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February 14, 2016 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

We are responding to a request by a number of our supporters who are asking for public reassurance that the AFC is steadfastly committed to the pillars that the party has built its foundation on.  We laid out those pillars last week as:-
1. Private sector-driven economy
2. Better equipped facilities to fight crime
3. Equal opportunity so we all live as one nation
4. Political Reforms to pursue our one destiny
5. Greater focus on our Youth, our Future
Today we recapture the mood of Change that this party was founded on in 2006.
The following article first appeared pre-election, November 2011.
“For over forty years the talk of transforming Guyana has been just that – talk!  Oh yes…some lives have been transformed –but take a good look,  they are just the ruling elite, but for the average Guyanese, the poor have gotten poorer, our trained skills continue to migrate, and more people suffering from mental illnesses are out in the streets.  But we continue to dream of better days when we could live peacefully, in harmony, from generation to generation.
The Alliance for Change is here to tell you that we see, we hear and we can change this altogether because the AFC IS different.  We say what we mean and mean what we say!  Since this party was formed as a ‘movement’ in 2006 we have stood fast to our founding principles.
We have been determined to shape a new brand of politics in Guyana.  We know that it must begin with healing and reconciliation and a commitment to work hard to change Guyana’s race-based politics which for centuries has pitted one race against another.  We Guyanese are too few, a population of just three quarters of a million, to allow ourselves to be led down that road.  That road has destroyed trust and kinship; it had broken up families and torn old friendships apart.  That we cannot afford.
The AFC’s core principle states that: “The development of a just society is founded on the supremacy of the rule of law and the belief that all persons are equal”.  This is the foundation of our collective belief, and our plan to transform Guyana and its economy for the benefit of all Guyanese.
The vision of the AFC, plain and simple, is to bring healing to Guyana through the creation of a just, equitable and unified state, ensuring that we move forward from this struggling under-developed, mendicant nation to one that is proud and self-sufficient.
There is a story about a few friends who, coming from different places sometimes hostile to each other, found themselves thrown together by a combination of fate and circumstances. These friends didn’t bemoan the disappearance of their habitats.  They chose instead to venture out into the unknown, fully cognizant that the road ahead would be filled with traps and snares.  They were confident that with the help of God, their own skills and the support of family and friends, they would emerge on the other side better for the lessons learnt while they were together fighting the adversities they faced.
This is the lesson for all of us and our supporters: With goodwill and mutual support, we shall overcome all obstacles.  The road to recovery will be long and hard.  It will seem endless as we battle the ills of society that were allowed to embed themselves for far too long.  Some will lose faith and fall by the wayside.  The going will appear to be slow and look as if we’re marking time which we really don’t have the luxury of.  We have a country to rebuild for this generation and the next.
Goodness and Commonsense will prevail.  Progress must be made from the inside out.  Systems must be rebuilt with new parts, new ideas to bring about a working model that benefits everyone.  But just like the days of old, there will be naysayers, intense opposition, disappointment, attacks, rumour, character assassination, harassment, and a deliberate and consistent twisting of the blatant truth that some of the most stable-minded among us will begin to doubt even the good and the benefits that they see before them.  We will have to grit our teeth and persevere, because the nation expects nothing less of us.
We’re already forgetting the past when we were referred to as wishy-washy rejects, upstarts, dreamers and opportunists.  When we really get down and dirty to our elbows digging up the rotten roots that are tainting the soils of our land, we fully expect to be accused of every crime that the incumbent has committed and practiced, because they are inventive with the truth.  Propaganda is their strong suit, don’t ever forget that.  They will score 100% every time for dirty name calling, for twisting the truth, for mudslinging.
Having walked around this country and listened to the voices of the people, we believe that what the people of Guyana want is a new political consciousness which peels away the layers of old hatred and old wrongs, political recrimination, finger pointing, killings, corruption, mismanagement, and lawlessness.  People want the establishment of a wholesome government, a real government.
The AFC intends to work steadfastly and relentlessly to bring this vision to reality.  We must be the change if we want there to be change!!”

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what the people of Guyana want is a new political consciousness which peels away the layers of old hatred and old wrongs, political recrimination, finger pointing, killings, corruption, mismanagement, and lawlessness.  People want the establishment of a wholesome government, a real government.
The AFC intends to work steadfastly and relentlessly to bring this vision to reality.  We must be the change if we want there to be change!!”


the AFC is steadfastly committed to the pillars that the party has built its foundation on.  We laid out those pillars last week as:-
1. Private sector-driven economy
2. Better equipped facilities to fight crime
3. Equal opportunity so we all live as one nation
4. Political Reforms to pursue our one destiny
5. Greater focus on our Youth, our Future
Today we recapture the mood of Change that this party was founded on in 2006.

Mitwah posted:

the AFC is steadfastly committed to the pillars that the party has built its foundation on.  We laid out those pillars last week as:-
1. Private sector-driven economy
2. Better equipped facilities to fight crime
3. Equal opportunity so we all live as one nation
4. Political Reforms to pursue our one destiny
5. Greater focus on our Youth, our Future
Today we recapture the mood of Change that this party was founded on in 2006.

                            NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

Private sector-driven economy:  Raid all dem rich coolieman house in the middle of the night.
Better equipped facilities to fight crime: Not going to happen. Leff or rite. "Gee me wan lil raise and you can go".
Equal opportunity so we all live as one nation: Ethnic cleansing in progress.
Political Reforms to pursue our one destiny: Bully all the Indians. Abie time now.
Greater focus on our Youth, our Future: Pardon and release all of our supporters and send them to national service so they live for free.

Last edited by Former Member

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