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Dear Editor,

Please permit me a few lines of succinct but hopefully effective reply.

On April 22, 2021, a letter from the family of Sash Sawh was published in various media outlets, acknowledging 15 years since his killing, and imploring an independent inquiry into his death. Later the same day, His Excellency President Ali released a statement lauding Sash Sawh on the 15th anniversary of his killing. The statement did not mention the words ‘justice’, ‘investigation’, ‘inquiry’, or anything remotely synonymous once. Not once. Even later that day, the People’s Progres-sive Party released a statement that hailed Sash Sawh’s contributions, but went on to speak of an era characterized by elements that sought to destabilize the state, and to reference race-baiting and the killings of the Henry Boys. The statement did not mention the words ‘justice’, ‘investigation’, ‘inquiry’, or anything remotely synonymous once. Not once.

At the risk of sounding obvious, oblivious, or both, if there is such lament over the death of Sash Sawh, how is it possible to release complete statements and not mention the words ‘justice’, ‘investigation’, ‘inquiry’, or anything remotely synonymous once? Not once? Sash Sawh’s contributions were undoubtedly laudable, and we genuinely appreciate every kind thought expressed about our beloved husband and father – but there is absolutely no sugar-coating the fact that his execution is a blight on the history of modern Guyana. Our family remains steadfast in imploring action in pursuit of justice via an independent inquiry into the events of April 22, 2006.


Roger Sawh

On behalf of the family of the

late Satyadeow Sawh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@seignet posted:

Publicly he promised her-1992.

Did he promise to find the killer and bring him to justice?  I can't remember what he said.  A very wealthy man was implicated in the killing of Monica Reece.  Cheddie would have known who it was.  Of course, it was up to the police to build a case.


PPP is in total control of the gangs now. These gangs are a counterbalance to the army. They are mainly into gold smuggling and other hustle. The PPP orders executions as it sees fit. But the Americans are watching. They are not so concerned with the gold issue even though some are coming from Maduro's camps, they are watching for the white power. The PPP has a delicate balance to keep their gangs and appease the Americans. Let's see if the wheels will fall off one day...

@Former Member posted:

PPP is in total control of the gangs now. These gangs are a counterbalance to the army. They are mainly into gold smuggling and other hustle. The PPP orders executions as it sees fit. But the Americans are watching. They are not so concerned with the gold issue even though some are coming from Maduro's camps, they are watching for the white power. The PPP has a delicate balance to keep their gangs and appease the Americans. Let's see if the wheels will fall off one day...

Make a prediction! If the PPP had total control of the gangs, the PNC wouldn't be able to flex its muscles. Do you actually think that blacks would attack blacks to appease the PPP? I don't know where you are going with this, but I caution you to stop. It is not healthy.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Make a prediction! If the PPP had total control of the gangs, the PNC wouldn't be able to flex its muscles. Do you actually think that blacks would attack blacks to appease the PPP? I don't know where you are going with this, but I caution you to stop. It is not healthy.

Mr Rama like yuh rented the handle to dem boys at Robb Street.

@Totaram posted:

Did he promise to find the killer and bring him to justice?  I can't remember what he said.  A very wealthy man was implicated in the killing of Monica Reece.  Cheddie would have known who it was.  Of course, it was up to the police to build a case.

Which police? What case?

@Former Member posted:

Which police? What case?

The Monica Reece murder happened early in Cheddi's term.  The police had information on a well known businessman but nothing happened. That's the case and it's the Guyanese police. 

@Totaram posted:

The Monica Reece murder happened early in Cheddi's term.  The police had information on a well known businessman but nothing happened. That's the case and it's the Guyanese police.

Yeah? What police? Which case?


How do you explain Mr. Sawh's gold credit card in Uncle Willie Ramcharan's pants pocket on his dead body. At a time when both the leadership of the PPP and PNC were trying to contain these so-called freedom fighter animals.

@seignet posted:

Sorry to say, the PPP makes promises WITH NO INTENTIONS in honoring them. CBJ made a promise to the mother of Monica Reece. He forgot about it the next day.

Cheddi wasn't the President then. How come you are not blaming President Hoyte?

@seignet posted:

Sorry to say, the PPP makes promises WITH NO INTENTIONS in honoring them. CBJ made a promise to the mother of Monica Reece. He forgot about it the next day.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Cheddi wasn't the President then. How come you are not blaming President Hoyte?

Hoyte wasn't President of Guyana  ,when Monica Reece was murdered in April ,1993.

@Django posted:

Hoyte wasn't President of Guyana  ,when Monica Reece was murdered in April ,1993.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Then how could Cheddi promise to take care of the matter in 1992 as posted here?

Seignet ,made an error with the year ,elections was on October 5, 1992 .The statement was made in 1993.


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