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Opposition’s Motion to repeal Former President’s Act, grandstanding - HPS


Georgetown, GINA, April 5, 2012

Source - GINA


Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon today dismissed a Motion that will be laid in Parliament by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament and former Finance Minister, Carl Greenidge as mere “grandstanding”.


The Motion seeks to repeal the provisions of the Former President’s (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act 2009.


“I can’t imagine a former minister, who served in some very difficult times, having lost the regard for due process,” he said.


The HPS explained that there is nothing a Parliamentary Motion can do to amend or repeal extant legislation.


The Former President’s Act enshrines in legislation, the benefits to former Presidents of Guyana in a statute-based approach and stipulates that “every person who having held the office of President and ceased to hold that office by virtue of provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution or otherwise shall, during the remainder of his lifetime, be entitled to the following:

  • Payment of expenses incurred in the provision and use of water electricity and telephone services at the place of residence in Guyana
  • Services of personal and household staff including an attendant and a gardener
  • Services of clerical and technical staff if requested
  • Free medical attendance and treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for the medical attendance or treatment of himself and the dependant members of his family
  • Full time personal security and presidential guard service at the place of residence
  • Motor vehicles provided and maintained by the state and
  • annual vacation allowance and tax exemptions enjoyed by a serving President.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This was vociferously contested in Parliament in 2009 and the PPP rammed it down the nation's throat. It cannot now be grand standing since  it has become the iconic issue of PPP excess and autocratic government.


It was a campaign platform of the APNU and AFC and they are doing the bidding of their constituency which I might remind Luncheon is now greater than the PPPs.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This was vociferously contested in Parliament in 2009 and the PPP rammed it down the nation's throat. It cannot now be grand standing since  it has become the iconic issue of PPP excess and autocratic government.


It was a campaign platform of the APNU and AFC and they are doing the bidding of their constituency which I might remind Luncheon is now greater than the PPPs.

Not true, these conventions were always on the books informally. The PPP took steps to ratify what has always been acknowledges as benefits of past presidents. That being said, I would support a repeal of much of those benefits as Guyana  is too poor a nation to afford such extravagances. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Wan nada DUNCE. Read the article agian AND again and MAYBE you will get it.

What is there to get from what is clearly an elaborate con game to take away the focus from the parasitic class that the PPP intend to make of its former leaders? Note they do not ever think  the presidency will go to any other but their clansmen so this is calculated cronyism to line the pocket of their own.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This was vociferously contested in Parliament in 2009 and the PPP rammed it down the nation's throat. It cannot now be grand standing since  it has become the iconic issue of PPP excess and autocratic government.


It was a campaign platform of the APNU and AFC and they are doing the bidding of their constituency which I might remind Luncheon is now greater than the PPPs.

Not true, these conventions were always on the books informally. The PPP took steps to ratify what has always been acknowledges as benefits of past presidents. That being said, I would support a repeal of much of those benefits as Guyana  is too poor a nation to afford such extravagances. 

The benefits were unprecedented. The idea of perpetual immunity is no more than what any of the banana republic dictator can conceive of. It has to go. There must be a finite cap on the salary. It cannot be open ended so we end up creating an elite caste of x-presidents  who are essential leaches on the public with no limit to there leeching.


Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.



Originally Posted by Sharon Storm:

Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.



After all that . . . what the HELL is your point??!


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