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LATEST NEWS- Argentine forensic expert Dr. Luis Fondebrider on the ground in Berbice.
The expert is in Guyana to assess whether the Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropology may be able to support the efforts of the Guyana POLITICAL Force in their investigations of the deaths of
18-year old Joel Henry, 16-year old Isaiah Henry and 17-year old Haresh Singh of Number 3 Village, West Coast Berbice .
The visit will take place from December 12-16th, 2020. The GHRA said Dr. Fondebrider is expected to meet the families, visit the crime scene, meet with investigators and police personnel.
Let wait and see ...

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In Burnham's time the police were used against the people. Then came 23 years of Ganga Mary Nehru's beloved PPP. 23 years of promising to reform the police force and get them proper training and equipment. Not only was the goal missed in a dismal failure, but when help was offered by developed nations it was denied.

The same will happen now. Neither party wants strong law enforcement, but when it comes to the PPP, their dismal record of protecting citizens and the social fabric of society cannot be denied. The drug culture grew during their time in office. Sheer incompetence.

@Former Member posted:

In Burnham's time the police were used against the people. Then came 23 years of Ganga Mary Nehru's beloved PPP. 23 years of promising to reform the police force and get them proper training and equipment. Not only was the goal missed in a dismal failure, but when help was offered by developed nations it was denied.

The same will happen now. Neither party wants strong law enforcement, but when it comes to the PPP, their dismal record of protecting citizens and the social fabric of society cannot be denied. The drug culture grew during their time in office. Sheer incompetence.

This is difficult to understand.  Only during PPP governments Indians are attacked at home, more than any other time, with Indian protesting at police stations for security.  One  would believe the PPP who has more Indian support, will first look after their voters, but they ignore them more than the PNC. 

@Tola posted:

This is difficult to understand.  Only during PPP governments Indians are attacked at home, more than any other time, with Indian protesting at police stations for security.  One  would believe the PPP who has more Indian support, will first look after their voters, but they ignore them more than the PNC.

No, it's not difficult to understand. They are incompetent and cannot protect the citizenry. They prefer to use the police force and the GDF to scare stupid, docile Indians like Ganga Mary into thinking the military is a threat to them.

They have a black Brigadier in the party now. Let's see if it means anything. Thus far he's allowed them to treat the soldiers like shit, throwing nuts and mangoes at them. Stupid fker.

@Former Member posted:

In Burnham's time the police were used against the people. Then came 23 years of Ganga Mary Nehru's beloved PPP. 23 years of promising to reform the police force and get them proper training and equipment. Not only was the goal missed in a dismal failure, but when help was offered by developed nations it was denied.

The same will happen now. Neither party wants strong law enforcement, but when it comes to the PPP, their dismal record of protecting citizens and the social fabric of society cannot be denied. The drug culture grew during their time in office. Sheer incompetence.

is it ganga mary or ganga mai?

@seignet posted:

The police force is colonial structured. The inheritors of Guyana do not have the vision to know what a police force should be for Guyana's complex issues

Ali and Jagdeo were not the original inheritors. Jagan and Burnham were. Burnham made the Force into his own Image, and they terrorized Indians.

The Force needs to be revamped.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Ali and Jagdeo were not the original inheritors. Jagan and Burnham were. Burnham made the Force into his own Image, and they terrorized Indians.

The Force needs to be revamped.

If it is revamped, that means political crooks will get the law after dey azzez. This way, dey free to do criminal acts and some citizens tek full advantage over this political circumstances.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Ali and Jagdeo were not the original inheritors. Jagan and Burnham were. Burnham made the Force into his own Image, and they terrorized Indians.

The Force needs to be revamped.

@Tola posted:

Two-face black pot, make up you friggin mind, should the force be revamped or not ?

The above says that the force needs to be revamped

You are getting paranoid.  Can't you read?


Why bother with experts from other countries? Have all members of the GDF line up for waterboarding! Only soldiers kill like the Henry boys were killed! I'm still upset every time I think of that poor boy having his fingers chopped up trying to ward off the cutlass! Granger and Harmon first! I knew what the PNC was like but I supported them because I'm against any party that has Jagdeo in it! I'm watching Ali now to see if Jagdeo is his backseat driver!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Why bother with experts from other countries? Have all members of the GDF line up for waterboarding! Only soldiers kill like the Henry boys were killed! I'm still upset every time I think of that poor boy having his fingers chopped up trying to ward off the cutlass! Granger and Harmon first! I knew what the PNC was like but I supported them because I'm against any party that has Jagdeo in it! I'm watching Ali now to see if Jagdeo is his backseat driver!

