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Opposition’s budget presentations political rhetoric - Minister Singh
- Calls on them not to misuse one-seat majority  


Georgetown, GINA, April 17, 2012

Source - GINA


Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh during his wrap-up presentation in the National Assembly


The curtains came down this evening on the debates on the 2012 national budget with Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, who observing that the Opposition has squandered yet another opportunity individually and collectively cooperate with the Government in the interest of Guyana and its people.

He noted that uniqueness of the current parliamentary configuration presented members opportunities to demonstrate their willingness to rise to the occasion; however this was not seized by the Opposition; instead they resorted to opposing merely for the sake of opposing.

He reminded the House that the budget debate was never intended to be  a contest of oratorical versatility or an exhibition of hooliganism and linguistic or poetic abilities; instead it presented the opportunity for a competition of ideas, particularly given the current configuration of the House.    

Budget Theme


Referring to the theme of budget 2012, “Remaining on Course, United in Purpose, Prosperity for All”, Minister Singh said that, it was not casually formulated; but rather is the result of considerable reflection of the part of Government and represented the outcome of efforts intended to capture the essence of where the country is and, what needs to be accomplished in order to arrive at the destination to which every Guyanese aspires.


“The theme was built on a premise that our country has been advancing along a path of progress... a path towards a modern and prosperous Guyana with most elements to which very few would could scarcely argue with the admonition that we remain on course, on this path, redoubling our resolve to working more closely together as we pursue the objectives of generating prosperity for our country,” the Finance Minister stated.


Besmirching professionalism


Minister Singh rebuked Alliance for Change’s (AFC’s) Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan for casting aspersions on the economic statistics that were produced by hardworking professionals within the Government agencies.


He stated that the National Bureau of Statistics (whose work and integrity Ramjattan attempted to question), is headed by a very capable, long-standing professional of over 40 years of experience in official statistics 


“These people are not politicians...professional civil servants are not people who like to enter the political fray, it is downright irresponsible for members in this House to stand up and besmirch their professionalism,” he asserted.


Economy Rebasing


Responding to Ramjattan’s talk of rebasing Guyana’s economy, the Minister explained that this has been a matter that has long been recognised by the PPP/C. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was last rebased in 1988 when the economy was fundamentally different in structure from that which obtains today and, has never been a matter of dispute.


Countries all over the world rebase their GDP periodically and Guyana is no different. Moreover, this rebasing was done the benefit of extensive assistance from reputable international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Center, which scrutinise the country’s economic statistics.


Further, in the process of rebasing Guyana’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket, assistance was garnered from the United States Census Bureau.


Donkey-cart economy


With regards to Ramjattan’s reference to a donkey-cart economy, Minister Singh said that, “We might not be where we want to be, I doubt that we will ever be where we want to be...the task of national upliftment just like the task of personal betterment, is never complete.”


He said that if all Parties are to engage in sincere and frank discussions about where the country is headed, people must at very least, show willingness to be honest and added that, “to pretend that nothing is happening in Guyana; that we are not moving in the right direction and that there have been no obvious improvements, is dishonesty and an exercise in self-delusion.”


Lack of objectivity


Minister Singh lamented that time and time again, Government has sought to make available vast volumes of documents on various entities and projects such as the Amaila Falls and Marriot hotel to members of the Opposition; however, upon receipt of such documentation, only passing comments are made with regards to those projects and benefits they seek to create.


In fact, the major projects that Government has embarked on were described as “fanciful projects” by Ramjattan.


“It is alarming that people who would be willing to say that is a good thing in private...but when they come to the National Assembly they are not prepared to say calls into question the sincerity of the Opposition to have meaningful engagements for the development of this country,” Minister Singh said.


He added too, that throughout the presentations over that past few days, no one from the Opposition benches came forward with any meaningful comments on projects such as the Amaila Falls; instead they resorted to repeat the same rhetoric simply for the sake of political mileage.  


“I do not expect for them to say that they agree with everything in the budget, but I expect at the very least, some degree of objectivity,” he reminded.




Minister Singh commended the presentation made by Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and said that the Government is in agreement with many of the objectives that he outlined but, lamented the fact that those same principles were not embraced by the members of his Party, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) as illustrated over the past six days.   


Responding to Granger’s question about what is being done for the manufacturing sector, the Finance Singh explained that while it will not put money directly into the sector, it is investing in factors that affect or influence it.


Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power, the Administration is investing in the Amaila Falls project which will reduce the cost of power and remove the need for redundant power from investors. 


“There is no investment that is better for this country than that of hydropower,” he maintained.


Misleading Mathematics


Minister Singh exposed the inaccurate calculations quoted by AFC member, Moses Nagamootoo in his attempt convinced the House that Guyana’s external debt is higher today that it was in 1992.


Nagamootoo said that at the prevailing exchange rate of 125:1, the 1992 debt was $252.5B. He added that today, in spite of write-offs, cancellations and rescheduling, the national debt stands at $1.2B, which at the current rate at 207:1 amounts of $253.4B, nearly $1B more than it was 20 years ago.


Minister Singh said that firstly, two nominal numbers cannot be computed at two disparate points in times. He then proceeded to explain a mathematical breakdown to the House using Nagamootoo’s numbers to show the inconsistency in his calculations.




Throughout the course of the debates much has been said about the Value Added Tax (VAT) by Opposition members who described it as a burden on citizens and called for a reduction.


“A reduction in the VAT will bring little to no benefits to the people in this country; in fact, the most vulnerable will benefit the least from a cut in VAT...if you wish to assist the most vulnerable in our society, a cut in VAT is the least efficient way to do it,” Minister Singh explained.     


He explained that people earning modest incomes would purchase all of the basic food items that are zero-rated on VAT and the only VAT-able items would be clothing and telephone bill.


On the other hand, a wealthier person would purchase zero-rated basic food items as well as imported and processed items that are VAT-able. This hypothetical person will also incur costs for cable/internet, entertainment (bars, restaurants etc) and other luxury items.


VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax.   


“This argument that the poor man will benefit from VAT is a misrepresentation to the people of this country...the VAT that a wealthy person will save from a flat-screen TV bought, will be more than the VAT saved by a poor person for an entire year on everything he/she will buy,” he explained.


The Minister called for judicious conduct from all members of the House over the next six days when the estimates of expenditure will be considered.


“It is incumbent on all of us to ensure that we do not use this tyranny of one to cut solely for the purpose of cutting. It is the people of Guyana, who benefit from the services provided under these programmes,” he said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Misleading Mathematics


Minister Singh exposed the inaccurate calculations quoted by AFC member, Moses Nagamootoo in his attempt convinced the House that Guyana’s external debt is higher today that it was in 1992.


Nagamootoo said that at the prevailing exchange rate of 125:1, the 1992 debt was $252.5B. He added that today, in spite of write-offs, cancellations and rescheduling, the national debt stands at $1.2B, which at the current rate at 207:1 amounts of $253.4B, nearly $1B more than it was 20 years ago.


Minister Singh said that firstly, two nominal numbers cannot be computed at two disparate points in times. He then proceeded to explain a mathematical breakdown to the House using Nagamootoo’s numbers to show the inconsistency in his calculations.

Interesting, indeed.


Moses Nagamootoo was a member of the PPP from the 1960's to 2011, just before the recent 2011 elections.

Donkey-cart economy


With regards to Ramjattan’s reference to a donkey-cart economy, Minister Singh said that, “We might not be where we want to be, I doubt that we will ever be where we want to be...the task of national upliftment just like the task of personal betterment, is never complete.”


Ramjattan scrambling for recognition with his non-sensical reference to a donkey-cart economy.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Donkey-cart economy


With regards to Ramjattan’s reference to a donkey-cart economy, Minister Singh said that, “We might not be where we want to be, I doubt that we will ever be where we want to be...the task of national upliftment just like the task of personal betterment, is never complete.”


Ramjattan scrambling for recognition with his non-sensical reference to a donkey-cart economy.

 THere is nothing nonsensical in this reference and Ramjattan needs no recognition beyond the point that he has the bit in the teeth of the PPP criminal donkeys and is pulling the reins hard to keep them in check.


Tell the silly minister the whole statement highlighted need need not be stated as it is self evident with respect to the first law of economics; scarcity is fundamental.


However, that has little to do with seeking the best means to end schema for economic viability. It is not as the PPP oligarch have done in the entire duration of their time in office prior to now. Again, thank ramjhattan for that.


Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."



Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.


Minister Singh: "

VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax."



Agree with the Minister here. I don't believe the VAT should be reduced.    



Nagamootoo said that at the prevailing exchange rate of 125:1, the 1992 debt was $252.5B. He added that today, in spite of write-offs, cancellations and rescheduling, the national debt stands at $1.2B, which at the current rate at 207:1 amounts of $253.4B, nearly $1B more than it was 20 years ago.


