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@Former Member posted:


 say no to that.    I say it's time for hard work.  It's time to choose the right person for the right job. In 1992, Cheddi gave the Ministerial positions to party hacks and they didn't do a good job. Those days should be gone.   Jagdeo should recommend more technocrats for ministerial positions.  We don't have time celebrate we have work to do.


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Statement by Sir Shridath Ramphal
Decision of Chair of Guyana Elections Commission
17 June 2020

As one who pleaded that we, Guyanese, “do not descend into the pit of lawlessness”, I applaud the Chairman of GECOM, Claudette Singh, for elevating the rule of law above all other considerations.

The CARICOM Report on the recount of the votes in the March 2nd general elections is more than a milestone in democracy in Guyana; it is a landmark in democratic ethics throughout CARICOM.

President Granger emphatically said that “CARICOM was the most legitimate interlocutor” in the Guyana electoral crisis. And he was right. So it is. As long ago as 2001, CARICOM Heads of Government (including Guyana’s)

“stressing that the Region had a long-standing tradition of respect for the will of the people expressed through free and fair elections on a regular basis”â€Ķ “pledged to work together to maintain and strengthen the institution and processes essential to democratic Government”.

The CARICOM scrutineers have gilded that pledge, and the Chairman of GECOM, in respecting the legalities their Report ordained. has married law to democracy.

The outcome of the Guyana General Election 2020 must be an example - not only in Guyana but regionally and world-wide - of the strength of law and democracy.

Note to Editors: Sir Shridath Ramphal was one of the “Three Wisemen” who brokered the Herdmanston Accord in 1998 to end a political impasse in Guyana. He is former Attorney-General and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana; Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Chairman of the West Indian Commission, Chancellor of three Universities - the University of the West Indies, the University of Guyana and the University of Warwick (UK), Head of the CARICOM Regional Negotiating Machinery. He is a celebrated international lawyer and member of Guyana’s legal team at the International Court of Justice in the contention with Venezuela which opens on June 30th.

Last edited by Django

Where was the will of the People when he legislate laws to rig the 1968 General election. 

1. He gave them the overseas vote.  All votes went to the PNC.

2. He gave the PNC control of the Judiciary and the ARMY.

3. Control of the Civil Service.

These were the reasons why the PNC were able to rig and rule for 28 years.

What a bastard!

In return, Burnham was responsible for him to become Secretary General of the British Commonwealth. That was the payoff.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Sheik101 posted:

Why gloomy? Why not foggy which it is.

Jango bai. Ah know the feeling but yuh got to let go.I'm sure u have more important things to do.

What feeling ? I know what's  true DEMOCRACY ,not the half baked the PPP sells and many people buys it.

I am semi-retired ,have time on my hands to focus on the troubles of Guyana.

Will deal with some of the Propaganda later.

Last edited by Django

Jagdeo looks real tired, it’s been a long haul.  There were so many heroes of this election- Nandalall, Shuman, Yearwood, Kissoon, the folks guarding the ballot boxes and so many others.

Listened to Jagdeo talking to the crowd in front of freedom house last night.  He is ready to go back to his 24/7 workaholic self.

The crowd was so happy and relaxed, a long 3 months for them.  And most of all I could not help noticing the diversity, the country united to get rid of incompetence.  People are ready to move on.

Last edited by Django
@alena06 posted:

Jagdeo looks real tired, it’s been a long haul.  There were so many heroes of this election- Nandalall, Shuman, Yearwood, Kissoon, the folks guarding the ballot boxes and so many others.

Listened to Jagdeo talking to the crowd in front of freedom house last night.  He is ready to go back to his 24/7 workaholic self.

The crowd was so happy and relaxed, a long 3 months for them.  And most of all I could not help noticing the diversity, the country united to get rid of incompetence.  People are ready to move on.

De diversity is because Indos gat to keep kuntry side in dese election time. 


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