Coalition that the NCM can only pass by a 34:32=65 margin. It was in fact Nigel Hughes who began cutting up MPs in half in order to count them.


Speaking of Russians it was Ramjattan who said that he encountered Russians he believed were there to interfere with the elections and what did he do? He put them on a plane out of Guyana. He is the head huncho when it comes to public security and he never bothered to have the police question them. But then again it was also he who offered Charrandas safe passage out of Guyana after the NCM but later suggested that Charrandas was paid a bribe to commit treason in Guyana. The Coalition is comedy central. Look at them here walking around aimlessly.


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