Minister Singh said that firstly, two nominal numbers cannot be computed at two disparate points in times. He then proceeded to explain a mathematical breakdown to the House using Nagamootoo’s numbers to show the inconsistency in his calculations.



I don't know what Moses was trying to say. At the same time what the article report the Minister said does not seem to make sense. Of course you can calculate two nominal figures at two different periods. That is the whole point of CPI, GDP, exchange rate etc calculations. You first calculate them in nominal points and then convert to real magnitudes using a suitable deflator.


Responding to Ramjattan’s talk of rebasing Guyana’s economy, the Minister explained that this has been a matter that has long been recognised by the PPP/C. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was last rebased in 1988 when the economy was fundamentally different in structure from that which obtains today and, has never been a matter of dispute.



The Minister is correct to say that you have to rebase to calculate CPI and GDP. What the rebasing does it provide a series of weights for future calculations. If you manipulate the weights you can artificially (it is simple maths) obtain higher GDP growth and lower inflation. I am not accusing the government of doing this. But I worked in this area for four years and know how politicians can make phone calls and we had to fix the numbers. Which man/woman among you believe Jagdeo was a saintly leader and unblemished and never micromanaged?

So you are the MASTER of VOODOO Economics?Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Responding to Ramjattan’s talk of rebasing Guyana’s economy, the Minister explained that this has been a matter that has long been recognised by the PPP/C. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was last rebased in 1988 when the economy was fundamentally different in structure from that which obtains today and, has never been a matter of dispute.



The Minister is correct to say that you have to rebase to calculate CPI and GDP. What the rebasing does it provide a series of weights for future calculations. If you manipulate the weights you can artificially (it is simple maths) obtain higher GDP growth and lower inflation. I am not accusing the government of doing this. But I worked in this area for four years and know how politicians can make phone calls and we had to fix the numbers. Which man/woman among you believe Jagdeo was a saintly leader and unblemished and never micromanaged?


Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "

VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax."



Agree with the Minister here. I don't believe the VAT should be reduced.    



Although my knowledge of economics  is rudimentary,  simple commonsense  would inform me  that the  Minister is  on  the  right  track here. However  what  is more  significant and a  good  reason  for hope  and  optimism is   having  two  opposing economic  titans,   TK &  Ashni  finding  common  grounds, all being  it  on  a  very miniscule  issue. Very  big  of  you  TK!

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Nagamootoo said that at the prevailing exchange rate of 125:1, the 1992 debt was $252.5B. He added that today, in spite of write-offs, cancellations and rescheduling, the national debt stands at $1.2B, which at the current rate at 207:1 amounts of $253.4B, nearly $1B more than it was 20 years ago.


Minister Singh said that firstly, two nominal numbers cannot be computed at two disparate points in times. He then proceeded to explain a mathematical breakdown to the House using Nagamootoo’s numbers to show the inconsistency in his calculations.




I don't know what Moses was trying to say.


And perhaps, so are a vast number of individuals.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

You guys must understand what really a dankey cart economy is and ask yourself whether Guyana has moved away from these features:


Using the term Dankey cart economy is restricted to a miniscule number of individuals who engage in spouting this term hoping to gain attention.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Minister Singh commended the presentation made by Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and said that the Government is in agreement with many of the objectives that he outlined but, lamented the fact that those same principles were not embraced by the members of his Party, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) as illustrated over the past six days.   


Responding to Granger’s question about what is being done for the manufacturing sector, the Finance Singh explained that while it will not put money directly into the sector, it is investing in factors that affect or influence it.


Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power, the Administration is investing in the Amaila Falls project which will reduce the cost of power and remove the need for redundant power from investors. 


“There is no investment that is better for this country than that of hydropower,” he maintained.


 Very  commendable of  Singh  to acknowledge and  appreciate  the  contribution  of  the  Opposition  leader.  Hope   other  can  follow  suite and  put  an  end to the  childish  partisan bickering.  For  once, it  is indeed encouraging  and  enlightening to have  civill discourse and  constructive  criticism  rather  than  the  usual grating partisan  bilge that  passes  for  debates  in  Parliament.  

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

You guys must understand what really a dankey cart economy is and ask yourself whether Guyana has moved away from these features:


Using the term Dankey cart economy is restricted to a miniscule number of individuals who engage in spouting this term hoping to gain attention.


