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Former Member

It was said that the PPP committee members voted for Donald Ramotar as presidential candidate was undemocratic. The PNC recently committed the same undemocratic process to select David Granger as the incumbent leader of the opposition (APNU).


AFC is the smart are keen party chosen to be different from (PPP/PNC) and accept a democratic process to chose their presidential and prime ministerial candidates for the up coming election.



Ramjattan went ahead and endorsed a Moses Nagamootoo and Nigel Hughes ticket for the AFC. Please note: AFC committee members hasn't meet as yet to make their choices known. Problems? Yes, there is! This will eventually put pressure on members to go along with Ramjattan public endorsement of Moses Nagamootoo & Nigel Hughes. Peer pressure is influencing another person's decision, and that is undemocratic in nature.



APNU & AFC are not seeing eye to eye since Granger give priority on Local Election over General Election. (2) Ramjattan endorsement of Magamootoo & Hughes as running mate of the AFC indicates that there will be no coalition between APNU & AFC. (3) Granger is in a position to pull away from supporting the AFC sponsored no-confidence motion of their choosing.



Comments and suggestions are welcome!




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Originally Posted by raymond:

Is the electoral college system democratic?

As far as I know, yes. America has of the best electoral system in place to provide a 24 hours election results in all 50 states and its territories. They set a democratic system in place for other nations to follow.

Last edited by Former Member

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