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Originally Posted by Lucas:

This where the Amerikan government fears lie..America was built on stolen land. Return Alaska to Russia, Florida to the Spanish, Louisiana and Mississippi to the French, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona California and Oregon to the Mexicans. Reduce America to its real size. When it didn't exist, just 200 years ago.

Interesting since all of those 'original' owners were not the original owners. Russia isn't even able to govern the land they had even before they recently annexed Crimea why would they want more?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Lucas:

So your claim is that Alaska should belong to Amerika because Russia is to large to govern that part.

Notice that under that claim, both  or all, America or Russia or China can have the right to govern every part of the world they consider is not well governed, including backwards Guyana.

I stated none of the sort. You need to work on your reading skills.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

This where the Amerikan government fears lie..America was built on stolen land. Return Alaska to Russia, Florida to the Spanish, Louisiana and Mississippi to the French, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona California and Oregon to the Mexicans. Reduce America to its real size. When it didn't exist, just 200 years ago.

They can always try invading it and taking it forcefully like they did with Crimea.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

This where the Amerikan government fears lie..America was built on stolen land. Return Alaska to Russia, Florida to the Spanish, Louisiana and Mississippi to the French, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona California and Oregon to the Mexicans. Reduce America to its real size. When it didn't exist, just 200 years ago.




Forget to take your medications?  Alaska was PURCHASED by the US from the Russians.  The Russians obtained Alaska by KILLING Aleuts and Inuits.


The USA stole land from the Mexicans who (via the Spanish) stole land from the Indians.  "Tief from tief mek God laugh". 


The Mexicans have no more rights to those lands. Indeed various Amerindian nations also fought each other for territory, so they don't seem to have any more legitimacy either.  Clearly might is right and power is the only legitimizing factor.  Power goes to the strongest.


Now go and take your medications!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

This where the Amerikan government fears lie..America was built on stolen land. Return Alaska to Russia, Florida to the Spanish, Louisiana and Mississippi to the French, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona California and Oregon to the Mexicans. Reduce America to its real size. When it didn't exist, just 200 years ago.




Forget to take your medications?  Alaska was PURCHASED by the US from the Russians.  The Russians obtained Alaska by KILLING Aleuts and Inuits.


The USA stole land from the Mexicans who (via the Spanish) stole land from the Indians.  "Tief from tief mek God laugh". 


The Mexicans have no more rights to those lands. Indeed various Amerindian nations also fought each other for territory, so they don't seem to have any more legitimacy either.  Clearly might is right and power is the only legitimizing factor.  Power goes to the strongest.


Now go and take your medications!

Mexicans did not come from Europe. Haven't you seen their skin color and face features?

Mexicans are native Americans converted to Catholicism by the Spaniards.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

AMERICA is one of those few countries build on STOLEN land., taken from people they regarded as inferior because of the color of their skin.



And do you think that Russia is any different.  Most of that country is based on lands seized from inhabitants of Central Asia.   It seized Alaska by killing the Aleuts and Iniuts as easily as hunters kill seals.


So why are you exempting them?


Of course one can argue the same for Brazil.  Did Portuguese live in Brazil before the laste 15th century?  Clearly not!  They slaughtered the indigenous populations and demolished much of the Congo/Angola regions.


Indeed Lucas the Portuguese were way more involved in the internal affairs of the existing African kingdoms, during the slave trade, than were the Dutch, British or the French. 


In the latter instances the rulers of the kingdoms of the Ashanti, Dahomey, Yoruba and Igbo forced these European traders to stay in their ships or forts, and accept the slaves and other products to be sold to them, on the basis of goods that these African rulers required of these Europeans.  They were NOT permited to go inland, as did the Portuguese in Congo/Angola.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Lucas:

Mexicans did not come from Europe. Haven't you seen their skin color and face features?

Mexicans are native Americans converted to Catholicism by the Spaniards.

I know in your incoherent state you actually believe that Indigenous people rule Mexico.


No Lucas the INDIO is despised in Mexico, as they are all over Latin America.  Tell any mestizo that he is INDIO and he will KILL you.  Take a look at the presidents of Mexico.  How many of them look like INDIOS?  Indeed until VERY RECENTLY most of them were WHITE, as are the ruling elites of Mexico.


I know you didnt do history but the Spaniards over threw the Aztecs, who themselves were a bloodthirsty lot.  They could only do so with the help of other indigenous groups who wished to rid themselves of Aztec rule.  Too bad it turned out that Spanish rule was even MORE ruinous for them, to the extent that teh indigenous peoples are at the BOTTOM of the ladder in Mexico!


In addition those regions of the south west USA were settled by SPANIARDS, who stole the land from the existing Indigenous peoples, the Pueblos, and others.


Stop peddling lies to justify Latin American brutlaity by Iberians like YOU!


Tief from tief mek God laugh.  The Spaniards stole the lands from the indigenous peoples, and then had their lands stolen from them by the USA. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Lucas:

AMERICA is one of those few countries build on STOLEN land., taken from people they regarded as inferior because of the color of their skin.



Damn, you're a real stupidy punce.


How do you think the Brazil you so love was built? By fair skinned Europeans who invaded the country, wiped out the natives, stole their land and used slave labor to build their new country.


They're even more racist than Americans. Look how they built walls around the poor black people in Brazil so that the World Cup tourists would not see them.


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