If you read the article TK posted it seems to have an interesting meaning. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.




Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.



Take the time to gather the relevant information.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.



Take the time to gather the relevant information.

What's wrong DG, ain't got an answer?

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "

VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax."



Agree with the Minister here. I don't believe the VAT should be reduced.    



Although my knowledge of economics  is rudimentary,  simple commonsense  would inform me  that the  Minister is  on  the  right  track here. However  what  is more  significant and a  good  reason  for hope  and  optimism is   having  two  opposing economic  titans,   TK &  Ashni  finding  common  grounds, all being  it  on  a  very miniscule  issue. Very  big  of  you  TK!

Mara...thank you for the kind compliments. The VAT however is not a miniscule issue. This is a very...very...very important tax and issue. I have always given the PPP credit for implementing the VAT, especially since it is the only way to tax the very large underground economy.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.



Take the time to gather the relevant information.

What's wrong DG, ain't got an answer?


I'd like to know HOW myself.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

What's wrong DG, ain't got an answer?

Answers are always available, Cainsta.

Don't go around blaming others for your lack of comprehension and poor read skills.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "Recognising that the one impediment to more rapid growth in the manufacturing sector is affordable power..."


Don't agree with this. It is not true that manufacturing will result after Amaila because the price of electricity will not decline as the government is projecting. And you don't need Amaila for manufacturing to result.

The proposed Amelia Hydropower project will indeed increase development in all areas, including manufacturing and private ventures, to produce increased uses in all areas.



Take the time to gather the relevant information.

What's wrong DG, ain't got an answer?

I'd like to know HOW myself.

Your choice to obtain the information.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "

VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax."



Agree with the Minister here. I don't believe the VAT should be reduced.    



Although my knowledge of economics  is rudimentary,  simple commonsense  would inform me  that the  Minister is  on  the  right  track here. However  what  is more  significant and a  good  reason  for hope  and  optimism is   having  two  opposing economic  titans,   TK &  Ashni  finding  common  grounds, all being  it  on  a  very miniscule  issue. Very  big  of  you  TK!

Mara...thank you for the kind compliments. The VAT however is not a miniscule issue. This is a very...very...very important tax and issue. I have always given the PPP credit for implementing the VAT, especially since it is the only way to tax the very large underground economy.


I  concede to  your  superior  wisdom & knowledge   on  the  subject matter,  but  I  still  maintain that it is miniscule  when  compared  to  gargantuan egos that  we  have  grown  accustomed to  from  all  sides of  the  political  spectrum. Such magnanimity is  rare and  should  be  commended  and  welcome whenever / wherever it is evident.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

The people are protesting against the AFC and its ruthless position. That says a lot about their so-called concern for the poor.

 The people in the streets are civil servents misled to believing the AFC is after their jobs when it is the after the fat that would make their jobs able to earn a living wage. PPP fat cats are paid 15K US  a month while a teacher and police gets an average of 150. How can one justify a factor of a 100 wage difference  and yet say you are a savor to the working class? Note they have not been able to boot strap even one of our traditional industries to viable production levels? 

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Minister Singh: "

VAT is a tax on consumption; as such those who consume modest items would incur a modest VAT bill; while those who consume lavish items would incur a large bill and therefore, stand to benefit most from a cut in the tax."



Agree with the Minister here. I don't believe the VAT should be reduced.    

Although my knowledge of economics  is rudimentary,  simple commonsense  would inform me  that the  Minister is  on  the  right  track here. However  what  is more  significant and a  good  reason  for hope  and  optimism is   having  two  opposing economic  titans,   TK &  Ashni  finding  common  grounds, all being  it  on  a  very miniscule  issue. Very  big  of  you  TK!

Mara...thank you for the kind compliments. The VAT however is not a miniscule issue. This is a very...very...very important tax and issue. I have always given the PPP credit for implementing the VAT, especially since it is the only way to tax the very large underground economy.


I  concede to  your  superior  wisdom & knowledge   on  the  subject matter,  but  I  still  maintain that it is miniscule  when  compared  to  gargantuan egos that  we  have  grown  accustomed to  from  all  sides of  the  political  spectrum. Such magnanimity is  rare and  should  be  commended  and  welcome whenever / wherever it is evident.



Uncle Mara...please remember I praised the Jagdeo admin for stable prices and low fiscal deficit last election. Guyana times reported it on their front page while the letter columns had Premo's squad of Afro female sounding names attacking me :-).


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