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A month ago there were sod turning ceremonies on a weekly basis. Investors confidence was at its peak. Buildings were erecting across the country, and business were blooming. The idea of building the Amaila Hydro Plant kept fresh in our minds by the government strong desire to provide clean and cheap energy to the nation. A month after, we have to worry about the integrity of our democracy that was sold, and a personal accord that gone sour between two power hungry parties. Among the growing concerns that follows: The joint venture between Guyana and Brazil to build Hydro Plants in the Essequibo region is halt due to heighten tension by Venezuela's new claims. Every election promises were broken. Murder on the rise. Racial tension plaguing the country. The medias are being controlled by the government. Guyanese are now fearful of what their future May hold under the installed PNC regime.

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cobra, That was what they said they were going to do if they win the election.

The people knew that and they still voted for them. They got what they wished for.  I don't fell sorry for them.  However, I am encouraging all Indians to join their families in North America.   Those who don't see themselves as Indians should stay in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Granger is president for only black people, I don't know how a putagee man can be proud of that. You are lower than the Dalits according to Granger's black disciples.

interesting how y'all PPP deranged project alyuh race disease on others


anyway snake, last i checked, the Portuguese are a European people


suh dalit bai, bow down to de man, arite?


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Coalition will do better.  As Dr. Jagan said, "Don't worry, everything will be alright."


You will get land with houses on them as in East, West, North, South Ruimveldt, Atlanticville, etc.


PPP give land ONLY ; we will give house and land.  We will start with the Lombard St and Tiger Bay people.

u are such a fake

Originally Posted by Cobra:
A month ago there were sod turning ceremonies on a weekly basis. Investors confidence was at its peak. Buildings were erecting across the country, and business were blooming. The idea of building the Amaila Hydro Plant kept fresh in our minds by the government strong desire to provide clean and cheap energy to the nation. A month after, we have to worry about the integrity of our democracy that was sold, and a personal accord that gone sour between two power hungry parties. Among the growing concerns that follows: The joint venture between Guyana and Brazil to build Hydro Plants in the Essequibo region is halt due to heighten tension by Venezuela's new claims. Every election promises were broken. Murder on the rise. Racial tension plaguing the country. The medias are being controlled by the government. Guyanese are now fearful of what their future May hold under the installed PNC regime.

Of Course the dream of having ex President Mr 10% Jagdeo collecting on all these deals, is now shattered.






Originally Posted by Cobra:
A month ago there were sod turning ceremonies on a weekly basis. Investors confidence was at its peak. Buildings were erecting across the country, and business were blooming. The idea of building the Amaila Hydro Plant kept fresh in our minds by the government strong desire to provide clean and cheap energy to the nation. A month after, we have to worry about the integrity of our democracy that was sold, and a personal accord that gone sour between two power hungry parties. Among the growing concerns that follows: The joint venture between Guyana and Brazil to build Hydro Plants in the Essequibo region is halt due to heighten tension by Venezuela's new claims. Every election promises were broken. Murder on the rise. Racial tension plaguing the country. The medias are being controlled by the government. Guyanese are now fearful of what their future May hold under the installed PNC regime.

What a horrible place Guyana has become overnight. You poor little man.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A month ago there were sod turning ceremonies on a weekly basis. Investors confidence was at its peak. Buildings were erecting across the country, and business were blooming. The idea of building the Amaila Hydro Plant kept fresh in our minds by the government strong desire to provide clean and cheap energy to the nation. A month after, we have to worry about the integrity of our democracy that was sold, and a personal accord that gone sour between two power hungry parties. Among the growing concerns that follows: The joint venture between Guyana and Brazil to build Hydro Plants in the Essequibo region is halt due to heighten tension by Venezuela's new claims. Every election promises were broken. Murder on the rise. Racial tension plaguing the country. The medias are being controlled by the government. Guyanese are now fearful of what their future May hold under the installed PNC regime.

What a horrible place Guyana has become overnight. You poor little man.


Yea, dem horrible evil Black people managed to destroy Guyana in a mere 34 days of being in office. Amazingly, they managed to do this on an empty treasury.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A month ago there were sod turning ceremonies on a weekly basis. Investors confidence was at its peak. Buildings were erecting across the country, and business were blooming. The idea of building the Amaila Hydro Plant kept fresh in our minds by the government strong desire to provide clean and cheap energy to the nation. A month after, we have to worry about the integrity of our democracy that was sold, and a personal accord that gone sour between two power hungry parties. Among the growing concerns that follows: The joint venture between Guyana and Brazil to build Hydro Plants in the Essequibo region is halt due to heighten tension by Venezuela's new claims. Every election promises were broken. Murder on the rise. Racial tension plaguing the country. The medias are being controlled by the government. Guyanese are now fearful of what their future May hold under the installed PNC regime.

What a horrible place Guyana has become overnight. You poor little man.


Yea, dem horrible evil Black people managed to destroy Guyana in a mere 34 days of being in office. Amazingly, they managed to do this on an empty treasury.

Can you buy a roll of duct tape, run over by R\H and gag his ass?  I'm getting tired of him whining marning noon and night.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
What happen to investors confidence, infrastructure development, DEA office, crimes, clean water, wage increase, sea defense, etc? Can the PNC handle these things?

Rohee and the Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal blocked the establishment of a DEA office in Guyana sometime ago.....


Sir, this is not the PPP problem any longer. What's the PNC will do about these things?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
What happen to investors confidence, infrastructure development, DEA office, crimes, clean water, wage increase, sea defense, etc? Can the PNC handle these things?

guyana ever had clean water maybe under that rock you live under 


Friggin water almost killed me of bacterial meningitis when I was like 6. I miraculously survived thanks to the PNC health system. Under the PPP, I woulda been dead.



Originally Posted by Cobra:
What happen to investors confidence, infrastructure development, DEA office, crimes, clean water, wage increase, sea defense, etc? Can the PNC handle these things?

Were the PPP able to handle any of these projects? They could have at least complete some,  if not all . Twenty three years is a long time.
So what were they doing, jerking off?


OK about this "gone fuh channa" reference. I know I'm probably gonna regret this but WTF does "gone fuh channa" mean? What's the origin of this? Is going for some garbanzo beans a sign of new found poverty? Why is the noble channa bean associated with a state of decrepitude? Does one have to adjust their dietary habits from one of finest aloo to one of poverty channa?

Originally Posted by Freaky:
I think dem high caste Indos sold our foreparents a whole load a crap where our linguistic skills are concerned

ayuh mus tell massa bout channa and katahar


We do have a rich linguistic heritage in our post-Biharian Anglophonic dialect


Where would the English language be without such gems as "cunumunu"? (still not sure what that means)


Would it sound as melodious to the Indic ears if we were to say "The Republic of Guyana has been sent the way of the garbanzo legume"?

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Lol or neemakharam duh is hindish yes?


I swear to God I've never heard the word "neemakharam" used outside of a PPP chammar and GNI context.


If your political opponent makes a reasoned argument based on history, law, custom, and reason and you have no problem. Call he sk**t wan "neemakharam"


Debate done win!


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