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Opposition wants due diligence on top judicial appointees

Jan 04, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...judicial-appointees/

– Leaders to meet again on Feb. 7

Pursuant to Article 127 (1) of the Constitution, President David Granger met yesterday morning with Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, to discuss the appointments of a substantive Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice.

The Head of State’s delegation included Minister of State, Joseph Harmon and Attorney General, Basil Williams, while the Opposition Leader was accompanied by Members of Parliament of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Gail Teixeira and Priya Manickchand.

The President had written to the Opposition Leader, informing him of the two persons to be appointed as Chancellor and Chief Justice. He (Jagdeo) is also in receipt of their respective resumes.

In a brief comment after the meeting yesterday, Minister Harmon informed that the Opposition requested more time to conduct their own due diligence regarding the two nominees.

This request was granted by President Granger.

β€œHe requested a month to do due diligence which the President graciously agreed to…and we expect to meet again on February 7, when we will have that matter finalised,” the Minister said.

The consultation is in keeping with Article 127 (1) which states that β€œthe Chancellor and the Chief Justice shall each be appointed by the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition.”

Just recently, it was reported that Guyana-born Belizean Chief Justice, Kenneth Benjamin is tipped for the position of Chancellor. However Benjamin has faced backlash overseas over delays in delivering judgments.

According to a Belizean news site (Amandala) Benjamin recently came under the scrutiny of the Belize Bar Association for alleged misconduct and delays in delivering timely judgments.

The news outlet reported that last September the Belizean Bar passed a resolution calling on Benjamin to deliver delayed judgments for 32 cases that he has heard, but on which he has not yet issued a ruling.

The Government and opposition are in the meantime also in discussion over the nominees to the Teaching Service Commission (TSC).

With regard to the TSC, Minister Harmon explained that the President had submitted the full list of seven nominees to Jagdeo, with whom he is required to consult. Of the seven names, the three that were identified by the President, were the subject of the discussions between the two sides.

Jagdeo spoke of a convention whereby the Opposition is allowed to put forward a nomination to the Commission and in the interest of good governance, the President readily agreed.

β€œClearly that is not what the law is, but in so far as us trying to ensure that we have a Commission that is fully representative [of the Guyanese society], the President agreed for the Leader of the Opposition to submit a name that he will consider. So as it is right now, the Commission is not yet established because of the need for the Leader of the Opposition to submit a name, which he has undertaken to have done very shortly, because of the need to ensure that we have a Commission to deal with the issues in relation to [the teaching fraternity],” Minister Harmon said.

The provision of a name by the Opposition Leader will signal the end of the necessary consultations on the TSC. The President will then consider the Opposition’s nominee, paving the way for the appointment of this Commission.


Opposition wants due diligence on top judicial appointees

Jan 04, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...judicial-appointees/

In a brief comment after the meeting yesterday, Minister Harmon informed that the Opposition requested more time to conduct their own due diligence regarding the two nominees.

This request was granted by President Granger.

β€œHe requested a month to do due diligence which the President graciously agreed to…and we expect to meet again on February 7, when we will have that matter finalised,” the Minister said.

The consultation is in keeping with Article 127 (1) which states that β€œthe Chancellor and the Chief Justice shall each be appointed by the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition.”

Hopefully, the president recognizes that the appointments are made after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition.

Baseman posted:

I agree with BJ.  Issue is Granger could go ahead regardless.  He may do as he did with GECOM!!

The key is that the Leader of the Opposition has to agree with Soulja Bai’s selection. My take on this is that, and I hope am wrong, that Bharrat Jagdeo will give the the DAG what he wants. The PPP has always given in to the PNC/APNU and throw the PPP supporters under the bus and taken them for granted again. Watch and mark my words. Just look at how Jagdeo smiled with the man and shook the hands that he claims had blood on it. Bharrat Jagdeo makes me sick.


Jagdeo should be reminded that non co-operation with evil is a sacred duty. To do otherwise, will make Jagdeo a BLIGHT and a THREAT to the PPP winning in 2020. If he (Jagdeo) gives in to the DAG he (Jagdeo) must be removed and NOT RUN AS THE PPP CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT in 2020. 


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Demerara_Guy posted:

The law does not stipulate that the Leader of the Opposition MUST agree with the president.

The law is quite clear that the president MUST obtain an agreement from the Leader of the Opposition before making the appointments.

D_G please answer this for me. Did Jagdeo obtain an agreement from Robert Corbin to confirm the appointments of the former Chancellor (ag) and the former Chief Justice (ag). Why were they left unconfirmed for such a long time? Did Jagdeo not learn from Robert Corbin? While I have never supported any political party in Guyana, I can say that the PNC/APNU and its leaders have taught the PPP and its leaders some very valuable lessons which they continue to ignore rather than put into practice when they win office. 


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