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Jim Jones during a sermon.

"Father"Jim Jones

Exactly 35 years ago today, over 900 Americans and a handful of Guyanese died by murder-suicide in Region 1, Guyana.

They were members of the People's Temple headed by Rev Jim Jones whom they had to address as "Father."

The tragedy took place at the Port Kaituma airstrip and Jonestown nearby, where Rev Jones' commune was located.

Newspapers, TV and radio all over the world broadcast news of the event, putting small and poor Guyana in the unwanted spotlight.

The Jonestown massacre has important lessons for mankind, 35 years after.

A good number of books have been written on the subject. The Internet provides ample information too.

Young Guyanese are urged to check out these resources to learn more about a state within a state in Guyana, how it came into being and how it self-destructed.

For the older folks, where were you on the evening of Saturday November 18, 1978? I was dining at National Restaurant on Robb Street, G/town, eating a mixed fried rice special and drinking a Banks beer.

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In 1979 some relatives took me to the home of one of their acquaintances in Canal #1 Polder, West Bank Demerara, for a visit.

The man of the house noticed I was smoking and he provided an ashtray. It was a simple square glass ashtray that was available in Georgetown stores.

"Yuh know wheh da ashtray come from, brudda?" the man asked me.

"No. Why you ask?"

"Da ting come from Jonestown," he informed me with a broad grin.

My relatives explained to me that he was a policeman stationed at Port Kaituma.

The policemen and other Guyanese government officials who visited Jonestown shortly after November 18, 1978 helped themselves to assorted items on site.


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