I can't see why you hate Jagdeo despite all the good things he did for his country. The Civil Service and the police force start to do their jobs, now that Jagdeo is king again.  If you want to see progress just look at the difference in management style between the PNC and the PPP.  Progress has been made. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

I can't see why you hate Jagdeo despite all the good things he did for his country. The Civil Service and the police force start to do their jobs, now that Jagdeo is king again.  If you want to see progress just look at the difference in management style between the PNC and the PPP.  Progress has been made.

So it's Jagdeo (the king as you labelled him)who pulls the strings isn't it? So why when others mention this you and the other Jaggy lovers say it's nonsense.

Poor Ali, poor poor Ali the puppet.

@cain posted:

So it's Jagdeo (the king as you labelled him)who pulls the strings isn't it? So why when others mention this you and the other Jaggy lovers say it's nonsense.

Poor Ali, poor poor Ali the puppet.

So what! It's PPP all the way.  We have more than one Leader.  You call him the Puppet, but he is not.  You guys can't see past your noses.

It doesn't matter if it's Jagdeo or Ali.  Look what is happening in the country.

@Ramakant-P posted:

So what! It's PPP all the way.  We have more than one Leader.  You call him the Puppet, but he is not.  You guys can't see past your noses.

It doesn't matter if it's Jagdeo or Ali.  Look what is happening in the country.

Rama Kant Pee, which other leader controls the CC, PPP, as general secretary, VP and move Ali lips ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

I can't see why you hate Jagdeo despite all the good things he did for his country. The Civil Service and the police force start to do their jobs, now that Jagdeo is king again.  If you want to see progress just look at the difference in management style between the PNC and the PPP.  Progress has been made.

2 reasons: 1 He is a Communist who will lead Guyana into a disastrous confrontation with the landlords of the Western Hemisphere, the US, especially through his connection with Manuro*! 2. the killing of those 400 (?) black men under his watch, if even they were criminals! When a government does that, the government itself is criminal! I am for rehabilitation, not state sanctioned murder! Why do you think I now loathe the coalition government?

* You don't think the US is going to stand idly by and watch their economy crash, do you?!! The same reason I decided to vote PNC in 1968, even though I favoured Cheddi's PPP! My reasons didn't matter! The PNC took no chances as I wasn't black enough (only 1/8) and stole my overseas vote anyway!

I detest dreamers! Especially when they encourage drug smuggling and money laundering! Why didn't Jagdeo meet with Pompeo? No one has ventured to inform me from where Jagdeo got the money to build his mansion!

Last edited by Former Member
@Bigan Choka posted:

Patiently awaiting to find out who criminals really are.

Tired if finger pointing. Need some concrete evidence (if there was any left at the scene)

These boys deserve justice

You wil NEVER find out! Why don't Granger and Harmon venture an opinion? They were top leaders of the GDF! These killings were done by soldiers who are trained to kill mercilessly! The police know, too, but are avoiding the issue because of race solidarity! The money spent on Argentinan advice is wasted! I'm still grieving whenever I think of that poor boy trying to avoid the cutlass and having his fingers chopped up! Disgusting! Killing your own to start a civil war because you want the power to become wealthy from the oil! They don't care about the people who voted for them! They only used them! So, they are probably thinking of sending someone to shut me up! I welcome them! Come!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You wil NEVER find out! Why don't Granger and Harmon venture an opinion? They were top leaders of the GDF! These killings were done by soldiers who are trained to kill mercilessly! The police know, too, but are avoiding the issue because of race solidarity! The money spent on Argentinan advice is wasted! I'm still grieving whenever I think of that poor boy trying to avoid the cutlass and having his fingers chopped up! Disgusting! Killing your own to start a civil war because you want the power to become wealthy from the oil! They don't care about the people who voted for them! They only used them! So, they are probably thinking of sending someone to shut me up! I welcome them! Come!

Heard that the Chinese and Sri Lankans are already there but taking a low key.

@Mitwah posted:

Heard that the Chinese and Sri Lankans are already there but taking a low key.

I am only giving voice to what others are only thinking! I don't give a sh*t! These PNC fools have shot themselves in the foot and their chances of regaining the government is less than nil! Unless Jagdeo causes Ali to fk up! A poor chance of that happening unless he proves himself to be just a mouthpiece for that other piece of Commie sh*t!

Last edited by Former Member

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