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THEY may be government ministers or just humble men of the cloth, but to a man, they all agreed that while 2012 did have its moments, the New Year holds promise of a new beginning; a better Guyana for all.

This much the Guyana Chronicle gathered as it took to the streets and telephones yesterday to find out how some of the powers-that-be and a few members of the wider


Minister of Agriculture Dr. Leslie Ramsammy


Minister of Legal Affairs Mr. Anil Nandlall


Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Dr. Frank Anthony


Minister of Tourism (acting), and Housing and Water, Mr. Irfaan Ali


Minister of Public Works Mr. Robeson Benn


Pastor John Smith

society felt about the year that was, and how they perceived  things playing out in the year ahead. The following is what they each had to say on the matter:

Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy: “2012 was a challenging year for Guyana, yet we endured, as we chart a course to a better future for all of our people. This is our country! And we must not be distracted from building our El Dorado, a destiny that our forefathers gave their lives for. They sacrificed as slaves and indentured labourers so that we could mould a destiny for Guyana:  Eldorado.

“And as 2013 comes around, I pray that the opportunities that hover over our landscape will be firmly grasped by us as a nation, and we will lead the development path in the Caribbean.
“I look forward to working for my sisters and brothers around Guyana as we pursue our common and collective dream: To make Guyana better for all people for generations to come.
“I look forward to a 2013 when we will put behind us petty differences, and see that the nation is bigger than each of us, and bigger and more important than our political parties.
“I look forward to a year in which unity of our people is the supreme goal of all of us. I look forward to a year in which we all see our Parliament as a beacon for a parliamentary maturity and democracy.
“I am praying that in 2013, Guyanese can come together as we celebrate our heroes, and as we confront those challenges such as domestic and sexual violence that bring shame on our nation.
“Let us build our country, the land of Eldorado! Let us be able to look back at 2013 and say, ‘YES! WE made our country better in 2013; the best it ever was!
“I wish all my Guyanese sisters and brothers, wherever they might be around the world, a happy holiday, God’s blessings, and a 2013 that is most rewarding. As 2012 comes to an end, a New Year beckons with opportunity.”

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Dr. Frank Anthony: “I think, in terms of my sector, we had a very good year. In 2012, we did a number of interesting things in Culture, Youth and Sports, and I think it was a very successful year.
“This year, we have a lot of historic milestones to celebrate. In February, there is the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Slave Rebellion; May would be 155 years since the arrival of East Indian Immigrants; and August 18 is 119 years since the 1823 Demerara Slave Rebellion.
“This is just to name a few; so this year will be very busy culturally. It’s an interesting year, and we look forward to working with all stakeholders as we celebrate our history and our heritage.”

Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Ms Jennifer Webster: “The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security was able to achieve approximately 90 per cent of its targets for 2012. However, the year was challenging in some areas, especially in terms of some social issues such as domestic violence.
“We are looking forward to completing the National Action Plan on gender-based violence in 2013. I would like to see a society free of violence, and whilst we’ve done well, there is still a lot more to be done.
“The Shelter for the homeless at Onverwagt (West Coast Berbice) is still to be commissioned and we hope to realise that in early 2013.We thank both the Government of Guyana and the Government of Venezuela for making this possible: The Government of Venezuela for funding the project, and the Government of Guyana for providing the shortfall. The shelter has been completed, except for some maintenance work, and an access road is also to be done.
“The Child Care and Protection Agency continues to fulfill its mandate, and it is my hope that the Family Court will also be established this year. We are also working to expand the foster care programme.
“We are working on the deinstitutionalization and decentralization of our children; that is to take children back from institutional care.
“In 2013, we also plan to carry out often inspections of our orphanages and children’s homes, especially the private institutions, to ensure that the needs of our children are being met.
“Additionally, we are also implementing a special care programme for children with disabilities, and we will be working to ensure that staff is placed adequately in all ten administrative regions of Guyana.”

Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall: “2012 has been a year with both successes and challenges.
“Politically, we saw the opposition dominating political space in the parliament and misusing their parliamentary power to pursue agendas that are more politically vindictive rather than use their powers to advance the people’s interest and welfare. In so doing, they have violated parliamentary norms, the Constitution and the rule of law.
“On the brighter side of things, we have seen the court, the judiciary rising to the new challenges which this new parliamentary process has posed, and continues to pose.
“Economically, we continue to grow despite adverse global conditions. We have seen spectacular growth in the rice sector and in the mining sector; we have seen continuous growth in the IT sector and in the tourism sector.
“Our economy continues to be more diversified. We have seen movement in several flagship projects. For example, the specialty hospital, the Mariott Hotel project, the Amaila Falls hydro project, the airport project, all moving closer to becoming realities.
“In the legal sector, we continue to make fundamental strides as we pursue our objectives of creating a just society, and one where the rule of law prevails, and there is equal access to justice for all.
“In 2013, I hope that, politically, we can have greater constructive engagement between the government and the opposition, and less confrontation and collision in the parliament. In particular, that there is a greater realization that we are serving a higher order and that is the people of Guyana rather than persecuting personal and political grievances.
“I hope that the projects which I referred to will come closer to fruition; that we continue to grow in the sectors that we are experiencing growth; and that we overcome the challenges which we face in the sectors that are not doing that well, for example sugar.
“I hope that we realize the potential which the oil and gas sector holds for Guyana and that we continue to attract new investments so that our people will continue to live in peace and harmony as we work together to create a more equitable society.
“Lastly, I hope that we continue our leadership at a global level in relation to the Low-Carbon Development Strategy and environmental issues.
“A Happy New Year to every single Guyanese.”

Pastor John Smith of the Assemblies of God Church in Guyana: To paraphrase Pastor Smith, the year 2013 speaks to a Prophetic Destiny, in that what God has spoken and written will come to pass, as He is not known for going back on His word and never will.
He went on to say that there are some who are afraid of the number 13, but that God being the Supreme Being He is, we’ll just have to have faith and put our trust in Him. Said he: God is still God, and He is a God of numbers and people… We have to just put our trust in him.”

Pastor Hilton Garnett of the Seventh Day Adventist Church: “While 2013 will have its fair share of challenges, there is always the brighter side, because of the blessed hope of the coming of the Lord. Whatever the signs, we must believe in the brighter side.”

Minister of Tourism (acting), and Housing and Water, Mr. Irfaan Ali: “As the Minister of Tourism, I wish to see further expansion of the Tourism Sector for the coming year… such as the completion of the Marriot Hotel, and continued rapid development in the Industrial Section of the Tourism Sector. And I am confident that these initiatives will create a new employment generation for the country.
“However, from a political front, and as a minister, parliament is one of the main concerns.  I hope to see that parliament and its members, in the coming year, will put national interest before their political and personal interests, as they have displayed in the past year.
“As the Minister of Housing and Water… my desire is to continue to work with the dynamic team of the Housing Ministry in ensuring that new initiatives are successfully completed.
“It is also my wish to see all Guyanese who are eligible for house-lots have their desires fulfilled in 2013, if they were unsuccessful in the past year.
“As it relates to the water sector, I am advising all citizens to spend time looking at ways they used water on a daily basis in the past year, and educate themselves on better water conservation tactics for 2013.
“As we enter into this New Year, we should all be able to recognise and realise the economic and social value of water, as well as its sustainability and status of its importance in our country.
“With that bit of advice, I’d like to say to the nation, I wish everyone A Joyous and Prosperous New Year, and may the New Year bring all the happiness and success to our lives, as we strive to become a better Guyana.”

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Ganga Persaud: “The year 2012 was a very successful one for the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development in many areas of our work.
“We were able to establish a monitoring and evaluation unit, centrally. This greatly enhanced the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Government’s emphasis on ‘Value for Money’ in our infrastructural development projects in the 10 Administrative Regions, Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and some Municipalities.
“Further, we were able to implement an instruction from His Excellency, President Donald Ramotar; that is to provide Bill of Quantities to community groups and NDCs so that these entities can also assist in monitoring works being done in their respective communities.
“The ministry had anticipated greater success in 2012, such as the Local Government Elections and completing its work programme; however, political delays and protest actions have significantly affected the anticipated success.
“The Ministry of Local Government is hopeful that the Local Government Elections will be held in 2013, and that there will be political maturity coming from the opposition benches in parliament to support our country’s development agenda.
“We at the ministry will intensify our engagements with all stakeholders and citizens on issues requiring consultations. It is our intention to continue investments in our human resources development in our efforts to enhance our provision of effective and efficient services to the Guyanese population.
“In conclusion, I’d like to wish all of our people a very Happy New Year, and all the best in their endeavours. May this year bring all the joy in our lives, as we strive to make ourselves a better nation.”

Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development,  Mr.  Norman Whittaker: “For me, the year 2012 has been one of challenges, some disappointments, but notable successes.
“We have, as a Government, successfully resisted the attempts of the combined opposition to abuse their one-seat majority, and usurp unto themselves the mandate given to the Peoples Progressive Party-Civic Government by the electorate to govern and to deliver on the commitments we made to the Guyanese people, which are reflected in our 2011 Party Manifesto.
“Public pressure and public opinion have prevailed, and the Opposition have been compelled to restore much of the 2012 Budget cuts.
“We have won the earlier rounds of the politically and racially challenged protests, notably Linden and Agricola, and even many of the Opposition supporters who would have misguidedly supported those two parties at the November 2011 poll, have been disturbed and awakened by their lack of a development plan for Guyana.
“Their focus has been on making the country ungovernable; on getting even; and on targeting individuals within the Government.”
“Our economy continued to grow during 2012; we continued to make significant improvements in social sector and infrastructure development. I still recall our excellent performance at CXC and CAPE; our new housing schemes; the performance of rice, gold and the private sector, among others.
“At the level of the Local Government Ministry, our efforts to empower our staff at the Ministry and the RDCs/NDCs have been bearing fruit as evidenced by our end-of-year report, which shows over 90% of our Capital Works completed.
“I am confident that 2013 would see us conclude Local Government Reforms, and continue along the path of the socioeconomic growth and development we attained in 2012, with an even better performance during 2013 so that come Local Government or National Elections, the Guyanese people would be happy to place the Political Opposition in the abyss of political history where they rightly belong.”
“I wish all of Guyana A Peaceful, Prosperous and Progressive 2013, and may the Political Opposition put Guyana first.”

Minister of Public Works, Mr.  Robeson Benn: “For 2013, I am sincerely hoping that the tenth parliament of Guyana restrains itself from continuing unwitting action, which, in my view, promotes disinvestment in Guyana, and discord among its people.
“On my part, I pledge to continue to work to help develop peace, order and progress for all our fellow Guyanese.”

Taken from the Guyana Chronicle

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